
hé kuò sàn
  • nuclear proliferation;nuclear dispersal
核扩散[hé kuò sàn]
  1. 核扩散重新成为国际事务的关注焦点。

    Nuclear proliferation has returned to centre stage in international affairs .

  2. 随着G7和G20被被作者称为G-0的世界所代替,全球变暖、核扩散以及网络管理等都将是更难处理的问题。

    Global warming , nuclear proliferation and internet regulation are all harder to address , with the G7 and G20 supplanted by what the author calls the " G-Zero . "

  3. ISIS也注意到核扩散黑市牵涉到德国、瑞士等国的某些公司。

    ISIS also draws attention to companies involved in the nuclear black market located in countries such as Germany and Switzerland .

  4. 令人作呕的龙想要为核扩散之母取得协议,它表示,意指中国可能会要求NSG也撤销对巴基斯坦的禁令。

    Slimy dragon wants deal for mother of proliferators , it said , referring to perceptions that China might call for an NSG waiver for Pakistan as well .

  5. 改进了kruis模型,推导出了气相爆燃合成和爆轰合成的晶核扩散生长模型,计算结果和实验结果比较符合。

    Moreover , the kruis model was improved . And the growth model of crystal nuclear proliferation for gas deflagration and detonation synthesis was derived . The calculation results are close to the experimental results .

  6. GT-MHR满足第4代核能系统(GenIV)关于非能动安全性、良好经济性、高度防核扩散性及改善环境的要求,比现代核电厂所产生的核废料更少,燃料的利用率更高。

    GT-MHRs can satisfy Generation IV goals of passive safety , good economics , high proliferation-resistance , and improved environmental characteristics , including re-duced waste and better fuel utilization than the current generation of nuclear power plants .

  7. 液态氟盐冷却球床堆(LSPBR)是氟盐冷却高温堆(FHRs)中的一种,属于第四代反应堆范畴,具有良好的经济性、安全性、可持续性和防核扩散性。

    Liquid fluoride salt cooled pebble bed reactor ( LSPBR ) is one of fluoride salt cooled high temperature reactor ( FHRs ), belongs to the Gen-IV reactors category . It has a good economy , safety , sustainability and prevention of nuclear proliferation .

  8. 防止核扩散的国际努力受到严峻挑战。

    International efforts against nuclear proliferation are faced with severe challenges .

  9. 从气候变化到贫困,从核扩散到疾病。

    From climate change to poverty , from nuclear proliferation to diseases .

  10. 全球核扩散危机:现状、根源及对策

    Crisis of Nuclear Proliferation : Situation , Origins and Countermeasures

  11. 防止核扩散的紧迫性是不可否认的。

    The urgent need for nuclear nonproliferation is undeniable .

  12. 恐怖主义仍在继续,还有我刚才说过的核扩散问题。

    There are terrorism that works , there are nuclear proliferation as I said .

  13. 全球核扩散危机严重威胁到世界的和平与稳定。

    The crisis of the nuclear proliferation greatly threatens the world peace and stabilization .

  14. 他们认为,未来核扩散是不可避免的,阻止该趋势的努力将是徒劳的。

    According to them , future proliferation is inevitable ; stopping it is futile .

  15. 防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚。

    The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear .

  16. 球床反应堆的支持者们还指出,这种技术能防止核扩散。

    The reactor 's supporters also argue that the technology is secure from proliferation .

  17. 巴核扩散记录甚至会让成群结队的对朝鲜核活动挑拨离间者脸红。

    Its proliferation record would make the serial nuclear mischief-makers of North Korea blush .

  18. 核扩散的神奇数字是21。

    The number for nuclear proliferation is 21 .

  19. 防止核扩散的两大难题&以印美核关系为例

    Two Major Problems of the Nuclear Nonproliferation : A Perspective of India-US Nuclear Relations

  20. 防止核扩散仅仅通过传统的外交方式是不能解决的。

    " Stopping nuclear proliferation cant be addressed purely by conventional diplomacy ," said Sawers .

  21. 核扩散与反扩散:当代国际安全深化的困境&以朝鲜核试验为例

    Deepening Predicament of International Security : The DPRK 's Nuclear Test and Its Empirical Implications

  22. 军事安全利益着重表现为捍卫祖国统一、维护领土完整、防范军事威胁以及军控和防止核扩散;

    Military security interests contain territorial integrity , protection against military threats and so on .

  23. 在进行非法核扩散方面,我们的记录完美无瑕。

    We have an impeccable record at not contributing in any way to unauthorised proliferation .

  24. 他决心把美军重点放在阿富汗、巴基斯坦和核扩散上,这都很有预见性。

    His determination to focus American power on Afghanistan , Pakistan and proliferation was prescient .

  25. 希尔说,金桂冠还向他保证北韩没有从事核扩散。

    He said Kim also assured him North Korea is not involved in nuclear proliferation .

  26. 想一想气候变化、金融不稳定、核扩散、资源短缺和恐怖主义等问题就知道了。

    Think of climate change , financial instability , nuclear proliferation , resource shortages and terrorism .

  27. 研究还考虑了对能源保障、核扩散、死亡率以及营养不良的间接影响。

    Indirect effects on energy security , nuclear proliferation , mortality and under-nutrition were also included .

  28. 第三章分析了应对核扩散的战略手段,全面分析了不扩散、反扩散和加强后果管理等手段。

    There are three tools or pillars : nonproliferation , counter - proliferation and consequence management .

  29. 不过,尽管成果斐然,但核扩散的威胁非但没有减弱,反而在逐渐增强。

    Yet despite this apparent success , the risks of nuclear proliferation are not ebbing , but growing .

  30. 布什把防止核扩散政策置于其外交政策的首位,而这一政策却完全失败了。

    The anti-proliferation policy Mr Bush put at the forefront of his foreign policy has been a colossal failure .