
  • 网络Convention on Nuclear Safety;Nuclear Safety Convention
  1. 她还指出,在核电站启用后,“伊朗现在是全世界唯一一个尚未批准《核安全公约》(ConventiononNuclearSafety)但有正在运作的反应堆的国家。”

    She also noted that with the opening of the nuclear plant ," Iran is now the only country in the world with an operating power reactor that has not ratified the Convention on Nuclear Safety . "

  2. 乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约是迄今为止有关放射性废物管理方面最重要的全球性公约,亦是继1994年核安全公约以来核安全国际法领域又一新的突破。

    Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive waste Management is an important global convention concerning radioactive waste management to date .

  3. 中国支持并严格履行现有核安全国际公约及联合国安理会相关决议。

    China supports and has strictly complied with existing international nuclear security conventions and relevant UN Security Council resolutions .