
qīn lüè zuì
  • the crime of aggressive war
  1. 那个国家犯了侵略罪。

    That country was guilty of aggression .

  2. 另一方面,有关侵略罪的定义问题,和大会对法院的资助问题都将会影响法院机制的运行。

    In the other hand , the issue of defining the crime of aggression , the funding of the court by the General Assembly will raise difficulties .

  3. 该章论述了国际刑事法院管辖权范围内的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和侵略罪的历史演变、定义和争议等问题。

    The ICC has jurisdiction over the crime of genocide , crimes against humanity , war crimes and the crime of aggression , whose evolution , definition and debates about the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are dealt with .

  4. 2002年国际社会期待已久的常设国际刑事法院开始运作,它标志着一个历史性时刻的到来&侵略罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪的犯罪人不再能够逃脱国际刑事责任。

    The International Criminal Court has been ratified by enough countries to take effect on July 1 , 2002 . This means a great era to prosecute aggression , war crimes , genocide and crimes against humanity is about to begin . No one will be exempted .