
  • 网络Invasive;invasion;intrusive
  1. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  2. 孕妇感染HIV的早期侵入性诊断:多中心病例系列研究

    Early invasive diagnostic techniques in pregnant women who are infected with the HIV : A multicenter case series

  3. 它是一个具有高性能、无侵入性和松耦合的Web应用框架。

    It is a high performance , not intrusive and loose coupled Web application framework .

  4. MRI是非侵入性成像技术,能无创显示颅内各种信息。

    MRI is noninvasive imaging technique that can display cerebral information .

  5. 结论:CT是诊断颅脑外伤的简便、有效、非侵入性诊断方法。

    Couclusion : CT is a simple , effective and non-invasive diagnostic method in craniocerebral trauma .

  6. 时间分辨率为188ms的16多层探测器螺旋CT非侵入性冠状动脉成像的诊断精确性研究

    Diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive coronary imaging using 16-detector slice spiral computed tomography with 188 ms temporal resolution

  7. 光学相干层析(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)是一种高分辨、非侵入性层析成像方法。

    OCT ( Optical Coherence Tomography ) is an noninvasive , high-resolution imaging method .

  8. 所有的事务策略都可以通过嵌入的特性或者非侵入性的XML配置来完成。

    All the strategies can be used to perform declarative transaction demarcation either via embedded attributes or non-invasive XML configuration .

  9. 全身MRI扫描属于非侵入性医学检查手段,可以帮助医生诊断和治疗乳腺癌。

    Whole body MRI is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat breast cancer .

  10. 其中,心电图(ECG)信号用于心血管疾病非侵入性诊断。

    Among these , the ECG signal is used as a noninvasive diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases .

  11. 由于Spring本身无侵入性的特点,它又可以方便地集成Hibernate。

    As the Spring itself " non-invasive " characteristics , it can be easily integrated with Hibernate .

  12. 非侵入性影像学方法诊断梗阻性黄疸(US,CT和MRCP)的meta分析

    Diagnosis of obstructive jaundice disease by noninvasive imaging methods ( US , CT , MRCP ): a meta analysis

  13. 一种针对DDoS攻击的非侵入性IP追踪方案

    No-Intrusive IP Traceback for DDoS Attacks

  14. 尿液PCR法具有较高的敏感性和特异性且适用于非侵入性标本的检测,是具有临床应用价值的检测阴道毛滴虫的方法。

    The urine-based PCR detection has a higher sensitivity and specificity and provides a noninvasive method which is feasible in practice .

  15. 作为一种胎儿新的检测材料,游离胎儿DNA的发现为非侵入性产前基因诊断提供了可能。

    The discovery of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma as a new fetal genetic material has provided a promising possibilities for the non-invasive prenatal diagnosis .

  16. 激光PT具有非侵入性、非接触性、无污染性等优点,具有良好的工业应用前景。

    It , as a non-invasive , non-contact and non-contaminative measurement , shows great advantages in industrial application .

  17. 结论MRA是能够精确显示颈动脉的非侵入性检查方法。

    Conclusions MRA is an accurate and non-invasive method in depicting carotid artery .

  18. 而非侵入性检查的炎性生物学标志物可用于CAD的危险分级和实时病情监测,有相当高的临床应用价值。

    However , non-invasive inflammatory biological markers can be used in risk stratification and disease monitoring of ACS , and have a high clinical value .

  19. 从诞生之初,Spring框架就坚守它的宗旨:简化企业级应用开发,同时给复杂问题提供强大的、非侵入性解决方案。

    Since its inception the Spring Framework has consistently focused on the goal of simplifying enterprise application development while providing powerful , non-invasive solutions to complex problems .

  20. HIFU非侵入性阻断血管治疗子宫肌瘤的初步探索

    HIFU in non-invasive blocking blood supply for treatment of hysteromyoma

  21. RFID系统的下一步计划是努力发明一种更少侵入性的无线技术针对胃肠疾病。

    The RFID system is the next step in a growing effort to develop less invasive wireless technologies for gastrointestinal diseases .

  22. 本文针对非侵入性射频热疗的SAR场及瞬态温度分布进行建模和数值模拟计算。

    The model establishment and numerical simulation of SAR and the instantaneous temperature distribution for no-wound tumor RF thermotherapy are performed in this paper .

  23. PA为医院获得性感染重要病原之一。长时间使用广谱抗生素及侵入性医疗操作可致PA感染增多。

    And it is important to prevent PA infection caused by a long term broad-spectrum antibiotics application and invasive medical procedures .

  24. 结论HIFU治疗是一种较为安全、有效和非侵入性治疗胰腺癌的方法。

    Conclusions HIFU in the treatment of pancreatic cancer is feasible , effective and noninvasive .

  25. 结论外科综合ICU感染与收治对象有关,与侵入性操作密切相关;

    Conclusions The hospital infection in surgery ICU was related to the types of patients and various incursion treatment .

  26. MSCT作为非侵入性冠状动脉血管成像技术,可作为评价冠状动脉病变的筛选方法。

    MSCT as a non-invasive examination is a valuable method in detecting the disease of coronary artery .

  27. 传统的高危HPV检测需要收集女性宫颈脱落细胞或取宫颈活检组织,这些检测一般为侵入性。

    Conventional test for genital HPV infection requires collection of scraped cervical cells or biopsy specimens , which involves invasive procedures .

  28. 目前国内儿科临床上缺乏一种简便、安全、经济、有效地非侵入性Hp感染检测方法。

    Now there is not a safe , simple , reliable , and non-invasive method for clinical diagnosis of H. Pylori infection in pediatric practice .

  29. 像EJB这样的技术应该能使其简单一些,但是它们已经被证明对设计和开发过程具有极度的侵入性。

    Technologies like EJB were supposed to make it easier , but they proved extremely intrusive to both the design and development process .

  30. 作为非侵入性分析脑内部结构的重要工具,DTI在神经生理学、神经解剖学、神经外科学等领域的研究、诊断中发挥着重要作用。

    As a non-invasive method for analysis of brain internal structure , DTI plays an important role .