
miè jué zhǒnɡ zú zuì
  • genocide
  1. 灭绝种族罪作为一种国际犯罪,严重危害了国际社会和人类的和平与安全。

    As an international crime , the crime of genocide disserved the peace and security of international community and humanity badly .

  2. 该章论述了国际刑事法院管辖权范围内的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和侵略罪的历史演变、定义和争议等问题。

    The ICC has jurisdiction over the crime of genocide , crimes against humanity , war crimes and the crime of aggression , whose evolution , definition and debates about the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are dealt with .

  3. 《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》的现况

    Status of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

  4. 设备、备件、材料招议标采购的实践与探索浅议灭绝种族罪

    Experience of purchasing equipment , spare parts and materials by bidding exploring the crime of genocide

  5. 浅议灭绝种族罪

    Exploring the Crime of Genocide

  6. 关于《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》保留意见的咨询意见

    Counseling and psychotherapy Advisory Opinion on Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

  7. 第二节论述灭绝种族罪及其国家实施立法,包括灭绝种族的犯罪化、规约对该罪的规范情况、国家的主要立法方式及立法的具体内容。

    The second section discusses genocide and the issue of its domestic legislation , including criminalization of genocide , the statute rules regulating genocide , three major legislation modes in different countries and their specific content .

  8. 2002年国际社会期待已久的常设国际刑事法院开始运作,它标志着一个历史性时刻的到来&侵略罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪的犯罪人不再能够逃脱国际刑事责任。

    The International Criminal Court has been ratified by enough countries to take effect on July 1 , 2002 . This means a great era to prosecute aggression , war crimes , genocide and crimes against humanity is about to begin . No one will be exempted .

  9. 灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害属于威胁人类安全的事项,因此,国际社会必须在联合国及其集体安全制度的框架范围内提供保护的责任。

    Genocide , war crime , ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity belong to the situations threatening human security , so international society must provide protection in the framework of UN .