
  • 【财】tort liability
  1. 第九章侵权赔偿责任

    Chapter IX Liability for Compensation for Infringement of Rights

  2. 销售商专利侵权赔偿责任之认定

    Defining compensation duty of seller 's patent infringement

  3. 纯经济性损失的侵权赔偿责任

    Tortuous Liability under Pure Economic Loss

  4. 在公司设立失败时,发起人的民事责任主要体现为发起人对认股人和第三人的债权性责任、侵权赔偿责任。

    When the company establishment is failed , the sponsor civil liability mainly includes credit liability and tort liability .

  5. 行政侵权赔偿责任分析&从国外相关制度看我国在该制度上的缺失

    The Administrative Tort Analysis of Liability to Pay Compensation & Since Being Related abroad System Sees Our Country on This System Lack

  6. 会计师事务所因在审计业务活动中对外出具不实报告给利害关系人造成损失的,应当承担侵权赔偿责任,但其能够证明自己没有过错的除外。

    Accounting firms in auditing the activities of foreign issued false reports of damage to the parties shall bear tort liability , but it can prove that there is no fault except their own .

  7. 在虚假陈述侵权赔偿责任认定方面:首先,完善信息披露制度的立法规定,加强虚假陈述行为的认定;

    Upon the aspect of the identification of the tort liability for misrepresentation , the ideas as follow : Firstly , we must consummate the information disclosure system so as to identify the misrepresentation act ;

  8. 见义勇为具有包含多个主体的复杂法律关系,因而对见义勇为人因见义勇为行为所致损害就有不同的承担主体,分别承担公平责任、侵权赔偿责任和行政补偿责任。

    Action for Rightness involves in complex legal relations including many main bodies , so the damage of the actors should be shared by different bodies for respective responsibilities of justice , tort compensation and administration expiation .

  9. 注重保护银行监管者是新的国际银行立法趋势,其核心是有条件地部分免除银行监管者的法律责任,包括对监管行为相对人和利害相关人的侵权赔偿责任。

    It is a new international trend for banking legislations to protect bank supervisors more strongly , namely , to immunize conditionally and partially them from legal liabilities , including liabilities for damages to the supervised parties and the stakeholders .

  10. 应该根据教师职务的公职性质,依据侵权赔偿责任原则,并结合学生的教育教学实际,深刻认识具体情境中的教师监管义务。

    We should understand teachers'duty to supervise and manage profoundly in concrete situation according to the public service nature of teachers ' duty , the principle of infringement and compensation responsibility , and in relation to the reality of educating and teaching students .

  11. 对于一些基本的理论问题,如:中小学校与学生之间的法律关系,中小学校承担侵权赔偿责任时采用什么归责原则等有待进一步的展开研究。

    Regarding to some basic theoretic problems , such as the legal relationship between the middle and primary schools and students , what kind of liability principle should be adopted when the middle and primary schools take the infringement compensation obligation have to be further researched .

  12. 其中,环境侵权赔偿责任社会化的社会基础包括经济与科技的发展、责任保险的发展;法律基础包括社会本位观的确立、公平正义观的发展和无过错责任的确立。

    Among them , environmental tort liability of the socialization of social basis include the development of economy and technology , the development of insurance of liability , Legal basis include the establishment of social justice , the development of fairness and justice and establishment of no fault liability .

  13. 代表人对第三人侵权损害赔偿责任的范围包括直接损害和间接损害。

    Representatives to the third party infringement damages include direct damages and consequential damages .

  14. 论环境侵权损害赔偿责任的社会化

    The Socialization of Indemnity Liability for Environmental Tort

  15. 论侵权损害赔偿责任中的因果关系与过错&一种关系论的考察

    Causation and Fault in Tort Compensation & On the Relationship between the Two Concepts

  16. 应明确第三者在特定情况下的侵权损害赔偿责任;

    The clarification of holding the third party to the tortious liability for damages in specific circumstances ;

  17. 我国商标法对商标侵权民事赔偿责任机制的构建并非完善且较为原则化,增加了实践中操作的难度。

    The abstraction of civil compensation responsibility system of trademark infringement in Trademark Law causes the difficulties in practice .

  18. 侵权损害赔偿责任是清算义务人怠于履行清算义务而应承担的对债权人的民事赔偿责任。

    Tort liability is the civil compensation liability to the creditors when liquidation obligors avoid and delay organizing liquidation .

  19. 最后,文章对生育权的侵权损害赔偿责任认定以及法律上的必要限制也作了阐释。

    And then , the author explains how to judge infringement actions and how to give Birth Right some necessary limitations .

  20. 离婚损害赔偿责任是基于受害方配偶权被侵犯产生的一种侵权损害赔偿责任。

    The compensation of divorce damages which based on the infringement of the spouse right is a kind of tort liability .

  21. 承运人的侵权损害赔偿责任又分两种:无过失损害赔偿责任和违反安全保障义务的侵权责任。

    The carrier 's responsibility of tort can be divided into two types : the responsibility of no-negligence and the responsibility of violating security duty .

  22. 因此,在使用人责任中宜增加以安全关照义务为前提的由使用人向工作场所性骚扰的受害人承担的侵权损害赔偿责任。

    Therefore , employers are advised to increase the responsibility of obligations and the liability of compensation to the sexual harassment victim in the workplace .

  23. 传统观点认为侵权损害赔偿责任中的因果关系和过错分别属于客观与主观的范畴,是截然对立的两个要件。

    The traditional standpoint holds that in tort compensatory responsibility causation and fault respectively belong to objective and subjective categories and are two diametrically opposed elements .

  24. 在侵权损害赔偿责任的承担方面,应明确具体的赔偿方式、赔偿数额和赔偿时限。

    With reference to be responsible for the compensation for damage of infringement , the rules should make the forms , amount , and time limit of compensation clearly .

  25. 中小学校和中小学教师承担的侵权损害赔偿责任&我国未来侵权法应当规定的原则

    The responsibility of the primary and the secondary school as well as their teachers for the infringement damages & One of the indispensable principles in the Tort Law in the future

  26. 通过对环境污染责任保险的概念界定和特点的分析,确定了环境污染责任保险的保险标的为环境污染侵权民事赔偿责任。

    Then , the insured object of environmental pollution liability insurance is proved to be the infringing civil liability for environmental pollution by defining the concept and characteristics of environmental pollution insurance .

  27. 从而得出解决好意施惠纠纷的一般规则,即好意施惠中因信赖产生利益的保护规则,好意施惠中侵权损害赔偿责任减免规则。

    I give the general rules for resolving dispute generated by the god intention to bestow favor , that is the interests protecting rules generated by trust and the tort liability rules .

  28. 铁路事故人身损害赔偿责任是指铁路运输企业因铁路行车事故及其他铁路运营事故造成他人人身伤亡依法应承担的侵权损害赔偿责任。

    Liability of personal damage compensation in railway accident means the compensation liability of personal injury or death that should be taken by the railway transportation enterprises for its own transportation accidents and other railway operation accidents .

  29. 笔者将运用比较分析、历史分析、整体分析的方法,根据国际公约以及我国相关立法现状,对海难救助人侵权损害赔偿责任的相关问题进行系统的研究,以期对此问题有所裨益。

    Based on the present conditions of the international conventions and the legislation of our country , the author of the thesis studies the issues concerning the tortious liability of the salvor through approaches of comparative analysis , historical analysis and unitary analysis .

  30. 最后,探讨了过度医疗侵权损害赔偿责任主体、过度医疗侵权损害的赔偿范围和赔偿数额。以期有助于对过度医疗侵权损害赔偿在实践中更具有可操作性。

    In the last part of the article , the medical compensation main body , the scope of medical tort damages compensation , and compensation amount were discussed , what is contributing to the actual operation of excessive medical tort damages compensation in reality .