
  • 网络infectivity
  1. 家蚕微粒子虫(NosemaBombycis)与其形态变异株的侵染性及孢子表面蛋白的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Infectivity and Spore Surface Protein of Nosema bombycis and Its Morphological Variant Strain

  2. 外壳蛋白羧端序列缺失对烟草花叶病毒侵染性的影响

    The Effect of C-terminal Deletion of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Protein on Viral Infectivity

  3. 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒新疆分离物基因组RNA的序列分析及侵染性cDNA克隆构建

    Sequence Analysis and Construction of Infectious cDNA Clone of Beet Black Scorch Virus Xinjiang Isolate

  4. 黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA人工突变体的构建及其侵染性测定

    Studies on construction of artificial mutants of Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNA and their biological activity

  5. 一种病毒侵染性全长cDNA克隆的快速构建方法

    Rapid Construction of Full-length cDNA Clones of Tobacco Mosaic Virus and the Infectivity Assay of Its in Vitro Transcript

  6. 小麦黄花叶病毒侵染性cDNA克隆及细胞侵染体系的建立

    Development of cDNA Clones for RNAs in Vitro Transcription of Wheat Yellow Mosaic Virus and Their Infections of Cell Culture Systems

  7. 蔬菜病虫害辅助诊断与防治系统VPS是用VB6.0编写的基于图像及文本的农业专家系统。其知识库主要由侵染性病害、生理性病害、虫害3个数据库组成。

    Vegetable pathological system based on picture and text is an agricultural expert system programmed with VB6.0.The repository is mainly composed of 3 databases such as infective disease , physiological disease and pest .

  8. 玉米弯孢菌叶斑病主要是由弯孢菌(Curvularialunata)引起的侵染性病害。玉米杂交种对弯孢菌叶斑病抗性鉴定

    Curvularia leaf spot ( CLS ) was caused by Curvularia lunata mainly as well as other Curvularia species . On the Resistance Identification of Maize Hybrids to Curvularia Leaf Spot

  9. 如何减轻果蔬储藏中侵染性病害

    How to Reduce the disease of Fruit and Vegetable in Store

  10. 豫西地区烤烟侵染性病害调查简报

    A Simple Report about Tobacco Infected Diseases in Western Henan Province

  11. 葡萄类病毒基因多样性分析及其侵染性克隆的构建

    Genetic Diversity of Grapevine Viroids and the Construction of Their Infectious Clones

  12. 我国烟草侵染性病害发生趋势原因及防治对策

    Developing Tendency Causes and Control Measures of Tobacco Infectious Diseases in China

  13. 水分胁迫与植物侵染性病害的发生

    Involvement of Water Stress in Prevailing of Plant Infectious Diseases

  14. 食线虫真菌侵染性胞外蛋白酶的基因克隆与表达

    Study on Gene Cloning and Expression of Infectious Extracellular Proteases from Nematophagous Fungi

  15. 山东省烟草侵染性病害名录

    ^ Catalogue of Infective Tobacco Diseases in Shandong Province

  16. 禾顶囊壳对小麦初生根和次生根的侵染性研究

    Infectivity of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici on the Seminal and Secondary Roots of Wheat

  17. 陕西省烟草侵染性病害发生种类与分布危害调查研究

    A survey of tobacco infected disease in Shaanxi province : kinds , distribution and damage

  18. 四川烟草侵染性病害调查研究

    Investigation on infectious tobacco diseases in Sichuan

  19. 大多数科学家相信侵染性的物质必须含有担负复制功能的核酸。

    Most scientists believe that infectious agents must contain nucleic acids in order to replicate .

  20. 苹果锈果病(ASSD)类病毒的侵染性

    Infectivity of apple scar skin viroid

  21. 两种微孢子虫孢子表面蛋白及对家蚕侵染性的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Spore Surface Proteins of Two Microsporidia and Their Infectivity to Silkworm Bombyx mori

  22. 假型病毒与提供囊膜蛋白的真病毒一样,对宿主细胞有同样的侵染性。

    Pseudotyped virus has true virus envelope protein , so it has the same infection to host cells .

  23. 全国16个主产烟省(区)烟草侵染性病害调研报告

    A report of investigating and studying tobacco infectious diseases of 16 main tobacco producing provinces ( regions ) in China

  24. 就黄瓜侵染性病害的图象处理及特征值提取方法进行了研究。

    This paper study the method of image processing and extracting of the characteristic values for greenhouse growing cucumber disease .

  25. 调查结果表明在永定区烟草上的主要侵染性病害为病毒病、黑胫病、赤星病。

    Survey results showed that the major infectious diseases on tobacco crop are virus disease , black shank , and brown spot .

  26. 专家说,这样会让身体的整个免疫系统再重生,提供更好的保护来反抗侵染性疾病。

    This caused the body 's entire immune system to regenerate , providing better protection against infection and disease , experts said .

  27. 并发现侵染性病害主要为细菌性褐斑病,竞争性病害主要为木霉病。

    We know that brown blotch diseases were the mainly infectious diseases , green mold diseases were the mainly competing diseases . 2 .

  28. 微孢子虫的形态、侵染性变异,以及侵染机制等问题是防治动物微孢子虫病和微孢子虫生防应用中亟待解决的重要基础理论问题。

    The variation in morphology and infectivity of microsporidia and their invasion mechanism are important theoretic problems , which need in depth study .

  29. 采用常规的方法对玉米苗期病害发生进行了诊断及防治技术研究。结果表明:玉米苗期病害可初步分为侵染性和非侵染性病害。

    The techniques of diagnosing and controlling corn seedling diseases were studied in the fields and greenhouses by artificial inoculation and marked plant investigation .

  30. 实验结果表明:针叶基部变黄后期脱落不属于侵染性病害所致。

    According to the results of above 4 experiments , it might be considered that pathological change of needle basal yellow lesion does not belong to infectious disease .