
ɡuò cuò tuī dìnɡ yuán zé
  • Principle of presumption of fault;doctrine of presumption;law presumption fault
  1. 医师专家责任的归责原则不论是违约还是侵权都是过错责任原则,并且是过错责任之下的过错推定原则,也即采取过错推定的方法认定因果关系。

    Here , the principle of imputation is considered as fault liability principle whether it is due to default or tort . But it is the doctrine of presumption obey the fault liability . It also means that it use presumption of fault in causal relationship identification .

  2. 我国监护人责任的归责原则为相对的过错推定原则。

    Principle of culpability on guardians is relative fault presumption rule .

  3. 论民法中的过错推定原则

    On the Offence Deducting Principle in the Civil Law

  4. 过错推定原则应为我国侵权行为法中的一项独立的归责原则。

    Presumed-default liability principle should be a self-existent liability principle in Chinese tort law .

  5. 归责原则的适用方面,应当增加过错推定原则。

    That the principle of fault presumption should be added to the principle of responsibility attribution .

  6. 再次,提出名人虚假广告代言责任的归责采取过错推定原则的观点。

    Again , put forward views that liability fixation of celebrity false endorsements take fault-presuming principle .

  7. 对教育机构进行归责时,主要适用过错推定原则和过错责任原则。

    When attributing to educational institutions , doctrine of fault presumption rule and fault liability principle are applied .

  8. 例如,应适用过错推定原则,区别故意和过失。

    For example , the principle of presumption of fault should be applied to distinguish between intentional and negligent .

  9. 高校不作为侵权引起的学生人身伤害事故应当适用过错推定原则。

    The personal injury of students ' resulted from the nonfeasance infringement of universities should apply to the principle of fault presumption .

  10. 我国产品责任法应该采用过错推定原则,此原则比较适合我国国情。

    The principle of constructive fault should be adopted in product liability laws , which accounts better for the situation in China .

  11. 本文一是通过对法理的分析,对《侵权责任法》第八十七条适用过错推定原则提出质疑。

    Firstly , by analysis to legal principle , Article 87 of Tort Liability Law & the adoption of fault assumption principle is questioned .

  12. 医疗事故的法律性质为侵权责任,医疗事故的损害赔偿应适用过错推定原则,实行举证责任倒置。

    The injury reparation of medical accident should be adapted to the rule of negligence presumption and conduction of reverse the burden of proof .

  13. 其归责原则为过错推定原则即违反义务构成过错。

    The rule of fault - presumption is applied here , which means the breach of this duty per se is presumed to be fault .

  14. 注册会计师因虚假陈述而承担的责任在性质上属于侵权责任,应当适用过错推定原则。

    The responsibility caused by Certified Public Accountant false statements belongs to the tort liability on property , and it shall be suitable for fault-presuming principle .

  15. 违反医疗说明义务应适用过错推定原则,实行举证责任倒置。

    The principle of presumption fault and the revision of burden of proof shall apply to the violation of the duty of disclosure of medial information .

  16. 因此,多数情况下采用过错推定原则认定网络服务商存在过错,应当承担责任。

    Therefore , in most cases , according to the principle of presumption of fault , the network service provider shall be liable for the damages .

  17. 本章对过错推定原则、无过错责任原则以及过错推定与衡平责任结合原则进行了分析,并阐述了我国用工者责任归责原则的演进过程。

    The chapter includes the analysis of principle of presumption of fault , no fault liability principle and the presumption of fault with the principle of equity .

  18. 医疗损害纠纷案件应分为由医疗事故引起的医疗赔偿纠纷和其他医疗赔偿纠纷,前者应适用过错推定原则,实行举证责任倒置;后者则应适用一般侵权原则或违约理论处理。

    The medical harm dispute case should be divided into the medical compensate dispute caused by malpractice and other medical compensation disputes which are not caused by malpractice .

  19. 为了平衡处于相对弱势地位的旅游者的权益,旅游侵权民事责任的归责原则主要适用过错推定原则。

    For balancing the interests in a relatively weak position of tourists , Tourism Tort Liability responsibility principle , which applies mainly the principle of presumption of fault .

  20. 无论从构成要件的认定,还是从责任承担的安排上,均可推导出雇主责任过错推定原则的合理性。

    The rationality of the principle of presumptive fault liability of employers can be deduced from the determination of the constitutive requirements as well as the arrangement of liability bearing .

  21. 经过分析,笔者认为不当出生损害赔偿的归责原则应该适用过错推定原则。

    After the analysis , the author does not think when the birth damage compensate turns over to the responsibility principle to be supposed to be suitable the mistake estimation principle .

  22. 第二部分从民事责任性质和规则原则入手,明确了证券服务机构虚假陈述的责任性质为侵权责任并适用过错推定原则。

    The second section discusses the nature and criterion of civil liability and points out that the false statement is a kind of tort and the principle of presumed-fault liability shall be applied .

  23. 采用过错推定原则更加合理,既有利于保护公司和第三人,又能保障会计行业的秩序。

    It is more reasonable to use intentional responsibility estimation principle . So that it is advantageous to both company protection and the third person , and can safeguard order in accountant vocation .

  24. 首先简要介绍了一般侵权行为的几种归责原则,然后引出了过错推定原则,并着重介绍了该原则。

    First , it briefly introduces general abuse of authority several kinds turning over to the responsibility principle . Then it has drawn out the mistake estimation principle , and introduced this principle emphatically .

  25. 本文认为过错推定原则从本质上说,就是过错责任原则,其价值判断标准和责任构成要件也都是与一般的过错责任原则是一致的。

    This article considers that fault deduction principle is fault responsibility principle in essence , which is in accordance with ordinary fault responsibility principle in terms of standard of value judgement and elements of responsibility constitutes .

  26. 第三部分主要研究讨论了铁路交通事故赔偿的关键问题&归责原则,重点分析阐释了我国铁路交通事故的归责原则应采用特殊过错推定原则及其理由。

    In part three , it is the imputation principles that should be applied to the fault-identification principle . And , explanations are made on why the principle should be applied to the railway accidents in China .

  27. 在过错推定原则阶段,我国行政法规对医疗损害责任归责原则的规定与司法实践不一致,但总体上是以过错推定原则为主。

    During the stage of , doctrine of liability fixation for medical damage stipulated in administrative law and regulations was not consistent with the one in judicial practice , but mostly doctrine of presumptive tort was applied .

  28. 本文拟从过错推定原则与过错责任原则、无过错责任原则的比较中区分它们的异同,以论证过错推定原则在我国侵权责任体系中的地位。

    According to comparing with presumed-default liability principle , fault liability principle and no-fault liability principle , the paper analyses the difference among them , and demonstrates the status of presumed-default liability principle in Chinese tort liability system .

  29. 我们主张民事归责采用过错推定原则,在判定审计师的过错时,在以结果理性为主与程序理性为辅的基础上要兼顾审计师的主观意愿与客观环境;

    We advocate to distribute the civil responsibility on the basis of fault We should follow the rule of consequence rationality firstly and procedure rationality secondly , and combine auditor subjective desire and objective environment when judging auditor faults ;

  30. 建议出台《侵权责任法》司法解释,认定名人代言虚假广告为侵权责任,采用过错推定原则,规定名人广告代言的免责事由。

    Recommended the introduction of judicial interpretation of the current tort liability law , identified the celebrity false advertising for tort liability , using the principle of presumption of fault , the provisions of Impunity Reasons for celebrity endorsements .