
  • 网络hyperventilation;hyperventilate;hyperventilation syndrome
  1. 文章针对应用该技术研究的低温、过度换气和巴比妥类药物对脑组织能量代谢的影响进行综述。

    The article reviews the effects of hypothermia , hyperventilation and barbiturates on brain energy metabolism study with microdialysis techniques .

  2. 方法:对110例癫癎患者进行常规电极和蝶骨电极描记,如无癎样放电,再作蝶骨电极加过度换气和蝶骨电极加剥夺睡眠,并与常规电极作比较。

    Methods : EEGs were recorded by conventional electrodes and sphenoidal electrodes in 110 patients with epilepsy . If epileptiform discharges were not observed , sphenoidal electrodes with hyperventilation and with sleep deprivation were recorded , and compared with those by conventional electrodes .

  3. 方法:评估75例颞叶癫患者动态EEG与过度换气EEG的样放电特点。

    Methods : HV-EEG and ambulatory EEG were examined in 75 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy .

  4. 胸腹部CT扫描呼吸方法的探讨&过度换气呼气末屏气与平静呼吸吸气末屏气的比较

    Research on breath method of chest and abdomen in CT scan : comparison between breath out after excessive breath and breath in after normal breath

  5. 目的通过平静呼吸吸气末屏气(组)A与过度换气呼气末屏气(组)B的比较,找出既能增加屏气时间,又能减少层面差异的方法。

    Objective To find a method that allow increase breath holding time and decrease slice difference by compared with breath holding after excessive breath and after nomal breath .

  6. 应用TCD评价过度换气对兔急性颅高压的影响

    Evaluating Effect of Hyperventilation of Acute Intracranial Hypertension with TCD

  7. 75例颞叶癫癎患者动态EEG与过度换气EEG癎样放电规律探讨

    Study on epileptiform discharges regularity of ambulatory EEG and hyperventilation EEG in 75 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

  8. 方法:对33例常规脑电图(EEG)正常或无特异性改变的患儿进行了蝶骨电极加过度换气试验(HV)描记后出现痫样放电的病例进行分析。

    Methods : Sphenoidal electrodes and HV were done and the epileptiform discharges recording were analysed in 33 children who with normal or non-specific change EEG .

  9. 目的:研究对过度换气(HV)对常规脑电图的压缩谱阵(CSA)的影响。

    Objectives : To study the influence of hvperventilation ( HV ) to compressed spectral array ( CSA ) of routine electroencephalogram ( EEG ) .

  10. 过度换气时,平均血流速度明显减慢,于过度换气20~30s后降至平台期,平均下降率为(33.63±8.62)%,直至过度通气结束血流速度无明显变化。

    During hyperventilation , mean blood flow velocity decreased significantly , and achieved to plateau after 20-30 s ; the mean decreasing rate was ( 33.63 ± 8.62 ) % , and no significant changes were seen until end of the test .

  11. 过度换气试验未见异常占92.7%;

    Those were normal in hyperventilation test accounted for 92.7 % ;

  12. 他们之间的差异主要在过度换气后的恢复阶段。

    The main difference was on the excessive breath stage .

  13. 适当的过度换气可减低肺血管的阻力;

    An adequate overventilation is beneficial in decrease of pulmonary vascular resistance ;

  14. 蝶骨电极加过度换气诱发方法的临床应用

    Clinical application of EEG of sphenoidal electrode induced by hyperventilation

  15. 过度换气治疗腰椎穿刺术后头痛的临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Therapy of Hyperventilation in Patients with Puncture Headache

  16. 年龄老化与过度换气中α频率变化的相关关系

    The correlation between aging and alpha frequency during hyperventilation

  17. 儿童过度换气中慢波脑电图的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Middle and Slow Wave of EEG in Children with Hyperventilation

  18. 诱发试验不敏感,过度换气无变化。

    The BEG changes were not sensitive to provocative test and was not caused by over ventilation .

  19. 过度换气对犬肺循环及血栓素前列环素平衡的影响

    Evaluation of Effect of Hyperventilation on Pulmonary Circulation and Balance between Thromboxane A_2 and Prostacyclin in Dogs

  20. 目的探讨早期过度换气治疗重型脑外伤的效果及护理措施。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of early overventilation treating severe brain trauma and the nursing measures .

  21. 目的:探索葡萄糖酸钙与安定对过度换气所致手足搐搦的疗效;

    Objective : To explore the effect of calcium gluconate and valium on the tetany resulting from hyperventilation syndrome ;

  22. 再说那只小羊,由于它血管的各种异常情况,去年冬天一直不能停止过度换气,科学家们不得不对它实施安乐死。

    Or the lamb that scientists had to euthanize this past winter because it couldn 't stop hyperventilating because of blood vessel abnormalities .

  23. 过度换气状态后期慢波化现象出现,中枢神经抑制性增强,大脑功率谱比值上升。

    Slow wave phenomenon appears at the later time of excessive air exchange , central nerve system suppressant enhanced , brain power spectrum ratio rised .

  24. 脑电图异常改变以全脑或局灶性阵发性中~高或极高电位的δ波或δ、θ混合活动,伴尖波发放为特征,过度换气中可见每秒4~6次棘慢综合波。

    The features of EEG abnormal changes were global or focus paroxysmal middle - high or extremely high voltage delta wave or mixed delta theta activity associated with sharp wave discharge , and in hyperventilation with 4-6c / sec spike and wave complex .