
  • 网络over-treatment;Overtreatment
  1. ICU应严格进出标准,遵循循证医学原则,控制费用,避免过度医疗和高额医疗费用。

    ICU should formulate strict criteria for inclusion and exclusion , follow the principle of evidence-based medicine , control the expenses , and avoid overtreatment and high medical expenses .

  2. 过度医疗的原因及其应对策略探讨

    Causes of Overtreatment and Reply Strategy

  3. 关于过度医疗伦理分析的再思考

    A Second Thought on the Ethical Analysis of Immoderate Medical Treatment

  4. 对过度医疗的医学伦理学思考

    Reflection on excessive medical treatment from the angle of medical ethics

  5. 对特需住院患者过度医疗需求行为的护理干预

    Effect of Nursing Intervention on Excessive Medical Demand Behaviors of Special Inpatients

  6. 过度医疗风气制约医疗消费和医学目的的实现;

    Immoderate medical treatment hampers the realization of medical consumption and medical purpose ;

  7. 第一部分主要是过度医疗侵权责任的一般理论。

    The first part mainly is an overview of the excessively medical tort liability .

  8. 口腔疾病过度医疗的医学伦理学解析

    Medical Ethics Analysis on Overtreatment in Oral Disease

  9. 控制过度医疗提升服务质量

    Controlling over - treatment and improving service quality

  10. 性传播疾病过度医疗的思考

    Thoughts about Overtreatment of Sexually Transmitted Disease

  11. 近年来,过度医疗问题引起医学伦理学界的普遍关注。

    In recent years , excessive medical treatment draws common concern of medical ethics circles .

  12. 关于过度医疗的经济学分析与伦理

    About Economics Analysis of Overtreatment and Ethic

  13. 过度医疗的经济学分析

    Economic analysis on excessive medical services

  14. 推行适宜技术和诊疗最优化的原则是避免过度医疗的有效途径。

    Reliability and validity of questionnaire on the best technologies of Chinese medicine in rural areas ;

  15. 第三部分,《侵权责任法》规制过度医疗侵权的完善建议。

    The third part , the tort liability law regulate excessive perfection of infringement of medical advice .

  16. 过度医疗与医疗风险的关系

    Overtreatment and Medical Risk

  17. 过度医疗不仅是一个伦理问题,同时也是一种经济现象。

    Overtreatment is not only an ethics problem , but also an economic phenomenon at the same time .

  18. 过度医疗的伦理学会诊及其治疗处方&兼论临床诊治最优化伦理准则

    The Ethical Consultation And Prescription On Overtreatment & simultaneously on the ethical principle of optimization of clinical diagnosis-treatment

  19. 院长用主要精力抓质量,专家带头扭转过度医疗。

    We should grasp the quality focus , dont evade the problem of exorbitant expense to access medical service .

  20. 过度医疗是一个经济现象,同时也是一个伦理问题,确切的说是一个医学&社会问题。

    Excessive medical treatment is not only a medical phenomenon , but also an ethics problem at the same time .

  21. 指出了医疗服务供给、医疗服务需求、内外作用力构成了过度医疗产生的基本要素。

    The medical service supply and demand , and the interior and exterior interrelation actions constitute the basic elements of over-treatment .

  22. 第三章对过度医疗问题的成因进行了相关分析,得出主观和客观两方面的原因。

    The third chapter analyzes the cause of the excessive medical care and draws a conclusion of subjective and objective reasons .

  23. 两项薪酬制度有机结合,优势互补,达到减少过度医疗服务和促进医院的健康发展双重目标。

    The combination of these two salary systems can eliminate the excessive medical service and improve the development of the hospital together .

  24. 在此情况下,医务人员为避免执业风险,过度医疗时有发生,对患者的利益造成了巨大的损害。

    The occurrence of excessive medical treatment , medical staff practice is to avoid the risk of damage to the interests of patients .

  25. 本文基于两方面原因,认为通常过度医疗行为定性为侵权对患者更有利。

    The article is based on two reasons , in general , which excessively medical behavior of infringement is much better for patients .

  26. 在总结了国外治理过度医疗经验的基础上,分析了治理过度医疗的模式、内容和方法。

    On the basis of the experience of rectifying over-treatment abroad , we analyze the model , content and method of rectifying over-treatment .

  27. 过度医疗引起的一个严重后果是,政府不满意,人民群众不满意,有良知的医务工作者也不满意。

    One of the grave consequences of excessive medical treatment is that the government , people and medical workers with conscience are all dissatisfied .

  28. 针对上述问题,学界对完善《侵权责任法》过度医疗侵权行为提出了不少建议。

    According to the above problem , academic circles to improve the excessive medical tort " tort liability law " put forward many Suggestions .

  29. 过度医疗行为的界定方式可能会在较大程度上低估医患双方尤其是医方诱导引起的过度医疗行为。

    The definition of excessive medical behavior could greatly undervalued the excessive medical behavior caused by doctors and patients especially doctors inducing . 5 .

  30. 医疗保险的付费制度被一些患者和医生联合违规利用,也造成了部分过度医疗的发生。

    On the other hand , the charge system in health insurance which is abused by some patients and doctors is another reason of over-treatments .