
  • 网络Bridge Loan;bridging loan;bridge financing
  1. 过桥贷款:助推企业IPO和并购

    Bridge Loan promotes IPO and M & A for enterprises

  2. 而AIG将得到850亿美元的过桥贷款,以维持运营,直到该公司能够处置数十亿美元的资产。

    In return , the insurer would receive a bridge loan of $ 85bn to keep it afloat until it could dispose of billions of dollars in assets .

  3. 知情人士表示,陶氏化学可借入130亿美元过桥贷款(bridgeloan)弥补收购费用,并补充称,这家美国企业很可能会试图重新协商交易价格,以反映罗门哈斯估值在近期的下降。

    People close to the situation said Dow could tap a $ 13bn bridge loan to pay for the takeover and added that the US company was likely to try to renegotiate the price of the deal to reflect the recent drop in Rohm 's valuation .

  4. 假设底特律三大汽车制造商获得了过桥贷款。

    Suppose the Detroit Three get their bridging loans .

  5. 但很多中小企业无法做到这点;甚至连大企业可能也需要过桥贷款。

    Many small and medium-size companies cannot ; and even large concerns may need bridging loans .

  6. 塔塔汽车正设法为收购进行再融资,安排30亿美元的过桥贷款,此举导致信用评级机构连续调降该公司评级。

    Tata Motors is struggling to refinance a $ 3bn bridge loan used for the takeover , leading to successive downgrades by credit ratings agencies .

  7. 然后介绍国外成熟的房地产融资方式,包括房地产投资基金、国际银团贷款、过桥贷款、房地产资产证券化在国外的运作经验和各自特点。

    Then it introduces overseas mature real estate financing way , including real estate investment fund , international syndicated loans , bridge loan , real estate property securitization at overseas operation experience and respective characteristic .

  8. 2012年,华东城市杭州附近的地方政府和银行向62家公司提供过桥贷款,使这些公司能够维持运营&原因是置身于一个互惠贷款担保蛛网中心的一家房地产开发商崩溃。

    In 2012 , local governments and banks offered bridge loans to 62 companies near the eastern city of Hangzhou to keep them afloat after the collapse of a single property developer at the centre of a web of reciprocal loan guarantees .