
  1. 本文阐述了溯源淤积和侵蚀基准面的概念。

    This paper dwells the concepts of retrogressive aggradation and the datum of erosion .

  2. 侵蚀基准面下降对水系发育与产沙影响的实验研究

    Influence of base level lowering on sediment yield and drainage network development : an experimental analysis

  3. 侵蚀基准面是夷平面发育的终点站;磁流间断面类型的讨论

    Erosion base level is the base line for it . The Discussion on the Types of Magnetic Discontinuous Face

  4. 滑坡堆积的后前缘在海拔970~65m范围,区域滑坡分布最高高程与该区的地势相应,前缘最低高程与该处最低侵蚀基准面相当。

    The highest elevation for the landslides distribution are correspond to the hypsography of the region , and lowest to the river erosion level .

  5. 基准面有三个不同的概念,即侵蚀基准面、沉积基准面和地层基准面。

    There are three different conceptions about base-level that are base level of erosion , base level of deposition and stratigraphic datum , respectively .

  6. 古岩溶为地质历史时期而非现代营力环境下形成的岩溶,深岩溶为不受地表侵蚀基准面控制环境条件下的深埋藏岩溶作用。

    Palaeo-karst was formed under an ancient stress condition in geological history , and deep karst was formed in a deep buried condition not controlled by the base level of erosion .

  7. 影响夷平面形成的主要因素有前期大地构造、侵蚀基准面、气候、岩性、时间和后期构造运动等。

    We strengthen the investigation of natural factors such as pre-construction , erosion base level , climate , lithology , time and tectonic activities , which affect formation and preservation of planation surface .

  8. 侵蚀基准面下降引起的侵蚀回春,使古含金地质体遭受侵蚀、搬运后,沉积在第四纪河谷中形成了新砂矿。

    Owing to the rejuvenated erosion resulted from lowering of erosional reference level , old gold-bearing geological bodies were subjected to erosion and formed into new gold placers by transportation and sedimentation in Quaternary valleys .

  9. 冲积层序是指在流域盆地中以冲积沉积作用为主而形成的一类层序,其不明显地受蓄水面的控制,但受潜水面的影响和地形及侵蚀基准面的控制。

    Alluvial sequence developes through alluviation in a river basin . The storing water level does not control it directly , but it is influenced by groundwater level and controlled by topography and erosional basement level .

  10. 侵蚀基准面、沉积基准面、地层基准面都是势能面,都是动力学界面,都是变化的,只是分析的基准不同、形成的机制不同。

    Base level of erosion , base level of deposition and stratigraphic datum are all potential energy levels , kinetic surfaces and are all variable , just differing from the criterion of analyses and the mechanism of formation .

  11. 在此沉积时期,湖盆开始较快速地水退,侵蚀基准面下降,河流搬运能力增大,物源供给充足。

    At this sedimentary period , the water in Lake Basin began to recede fleetly , the base level of erosion grew down , the schlep ability of river grew up , and the supply of source was abundant .

  12. 总结出了引起矿床充水的三个主要因素,即矿体与当地侵蚀基准面的相对位置、地表水体(主要是河流)的影响程度和地质构造发育程度及形态特征。

    Three main factors influencing water filling in them , that is , the setting of ore bodies relative to local erosional surface , influence of surface water bodies ( mainly rivers ), morphology of geological structures existed have been discussed .

  13. 煤层埋藏远低于当地最低侵蚀基准面,围岩以粉砂岩、细砂岩及泥质粉砂岩为主,主可采煤层共计15层,多分布于龙潭组中。

    Coals are , far below the local base level of erosion in mining area , buried in the siltstone , fine sandstone and pelitic siltstone . There total are 15 layers major workable coal , and most of them are included in the Longtan formation .

  14. 在此基础上提出了利用浮动泵站来实现控制河口侵蚀基准面抬高的工程措施,并结合河口地区的地形条件和工程条件,初步提出了工程总体布置的初步设想。

    Therefore , it is suggested to use the floating pump station to control the rise of estuarine erosion base level , and the tentative ideas for the general layout of regulating engineerings are proposed according to the topographic and engineering conditions in the estuarine area .

  15. 赤泥与粉煤灰复掺的砂浆抗硫酸盐侵蚀能力优于基准砂浆,赤泥与磷渣复掺的砂浆虽然抗蚀系数低于基准砂浆,但随着龄期增长抗硫酸侵蚀能力却不降反增。

    The sulfate attack resistance of mortar with red mud and fly ash is superior to reference mortar . Although the corrosion resistance coefficient of mortar with red mud and phosphorous slag is less than reference mortar , its sulfate attack resistance property can be improved as age prolonged .