- Expansibility;swell-shrink characteristic

Finally , the fisher 's discriminant analysis method for identification and classification of expansive soil is proposed and a approach validating the results with the indices that characterize the swelling-shrinkage and strength of expansive soil is suggested .
Some problems in assessment of swelling and shrinkage potential of expansive clay soils
Study on stress and deformation of dilative soil canal
Study on microstructure unit character and its swell-shrink property for physico-chemical soft rock
Laboratory investigations of three - dimensional swell - shrinking characteristics of expansive soils
Understanding of the dilation shrinkage characteristic of Guizhou carbonate derived laterite based on karstification
Expansive soil physical index 's variability less than expand and shrink characteristic index ;
The swell-shrinking test results show that add lime in expansive soil reduces the swell-shrinking potential .
And give the suggestions to deal with the shrink-swell properties of red clay . 4 .
Fuzzy Evaluation on Swell-Shrink Characteristics of Nanning Swelling Soil Shrinkage and Swelling of Plantation Chinese Fir Wood
There are fuzziness and regionalism between the expansion and shrink of soil and the performance indexes .
Study on the swelling - shrinkage characteristics of the silty clay with calcium - module in Upper Pleistocene in Xuzhou
Expansive soil is a special clay soil , possessing three features of swelling and shrinkage , over-consolidation and fissures .
With projects in this district , the strength , deformation and the swelling-shrinkage characteristic of the silty clay with calcium-mod -
Furthermore , addition of fibre caused a decrease in swelling potential of lime treated soils while led to an increase in shrinkage potential .
The expansion and dry shrinkage performance and pore structure of hardened paste of the cement have been measured by using the length instument and mercury porosimeter .
(ⅱ) If the expansive clay is used as fills , its swell-shrinking content would increase to 1 & 4 times as that of the intact clay .
This paper studied the mechanical properties , expansion and contraction and road performance of backfill material made by waste gypsum from TiO 2 production and fly ash .
Chemical improvement is a common treatment method in engineering , and the strength , swell-shrinking property and plasticity index etc. of soil body are usually adopted to evaluate improvement effect .
The results also indicate that index for swelling-shrinkage property has reduced , swelling ratio without load is 2 % - 3 % and swelling power is 5 % of those without modifying .
Expansive soil is one kind of special clay , which has over consolidated , fracture and swell-shrinking characteristics . Expansive soil cutting landslide has always been a difficult problem in highway construction .
Investigation and literature information show that water immerging and the properties of swelling-shrinking to and fro of expansive soils will result in abating of anchorage force of anchored bar in such stratum .
In construction , attention must be paid to the effect of expansion shrinkage and cracking of the red clay on the bearing capacity of ground-base and on the stability of the foundation .
Expansion and contraction , over consolidation and multiple fissures of expansive soil is the most distinct characteristics , if not modified or improved filling construction quality control is lax . will seriously affect the stability of the roadbed .
Expansive soil is composed of a great deal of strong hydrophilic clay minerals , such as montmorillonite and illite , it has much character , such as expansive construction , many cracks , strong expansive and contraction , intensity decadence .
Focusing on engineering disease of embankment longitudinal cracks , the paper illustrates the testing characteristics of expansive adamic earth and the causes of engineering disease by using this material for subgrade filling , also it brings forwards the treatment measures accordingly .
Expansive soil is a special clay which contains the mineral that gets close to water and has particular structure and particular character of engineering , it mostly exists by not-saturated , swelled with water and shrank without water , this character can be changed extensively .
Biotechnology is introduced to the problem of expansive clay improvement . Some stronger life force microorganism , which can eliminate or lessen swell-shrinking property of expensive clay and promote the benign development of natural ecological environment , is culled according to the different type of expansive clay .
Coarse-grained soils exhibit evident dilatancy , and they do not obey the Hook 's law .
Traditional low-order elements may suffer the problem of volumetric locking in the analysis of soil under the condition of volume-preserving or dilatant / contractant plastic flow .