
zhànɡ tònɡ
  • be bloated and in pain
  1. 我觉得胃部胀痛。

    I 've got a tight feeling in my stomach .

  2. 两组患者伴随症状均有不同程度的改善,治疗组对于胸胁胀痛及月经不调或痛经的改善作用明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Two groups of patients with symptoms of varying degree of improvement , the treatment group for the distention and pain in the chest and hypochondriac region and irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhea improving effect better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 其中6例在术后1d~2d内有腰部酸胀痛,经适当处理后缓解,5例出现肉眼血尿经对症处理后缓解,3例出现排尿困难,处理后缓解。

    Among them , 6 cases had soreness and gas pains of waist within the 1st and 2nd days af - ter operation , but relieved after suitable treatment . Another 5 cases developed gross hematuria and 3 cases developed dysuria but relieved after corresponding treatment .

  4. 多数患者的疼痛为隐痛、胀痛;

    A dull and distending pain was described by many patients .

  5. 因为随着肠动增加,腹胀和胀痛也会逐渐增加。

    As intestinal activity increases , distention and gas pains gradually decrease .

  6. 飞机降落时我耳朵总是胀痛。

    My ears always pop as the plane comes in to land .

  7. 结果:移植术后腰部胀痛症状改善最为明显;

    Results : After transplantation , release of waist pain was most obvious ;

  8. 术后患肢肿胀、胀痛明显改善,静脉性跛行消失。

    Venous claudication disappeared and chronic lower extremity swelling ameliorated in all seven .

  9. 方法对19例盆腔腹膜结核病例进行临床分析。结果女性盆腔腹膜结核常见症状为腹部胀痛,次为乏力盗汗、消瘦,少数有月经改变;

    Methods A retrospective review of 19 cases of pelvic peritoneal tuberculosis was performed .

  10. 患者症状包括:阴道流血、下腹坠胀痛和腰骶部不适。

    Symptoms include : vaginal bleeding , abdominal pain and lumbar di ministry fell discomfort .

  11. 结果11例患者均出现不同程度的恶心、呕吐、上腹部胀痛,仅7例出现剧烈腹痛,5例出现不明原因的发热。

    Severe colic was noted in 7 cases and fever of unknown cause in 5 cases .

  12. 结果14例患者无任何临床症状,3例有腰部胀痛,1例有高血压。

    Results 14 patients had no symptoms , except 3 patients accompanying flank pain and 1 patient accompanying hypertension .

  13. 我听说如果张开嘴,使劲咽唾沫,耳朵就不会胀痛了。

    I 've heard that if you open your mouth and swallow hard , your ears won 't pop .

  14. 患者,女,69岁,上腹胀痛,便次增多,下肢浮肿2年。

    Sufferer , a 69-year-old woman suffered from midsection gas pains , diarrhea and lower limbs edema for about two years .

  15. 结论加味藿香正气软胶囊能改善由于外感风寒、内伤湿滞引起的脘腹胀痛、呕吐、泻泄等症。

    Conclusion MHZSC can relieve the abdominal distention and pain , vomiting and diarrhea induced by exogenous wind-cold and endogenous damp stagnation .

  16. 在治疗过程中发现柔肝冲剂对胁肋胀痛、腹胀、食少症状的改善比较明显。

    During the course of treatment of liver granule that stalking rib pain , abdominal distension , eat less obvious improvement of symptoms .

  17. 或浮肿,腰以下为甚,按之凹陷不起,甚则腹部胀痛,心悸咳喘。

    Or edema , below waist for really , according to it hollow , really abdomen painfully swollen , palpitation coughing and gasping .

  18. 结论肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征的诊断除应具有上腹胀痛、呕吐等典型症状外,主要的确诊手段为X线钡餐造影;

    Conclusion The diagnosis of SMAS should mainly depend on barium meal examination except that the typical clinical manifestations such as epigastric distending pain and vomiting .

  19. 动脉血栓形成主要表现为突发的无尿,静脉血栓表现为少尿伴移植肾区胀痛甚至移植肾破裂。

    Sudden anuresis was the main feature of arterial thrombosis , while venous thrombosis was characterized by sudden anuresis and renal graft pain even graft rupture .

  20. 随着水滴离地面越来越近,不断增加的空气阻力会产生越来越大的压强,你的耳朵会感到胀痛。

    As the raindrop approached the ground , the buildup of air resistance would lead to an increase in pressure that would make your ears pop .

  21. 此方通治:各类胃炎、溃疡、胀痛、消化不良、胃肠动力不足、肠炎等一切胃肠疾病。

    To pass this rule : various types of gastritis , ulcers , pain , dyspepsia , lack of gastrointestinal motility , enteritis and other gastrointestinal disorders all .

  22. 上腹痛为主要症状,可为钝痛、灼痛、胀痛、或剧痛。

    On suffer from abdominal pain by symptom for being main , can for being dull pain , burn to ache , not pain , the or sharp pain more .

  23. 用于感冒发热,寒热往来,疟疾,肝郁气滞,胸胁胀痛,脱肛,子宫脱垂,月经不不调。

    For cold and influenza , alternating chill and fever , malaria , fullness in chest and rib cage , irregular menses , prolapse of uterus , and prolapse of rectum .

  24. 非药物性不良反应45例,主要表现为下腹胀痛、面色苍白、出汗、血压下降、心跳加快、头晕、眼花、恶心、呕吐等症状。

    The non-drug reaction were mainly hypogastralgia , pallor , sweating , blood pressure decrease , speeding up of heart-beat , dizziness , blur version , nausea , vomiting and other Symptoms .

  25. 肝郁血瘀症可出现急噪易怒,胸胁胀痛,痛经或经期延后,经血紫暗有块,舌有紫斑,脉弦涩。

    Liver depression of blood stasis may appear Jizao irritability , Xiongxie pain , dysmenorrhea , or delayed menstruation , blood is dark purple block , a tongue Purpura , pulse string Shibuya .

  26. 吉林俊宏-清热化湿,醒脾消滞,用于脾胃伏火引起的消化不良,脘腹胀痛,不思饮食、口苦口臭等症。

    Ji Chun-Hung Lin-heat Huashi , Xing Pi Xiaozhi , V for stomach indigestion caused by the fire , abdominal pain , abdominal distension , no appetite , I suffer bad breath embolism .

  27. 用药前后体重指数无明显变化,用药期间阴道出血比例为5.6%,乳腺胀痛、下肢水肿、胃肠道症状发生率分别为19.7%、8.2%和9.0%,多发生在最初用药半年内。

    The occurrence of vaginal bleeding , breast tenderness , edema and gastrointestinal symptoms was 5.6 % , 19.7 % , 8.2 % and 9.0 % respectively . The side effect was dose dependent .

  28. 第四:胃下垂以饥饿法瘦身的女人总能感觉食欲不振、胀气、胀痛,这很可能是胃下垂的征兆。

    Fourth : The woman that gastroptosis reduces weight with the hungry law always can feel losing the appetite , bloated air , bloated pain , this will be probably a sign of gastroptosis .

  29. 临产后明显感觉腰骶部胀痛时,采用穴位按摩及曲马多镇痛,动态观察其分娩镇痛效果及产程。

    In analgesia group , there was an experienced midwife to nurse the puerperal and use point massage for labor analgesia when the puerperal feel lumbosacral pain , and dynamically observed the puerperal ′ s birth process .

  30. 治疗组对症状总积分、临床症状改善、舌象改善均明显优于对照组,对脘腹胀痛改善与对照组相近。

    The total integral calculus of symptom , clinical symptom improvement and tongue evidence improvement in the group of treatment are more obvious ameliorative than those in the antitheses group , and similar in abdominal swelling and pain .