
  • 网络stringy pulse;manifested by stringy polse
  1. 舌脉象以舌质红或淡,薄白苔,脉弦为主。

    The tongue show the red or tongue pulse condition for pale , thin white moss , stringy pulse .

  2. 结合中医理论,舌苔薄白、脉弦可作为进一步研究的肝郁证症状条目。

    Such signs of hepatic depression syndrome as thin white fur of tongue and stringy pulse still need to be further studied .

  3. 脉弦滑12例,占11.88%;

    Pulse string slide 12 cases , accounting for 12 cases 11.88 % ;

  4. 脉弦14例,占13.86%;

    Pulse string , representing 13.86 % ;

  5. 肝:肢体麻木、关节僵硬、肢体拘急、抑郁不舒、脉弦。

    Liver : Limb numbness , joint stiffness , limb contracture , depression , string pulse .

  6. 常见的舌、脉象为舌红,苔薄黄,脉弦、数。

    Common tongue , pulse condition are tongue red , moss thin yellow , pulse string and number .

  7. 中风病人凡具有便干便秘,舌苔黄腻,脉弦滑等症状,皆可大胆应用。

    This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation , yellowish fur , and thready and slippery pulse .

  8. 热毒炽盛证:口腔溃疡、牙龈肿痛、痰涕黄稠、舌红、苔黄、脉弦数。

    The heat-toxin syndromes : dental ulcer , gum boss and pain , brightly red blood-snivel , red tongue with yellowish fur , string pulse .

  9. 血瘀证证候表征常见胸痛、胸闷、舌色暗红、脉弦、乏力、失眠。

    In blood stasis syndrome commonly appeared symptoms are chest pain , chest tightness , dark red tongue , string pulse , spontaneous perspiration , fatigue , insomnia . 2 .

  10. 肝郁血瘀症可出现急噪易怒,胸胁胀痛,痛经或经期延后,经血紫暗有块,舌有紫斑,脉弦涩。

    Liver depression of blood stasis may appear Jizao irritability , Xiongxie pain , dysmenorrhea , or delayed menstruation , blood is dark purple block , a tongue Purpura , pulse string Shibuya .

  11. 有的兼见胸闷,心悸气促,手指颤动,急躁易怒,容易汗出,眼球突出,脉弦滑而数。

    There can be also stuffiness in chest , palpitation , shortness of breath , tremor of fingers irritability , hot temper , perspiration exophthalmos , and wiry , rolling , rapid pulse .

  12. 肝郁证为:胸胁作胀或痛、精神抑郁、烦躁易怒、口苦、胸闷、善太息、脉弦;

    Syndrome of stagnation of liver-qi are in terms of fullness or distending pain in the hypochondrium , depression or irritability , bitter taste of mouth , chest distress , sighing frequently , wiry pulse ;

  13. 患者症状、舌脉象的频数及发生率前十位分别为:舌暗、口干、疲倦乏力、多饮、苔腻、脉弦、舌淡、视物模糊、舌红、脉细。

    The top ten symptoms of diabetes were : dark tongue , dry mouth , fatigue , polydipsia , greasy fur , wiry pulse , pale tongue , blurred vision , red tongue , thready pulse .

  14. 结果抑郁症5类证候共1731例,各证的舌象、脉象具有一定的特征,例如肝郁气滞证的舌象表现以舌质淡红、舌苔白或黄为主,脉象表现以脉弦为主。

    Results As seen among the 1731 cases with depression , various patterns held certain character of tongue and pulse For example , that of Liver depression and Qi stagnation was reddish tongue , white or yellow fur and stringlike pulse .

  15. 第二类群中医证候符合肝阳上亢证候,主要相关症状有:头晕或眩晕、头胀、头痛、耳鸣、胸闷、恶心呕吐、烦躁,舌红暗,苔黄,脉弦滑。

    The second group in line with traditional Chinese medicine symptoms of liver yang syndromes , mainly related symptoms include : dizziness or vertigo , stretching , headache , tinnitus , chest tightness , nausea , vomiting , irritability , mamillata dark , moss yellow , slippery pulse string .

  16. 结果情绪抑郁、脉弦滑、舌淡红苔白腻、胸胁脘腹胀闷、眩晕和表情沮丧等6项证候指标的累加总分在220分以上,必备证候指标百分率大于50%。

    Results The six symptoms , with total scores being more than 220 and percentage of necessarily occurring symptoms being higher than 50 percent , were mental depression , stringy and slippery pulse , pink tongue and greasy fur , chest and gastric distress , vertigo and expressive dejection .

  17. ⑶脉象:化疗前以弦细脉、弦滑脉、细滑脉为多,化疗后以沉滑脉、沉细脉为主,虚证脉象明显增加。

    Before chemotherapy wiry thready pulse , wiry slippery pulse and thready slippery pulse are the main pulse .

  18. 冠心病患者常见病脉为弦脉类,可能系心功能损伤,动脉顺应性降低,总外周阻力增高形成的;

    Most of the CHD patients reveal string pulse , mainly due to damage of heart function , lowering of arterial compliance and increase of total peripheral resistance .

  19. 对弦虚脉、弦弱脉作为相兼脉的属性,从文献研究、弦脉的脉图、弦脉的特征进行论证。

    As far as the nature of weak-taut pulse and feeble-taut pulse are concerned , the author demonstrates in various aspects including documentary studies , conditions and characters of taut pulse .

  20. 次症:口干,腹胀,乏力,舌红少苔,中有裂纹或光剥,脉细弦或带数。

    Disease once : The mouth is dry , abdominal distension is weak , red few tongue of tongue , there is crackle or only shell in China , pulse is thin and profound or the area is counted .

  21. 结果:所测的147例肝癌患者中,弦脉、滑脉、弦滑脉占90%以上;

    Results : Ninety percent of patients had string like pulse , slippery pulse , and string like and slippery pulse in 147 hepatocarcinoma cases .

  22. 中医缓脉、滑脉、弦脉定义和脉图识别的探讨超弦理论

    Research on definitions of the normal pulse , the sliding pulse and the choral pulse and the pulse graph recognition in the traditional Chinese medicine superstring theory

  23. 气滞者脉多浮数而长,痉挛者脉多弦数。

    The float more and pulse number and long , the more string several spasms pulse .

  24. 舌脉:舌质淡,舌体胖或有齿印,苔薄白,脉细弱或弦细。

    Tongue and pulse : light tongue texture , fat tongue body or with teeth imprints , thin and white tongue moss and extenuate pulse .