
  • 网络Head and body;Body proportions
  1. 结果表明:非烧蚀钝锥模型头身部红外辐射远大于尾迹红外辐射,在相同飞行速度和环境压力条件下,模型A产生的红外辐射比模型B产生的红外辐射强。

    The results show that the IR radiation of model is stronger than the IR radiation of wake , and the IR radiation of model A is stronger than model B at the same test conditions .

  2. 在不呼吸的划水时不要抬头。呼吸时向前看一下,然后马上低头回到原来头身一条线的状态。

    Don 't lift the head at all during a non-breathing stroke , and when taking a breath , look forward , then get the head right back in line with the body .

  3. 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。光化学氧化剂一直与健康的越野赛跑运动员的成绩下降有关。

    He exploded into a run , flying over the filed like a greyhound , his hooves barely touching the ground . Photochemical oxidants have been associated with impaired athletic performance in healthy cross-country runners .

  4. 结果治疗组的治愈率和总有效率均高于对照组(P<0.01),尤其对发热、恶寒、头身疼痛等主要症状积分值的改善明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The cure rate and total effective rate were higher in treatment group than in control group ( P < 0.01 ); it was especially effective for such symptoms as fever , aversion to cold and body pain .

  5. 根结、标本理论是经络学说的重要内容,阐述了四肢与头身脏腑之间的纵向联系,并强调四肢肘膝关节以下穴位的重要性。

    " Origins and junctions , roots and branches " theory is an important part of the meridian theory , which expounds vertical linkages between the limbs and head or viscera , and emphasizes the importance of the acupoints below elbow and knee joint .

  6. 一个缩头弓身的孤独身影从唐宁街10号出来了。

    A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten

  7. 旋转式六头罐身翻边机往返、旋转式注塑打头机

    Rotary six station flanger " Shuttle , Rotation Injection Heading Machine "

  8. 巍然屹立在一个趴着的无头怪物身上。

    It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant .

  9. 有人从一头奶牛身下做出了这个不平常的论断。

    This unusual remark came from under a cow .

  10. 去年从404头黑熊身上引流胆汁,所取胆汁约为2万升。

    Last year , some 20000 liters of bile were taken from 404 bears .

  11. 目的:比较当归头、身、尾的鞣质含量。

    Objective : Compare the tannic contents of Tangkuei head , body and tail .

  12. 在人的头和身上滋生虱子。

    Infests the head and body of humans .

  13. 这就像从一头死猪身上取血一样简单。

    This is gonna be like , well , taking blood from a sleeping pig .

  14. 他说当一头大象身上有了跳蚤,是跳蚤而非大象在跳。

    He said when an elephant has fleas it is the fleas that do the jumping .

  15. 我们从一头大象身上学到了力量和温和并非是互斥的;

    We learn from an elephant , for example , that power and gentleness are not incompatible .

  16. 旋转式六头罐身翻边机

    Rotary six station flanger

  17. 这个奇怪的动物有着一颗硕大的头颅。巍然屹立在一个趴着的无头怪物身上。

    The strange animal has a large head . It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant .

  18. 由此,中国代表认为解决偷猎活动应大力倡导从中国虎类养殖场养殖的5000头老虎身上加工虎类商品。

    The answer , they argued , is to flood their market with products from the5,000 tigers that live on Chinese farms .

  19. 德国证实在该国东部的一头野猪身上发现首例非洲猪瘟病例。

    Germany has confirmed its first case of African swine fever discovered in a wild boar in the eastern part of the country .

  20. 尾巴仅有几英寸长,头大身小,貌似犬。

    The tail is a few inches long . The head is large compared to the body and is shaped roughly like a dog 's.

  21. 经检测,研究人员在两头海象身上发现了甲流病毒,另在28头海象身上发现甲流病毒抗体,这说明或许有更多的海象接触到甲流病毒。

    They detected H1N1 infection in two elephant seals and antibodies to the virus in an additional 28 elephant seals , indicating more widespread exposure .

  22. 河边的杨柳高高地昂着头,身上挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条,仿佛自己穿上了一身冬天的亮装,显得那么生机勃勃。

    Riverside to Keep the tall willows , was decked out with shaggy , turning the ingots , as if his wore a winter-loaded , it then vibrant .

  23. 提出了一种新的基因结构:头+身+尾,使计算机自动设计的程序具有必要的复杂性,又便于引入学习机制;

    A new gene structure is proposed : head + body + tail , which allows the program with necessary complexity and putting some learning mechanism into the search process .

  24. 由于她的脸严重扭曲,连父母都认不出她来了,当地的小孩子都称她为电风扇大妈:头大身小。

    Her face was so altered that her own parents did not recognise her and local children also used to call her ' standing fan ' because her face was so large compared to her small body .

  25. 她的头上和身上都有伤。

    She had injuries to her head and body .

  26. 狗用头在我身上蹭来蹭去。

    The dog was nuzzling against me .

  27. 她的头上和身上都有伤。

    She bad injuries to her head and body .

  28. 洞穴里盘踞着一条恶蛇,它的头冠和身上的鳞片象金子似地熠熠发光。

    In the cave lurked a horrid serpent with a crested head and scales glittering like gold .

  29. 棕头、白身;棕头、棕条背、白身。

    Female : brown , brown head and white body , brown head and brown stripe back with white body .

  30. 照片上另一名女子蹲着扶着新妈妈的头,她身下似乎铺着一条毛巾。

    A second woman is shown crouching to support the head of the new mother , who appears to be lying on a towel .