
  • 网络Head-Mounted Display;hmd;HMDs;Head-mounted display, HMD
  1. 谷歌眼镜这样的智能眼镜产品其实是带有头戴式显示器的可穿戴计算机。

    Smart glass products like Google Glass are wearable computers with a head-mounted display .

  2. 在OculusRift头戴式显示器的基础上设计了双摄像机立体视频透视式头盔显示装置。

    A video see-through HMD based on Oculus Rift was designed .

  3. Wit可能是脸书虚拟现实战略的一部分,去年脸书就在购买头戴式显示器上收益颇丰。

    Wit might also be part of Facebook 's virtual reality strategy , which got a big boost last year when the company bought Oculus Rift .

  4. 由于当前市场上的头戴式显示器,数据手套,跟踪系统以及性能强大的计算机图形资源比较低廉,应用基于PC的虚拟训练系统变得很有吸引力。

    Since Head Mounted Displays ( HMD ), data gloves , tracking systems , and powerful computer graphics resources are nowadays in an affordable price range , the usage of PC-based " Virtual Training Systems " becomes very attractive .

  5. 这是我第一次亲身体验OculusRift头戴式显示器。这款虚拟现实设备可以让人体验一些不可思议的视频游戏。

    This was my first try of Oculus Rift , the virtual-reality goggles that can place a person wearing them into a sort of uncanny video game .

  6. 公司计划采用创新的人体力学设计,使头戴式显示器产品佩戴起来更加舒适且更为简单易用。

    NVIS plans to address this widespread weakness with innovative new designs that provide superior ergonomic features for an easy to use , more comfortable HMD .

  7. 本实用新型涉及一种头戴式显示器,尤其涉及一种可根据使用者视力差异,进行视度补偿的头戴式显示器。

    The utility model relates to a head-wearing type display , in particular to the head-wearing type display which can carry out visibility compensation according to vision differences of users .