
  • 网络Augmented Reality;augment reality;ARToolkit;argument reality
  1. Layer:这款浏览器能提供“增强现实”体验。

    Layar : this browser provides " augmented reality " experiences .

  2. 基于动态LightMap的增强现实光照算法

    Illumination Method in Augmented Reality Based on Dynamic Light Map

  3. 眼镜计划(ProjectGlass)本质上就是GoogleNow加上增强现实技术以及可穿戴计算。

    Project glass is essentially Google now plus augmented reality and wearable computing .

  4. 基于Java的增强现实视频子系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of Video Subsystem for Augmented Reality System by Java

  5. 我国将不会审批与《精灵宝可梦Go》类似的增强现实游戏,《精灵宝可梦Go》是广受欢迎的国外游戏。

    China will not approve augmented reality ( AR ) games similar to Pokemon Go , a wildly popular foreign game .

  6. 增强现实使用模式识别在视频上渲染3D图形。

    Augmented Reality uses pattern recognition to render3D graphics on top of a video display .

  7. 业界所说的增强现实(augmentedreality)技术其实已经存在,只是仍然处于原始阶段。

    So-called augmented reality technology already exists , but remains primitive .

  8. 增强现实技术研究及其在Flash上的实现

    Research on Augmented Reality Technique and Its Realization on Flash

  9. 基于图像的扩充现实(augmentedreality&AR,也称增强现实)技术能够实现这些目的。

    Image-based Augmented Reality ( AR ) can realize these objectives .

  10. 还有一个问题,就是任天堂实际能从宝可梦Go收到多少利润,考虑到它并非是这款增强现实游戏的主要开发商。

    There is also a question as to how much profit Nintendo will actually receive from Pokemon Go given it was not the main developer of the augmented reality game .

  11. 这些奇幻景象,是增强现实技术领域的初创企业MagicLeap的一些设想。

    These fanciful visions are being dreamed up by Magic Leap , a start-up making augmented-reality technology .

  12. 从实际系统应用出发,寻求众多增强现实实现方式中的创新:预设Marker识别。

    Pursue some innovation among so many methods of Augmented Reality from practical system applications : presetting-Marker identify . 4 .

  13. 增强现实(augmentedreality,简称AR)是将由计算机生成的虚拟场景与现实世界的场景进行叠加,并将叠加的场景显示给用户的过程。

    Augmented Reality ( AR ) is a process overlaying the virtual scene generated by the computer on real-world scene .

  14. 本文使用张量的方法推导了基于仿射空间的免标定增强现实方法,该方法不需要像机的标定参数和环境对象的3D位置信息就可实现视频增强。

    This approach does not use the calibration parameters of the camera and the3D locations of the environments object , and can realize the video augmentation .

  15. 《精灵宝可梦Go》使用被称为增强现实的技术,把数码怪物的图像放在现实环境中,玩家可在手机屏幕上用轻拂手指来捕获精灵。

    Pok é mon Go uses what is known as augmented reality technology , which puts images of digital monsters in real-world environments for players to hunt with a flick of their fingers .

  16. 本文实现了一个具有显微图像效果的2D增强现实的微操作拟实环境。

    A 2D augmented reality environment with the characteristics of microscope image is implemented for a microoperation robot system in this paper .

  17. 很显然,增强现实技术可以用于改善电子游戏,戈登曾是游戏公司艺电(ElectronicArts)的高管,对这个领域很熟悉。

    Augmented reality could obviously be used to enhance video games , something that Mr. Gordon , as a former executive of the game company Electronic Arts , is familiar with .

  18. 随着各类人工传感器被不断地植入个人数字终端,交互界面被赋予了全新的使命&增强现实(AugmentedReality)。

    With an increasing number of artificial sensors implanting into the personal digital terminals , the interface is endowed with a complete new mission : Augmented Reality .

  19. 《PokemonGo》是一款手机增强现实游戏,全球数以百万计的玩家像着了魔一样地在公共场合抓那些小精灵。

    Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game on smartphones which has millions of people worldwide obsessively capturing small creatures in public spaces .

  20. 增强现实(augmentedreality,简称AR)是在虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)基础上发展起来的新研究领域。

    Augmented Reality ( Augmented Reality , referred to as AR ) is a new field of research developed based on Virtual Reality ( Virtual Reality , VR ) .

  21. 随着越来越多的手机最近都新增了增强现实技术,AR头戴式耳机或是辅助现实技术的应用已近在咫尺。

    As augmented reality moves into more phones in the near future , AR headsets -- or assisted reality ones -- no longer seem so farfetched .

  22. 这表明,谷歌不太关心的增强现实的短期业务前景,而是更重视与MagicLeap形成长期的战略合作关系。

    This suggests that it is less concerned with the near-term business prospects of augmented reality than in forging a long-term strategic relationship with Magic Leap .

  23. 增强现实(augmentedreality)是一种可以将虚拟的物体结合到现实场景中的技术,能够支持用户与其进行交互,从而给用户以身临其境的体验。

    Augmented Reality is a technology that can combine virtual objects with the real scenes , which can also support human-computer interaction so that users can enjoy an immersive experience .

  24. 从增强现实AR系统中目标跟踪的需要出发,介绍了空间靶标位姿的重建方法。

    This paper introduces a reconstruction method of spatial drone position and posture to meet the requirement of object tracking in an augment reality ( AR ) system .

  25. CG、虚拟现实和增强现实构建成三维数字装饰艺术系统的基本元素。

    Computer graphics , virtual reality and building up the true feeling of Virtual reality compose numeric decorated three dimensions art system .

  26. 概要介绍基于图像的外科手术导航技术(IGS)的概念和发展,并着重分析和评述了近年来的基于增强现实(AR)的IGS的技术和系统。

    This article presents a survey of the research concerning image guided surgery ( IGS ) techniques and the AR-based IGS systems .

  27. 增强现实(AR)技术是在虚拟现实技术的基础上发展起来的新兴研究领域,是一种利用计算机产生的附加信息对真实世界的景象增强的技术。

    Augmented Reality ( AR ) is a new research field derived from virtual reality . It is a technology that enables computer-generated information to be superimposed on the real world .

  28. 穿透式双通道头盔显示器(HMD)是增强现实系统中的关键部件。

    See through head mounted display ( HMD ) is a key component in the augmented reality ( AR ) system .

  29. IHS表示,为了达到这个目标,开发人员将需要成功地生产增强现实应用,因为这才是用户对智能眼镜感兴趣的原因所在。

    To reach that target , IHS said developers would need to successfully produce augmented reality applications that would justify user interest in smart glasses .

  30. IHS称,如果智能眼镜未能成为真正的增强现实系统,而是沦为可穿戴式摄像机,就很可能出现总出货量只有100万部的惨淡局面。

    That bearish scenario would likely play out if smart glasses became more of a wearable camera than a true augmented reality system , according to IHS .