
zēnɡ jiā zhí
  • value added
  1. 自从美国思腾思特咨询公司二十世纪八十年代后期提出经济增加值(EVA)以来,已在全球范围内引起了广泛关注。

    Economic value added ( EVA ), founded and developed by the consulting firm of stern Stewart & Co.

  2. 近年来,经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,简称EVA)作为一种价值管理工具,在银行业中的应用越来越广泛。

    In recent years , Economic Value Added ( referred to as EVA ) as a value-based management tool , it has been applied in the bank sector more and more widely .

  3. 社会劳动生产率按现价增加值计算。

    Labor productivity is calculated by added value at current price .

  4. 全年全国规模以上工业增加值比上年增长2.8%。12月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长7.3%。

    Output of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan expanded by 2.8 percent year-on-year in 2020 and 7.3 percent in December .

  5. 在这种背景下,经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,EVA)应运而生。

    So Economic Value Added arises at the historic moment .

  6. MVA(MarketValueAdded)即市场价值增加值,它是以资产市场价值为基础的业绩考核指标。

    Market Value Added ( MVA ) is the performance evaluation index based on assets market value .

  7. 经济增加值(EVA)指标应用的思考

    Thinking about Application of Economic Value Added ( EVA ) Quote

  8. 以经济增加值(EVA)作为财务管理职能的统一目标研究

    Applying EVA to be the uniform aim of functions in financial management system

  9. 但由于统计惯例和一些统计口径的问题,房地产业增加值占GDP的比重被严重低估。

    But because of the problems in statistic practice and criterion , its added value is heavily devalued .

  10. 基于经济增加值(EVA)的我国城市商业银行创值能力研究

    Analysis of the Value-Creation Ability of China 's City Commercial Banks Based on EVA

  11. 关于商业银行分支机构提高经济增加值(EVA)的探讨

    On Enhancing EVA by Branches of Commercial Banks

  12. 经济增加值(EVA):财务管理的新视角

    EVA : A New Way of Financial Management

  13. 经济增加值(EVA)源于剩余收益(RI)模型。

    Economic Value Added originated from Residual Income Model .

  14. 在各切变率时,ηb增加值与EAI增加值均呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。

    There were marked relationships between △η b and △ EAI under different shear rates ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  15. 经济增加值(EVA)体系在我国高新技术企业中的应用研究

    Application Study on Economic Value Added ( EVA ) System in High-tech Enterprises of Our Country

  16. 本文认为:旅游产业增加值是衡量旅游产业对GDP贡献的科学标准;

    This paper holds that the adding value of tourism industry is the scientific criteria to measure its contribution to GDP ;

  17. 创值,又被人们称为经济增加值(EVA),等于税后净营业利润与全部资本成本之间的差额。

    EVA ( Economic Value Added ) is the difference between after-tax profits and the capital costs .

  18. 市场增加值MVA可弥补EVA的不足。

    Market Value Added will compensate for deficiency of EVA .

  19. EVA(EconomicValueAdded,经济增加值)的基本理念可以阐释为:公司必须为股东带来高于相同风险条件下的平均利润水平的投资回报。

    The essence of EVA ( Economic Value Added ) is that a entries must bring stockholder a investing return which is higher than average profit in the same venture .

  20. EVA(经济增加值)不仅是一个公司业绩评价指标,而且是一种全面财务管理的架构。

    Economic Value-added is not only an index of corporate achievement , but also a framework of overall financial management .

  21. 建筑行业的增加值约占我国GDP的7%,已成为国民经济的支柱产业。

    The added value of the building industry accounts for about 7 % of GDP in China has become the pillar industry of national economy .

  22. 内蒙古第三产业增加值的研究&基于ARIMA疏系数模型

    Study of inner mongolia 's tertiary industry increased value & arima sparse coefficient model-based

  23. GDP统计数字衡量的是,某经济体在某一给定时间期限内创造的、以本币计的增加值或收入总额。

    GDP statistics measure the amount of value added or income in the economy , measured in domestic currencies , over a given period of time .

  24. 1995年辽宁省生产性服务业增加值为488.34亿元,占服务业比重为48.3%,占GDP比重为17.5%。

    In 1995 , Producer services production of Liaoning was 48.834 billion yuan , accounting for 48.3 % of services , accounting for 17.5 % of GDP .

  25. 最简单和直接的办法是计算其市场增加值(MVA,MarketValueAdded),即上市公司的市值减去企业全部资本投入。

    Simple and the direct means is calculating its market value added ( MVA , Market Value Added ), Namely the market company 's market value subtract the enterprise complete capital investment .

  26. 20世纪80年代,美国思腾思特管理咨询公司在剩余收入的基础上,提出了一种新的财务指标&经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,简称EVA)。

    EVA , an acronym for economic value added , as a kind of new financial index is hailed by Stern-Stewart & Company based on a long-known and compelling concept called residual income in 1980 ' s.

  27. 除免疫二组的高剂量组小鼠体重增加值与对照组比较有显著性差异外(P<0.01),其余各组小鼠的体重增加值与对照组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The gain of body weight had significant difference between high group ( group 2 ) and control group ( P < 0.01 ), but there was no significant difference between other two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 第三部分对经济增加值指标的实施情况进行了描述性统计,归纳中央企业实施EVA的现状。

    The third part is descriptive statistics which the implementation of economic value added indicators , and summarizes the status of central enterprises to implement EVA .

  29. EVA是经济增加值或称经济利润的缩写,是企业投资资本收益超过资本成本部分的价值。

    EVA is the abbreviation of economic value added . It is the exceed value that the profit of investment subtract the cost of the capital .

  30. 第二步,在人力资本获取工资性收入的基础上,利用调整后的经济增加值(EVA′)方法使高层次人力资本获得企业剩余收益。

    The second step , allocate the economic added value after adjustment ( EVA ' ) to high-level human capital on basis of human capital getting wage .