
  • 网络increasing function
  1. 通过对二项分布函数的研究,证明它是关于概率p和试验中允许失败次数r的单调增函数,是关于试验次数n的单调减函数。

    Through the research of binomial probability distribution function ( PDF ), it has been proved that the PDF is a monotone increasing function of probability p and allowable failure time r in test , and is a monotone decreasing function of test time n.

  2. 楔梁型破坏冰力是k1的增函数.这预示着最大冰力将在两种破坏模式过渡时出现。

    The ice force with wedged beam-type failure is an increasing function of size ratio k_1.This predicts that a maximum ice force will take place under the transition condition .

  3. 关于非增函数的加权Hardy不等式

    On Hardy 's Inequality with Weights for Nonincreasing Functions

  4. 集值序增函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分的相关性质

    Properties of Set-valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Set-valued Order Increasing Function

  5. 实值非负函数关于集值序增函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-Valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Real Non-Negative Function with Respect to Set-Valued Order Increasing Function

  6. 利用增函数的性质,设计全多项式时间近似算法(FPTAS)。

    A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme ( FPTAS ) is designed with the character of increasing function .

  7. 在Jacob假定下通过含水层形变的本构方程分析表明,渗透系数是水头的单调增函数,而储水率的含水层骨架弹性贡献部分不受含水层形变影响。

    Under Jacob assumptions , constitutive equation analysis of aquifer deformation shows that hydraulic conductivity can vary with aquifer deformation and can be expressed as a monotone increasing function of hydraulic head . The skeletal elastic contribution of specific storage , however , is not affected by aquifer deformation .

  8. 单调增函数幂次积分序列的一个新结果

    A New Result of Power Integral Sequence for Monotone Increasing Function

  9. 非单调离散增函数的三步预测法

    Three-step forecasting method of non-singular scattered increasing functions

  10. 此模型允许缺货,缺货率是关于等待时间的一个非增函数。所谓的等待时间是指当前时刻与下次进货时刻的时间间隔。

    The backlogging rate is an non-increasing function of the waiting time for the next replenishment .

  11. 首先给出有界闭凸集值序增函数以及有界闭凸集序增过程的定义;

    In this paper , a bounded closed convex set-valued ordered increasing function and process are defined .

  12. 研究结果表明,在样本分布和量化级数不变时,泛化均方差和学习均方差是权调整率的非增函数。

    Research results indicate that generalization ability and learning accuracy are the non decreasing function of weight adjusting ratio .

  13. 在非对称信息情况下,制造商以批发价和补贴作为非线性契约的协调机制,而批发价和补贴都是促销投资的增函数。

    As the coordination mechanism of nonlinear contract , both wholesaling price and price subsidies can increase demand promotion functions .

  14. 引进一类严格单调增函数,不对此函数取对数,提出一种新的增长指标。

    A new growth index is put forward with the introduction to a strictly monotone increasing function other than the logarithm to this function .

  15. 中心设计系数是径向固结系数变异系数的减函数,而是失效概率的增函数。

    The central design coefficient is decreasing function of coefficient of variation of horizontal coefficient of consolidation , and increasing function of probability of failure .

  16. 研究表明:最优供应商数量是合作效益的减函数、机会主义损失的增函数以及交易成本的减函数。

    Studies showed that the optimal supplier numbers is the decreasing function of cooperation benefits and transaction costs and the increasing function of opportunistic losses .

  17. 由此推断出链路传输延迟同排队长度和速率之间的关系式,证明了延迟是流量的增函数。

    Hence expressions of transmission delay , queuing length and speed are raised and it is proved that the delay is an increased function of traffic .

  18. 针对发散型二级供应链系统优化问题,采用一般增函数作为生产(包含运输)和存储费用的参数表示构建数学模型。

    For the decentralized supply chain , let general increasing functions represent the production ( include transportation ) and inventory cost functions , establish the mathematic model .

  19. 对经理人,经理股票期权使其收益成为自身努力的增函数,帮助经理人实现自身的人力资本价值,增加经理人努力的条件。

    To the operators , the executive stock option enables its earnings to become a rising function of its efforts , helping the operators realizing the human capital value ;

  20. 模型揭示,在工业反哺农业的条件下,农业部门的技术进步和农业资本增长率是农村劳动力转移速度的增函数。

    The model showed that the speed of rural labor migration has positive effects on agricultural technology progress and agricultural capital increasing rate under the premise of industry nurturing agriculture .

  21. 从供求角度的分析可以看出,在较短的时期内,社会福利是平行进口量的增函数,且随着平行进口量的增长,社会福利的增长也越快。

    The social welfare is the positive function of the quantity of parallel imports in the short term . With the increasing of the quantity of parallel imports , the social welfare will increase quickly .

  22. 而且经过证明,最优回收定价函数是初始库存之和的非增函数,最优值函数是库存状态变量的连续可微和联合凸函数。

    It is proved that the optimal acquisition price is nonincreasing in the combined serviceable and returns inventories . Furthermore , the optimality value function is jointly convex and differentiable in the serviceable inventory and the returns inventory .

  23. 最后的数值实验验证了本文所有的理论结果,同时也表明集中质量有限元近似特征值是剖分单元数的增函数,结合标准有限元的已有结果,作者得到一般性的结论。

    Our numerical experiments demonstrate all theoretical results and show that lumped mass finite element approximation eigenvalues are increasing functions of the number of total elements , combining these results with results from standard finite element method , we obtain conclusions for general problem .

  24. 本文研究了水溶液中甲基纤维素的超声波辐照降解反应,证实该反应具有一般的力降解特征,发现降解速率不是辐照时间的单调增函数。

    The ultrasonic degradation reactions of methyl cellulose ( MC ) in its aqueous solution under different conditions were studied . It was found that the degradation reactions are of a mechanochemical nature and the degradation rate is not an increasing function of irradiating time .

  25. 研究表明:无论延期成本为线性形式还是指数形式,只要高估价顾客的延期成本函数为拍卖剩余时间的连续的严格增函数,那么高估价顾客到达网站时都会根据阈值战略进行决策。

    It shows that customers with higher valuation will choose threshold strategies to make decision once arriving at websites when the delay cost function of them continuous strict increases with the auction remaining time , no matter the delay cost function is in linear or exponential form .

  26. 模型的主要假设是制造商主导、单一产品、单周期、信息完全且对称、需求量是需求价格的线性减函数,回收量是回收价格的线性增函数,销售和回收的单位渠道成本固定等。

    The main hypnoses of the models are as follows : a leading manufacturer , a single product , a single period , complete and symmetrical information , linear demand function , linear supply function of used products , average fixed cost of channel cost , et al .

  27. 定性的讲,我们得到的成功几率是纠缠的增函数同时也是旋转角度的减函数。当使用的纠缠态向最大纠缠态或旋转角度向零靠近的时候,我们得到的成功几率向100%靠近。

    Qualitatively the probability of the success we achieve is an increasing function of the entanglement and a decreasing function of the controlled-rotation angle , and the probability of success will approach the unit when the entangled state approaches a Bell state or the controlled-rotation angle approaches zero . 4 .

  28. 令S(R)和S~(R)分别表示R上的Schwartz速降光滑函数空间和Schwartz缓增广义函数空间;

    Let S ( R ) and S ~ ( R ) be the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing smooth functions and the space of tempered distributions on R respectively .

  29. 空间S上缓增广义函数付氏变换的一个初等方法

    An Elementary Method of the Fourier Transformation of Tempered Distribution on the Space S

  30. -不减(不增)函数、(?)

    - nonincreasing ) function and (?)