
  • 网络convenience;convenient;accessibility;Availability
  1. 如今,我们指尖上的各种沟通选择对于便利性和效率是有好处的——同时却非常令人烦恼。

    The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for convenience and productivity — and at the same time very troublesome .

  2. 初步建立起一个可以协作的、辅助指导的、分布式的网上教学环境,以Web的方式将传统教育的直接交互性与网络远程教育的便利性结合在一起。

    The research establishes the collaborative web distance education environment and combines the alternation of traditional teaching with convenience of distance education based on network .

  3. 在系统软件设计中,充分利用了C语言的便利性和汇编语言的灵活性,采用混合编程的方法,使其具有良好的可读性和高效性。

    The software design uses C and assembly language , which have good readability and efficiency .

  4. Windowsserver2003企业版升级的便利性、增强的用户界面、更好的安全性等特征。

    Windows Server 2003 will advantage upgrade , enhanced UI and even more security .

  5. 永旺银行希望新型ATM机不仅可以提高操作的便利性,还可防止盗窃银行卡等犯罪行为。

    The bank hopes to make ATMs more convenient while reducing card theft .

  6. 通过实验验证了该模型的可行性和便利性。二是数据操作API库的设计与实现。

    The model is feasible and convenient throught experiments.2.Design and implementation of the data manipulation APIs .

  7. 经实践比较,VPN技术与传统组网方法相比具有经济性和便利性。

    Compared with traditional IT technology , the VPN technology is economical and convenient .

  8. DOM可能是最为流行的XML文档访问方式,它通过损失性能实现了访问的便利性。

    DOM is probably the most popular means of accessing XML documents , offering convenience at the expense of performance .

  9. 从一台计算机的便利性,用户将能够建立一个RCS的牧师C组件目录号。

    From the convenience of a computer , a user will be able to build a catalog number of an RCS Rev .

  10. SpringIntegration提供ESB风格解决方案的建模能力,但使用方法及其便利性与Spring框架并无二致。

    Spring Integration provides the ability to model ESB-style solutions using the same idioms and conveniences that you 're accustomed to from the Spring framework .

  11. 文章讨论了双稳态LCD和RF整合的技术,旨在为零售商提供更强的功能性和便利性。

    This article discusses a bistable LCD and RF protocol designed to provide both functionality and ease of use for retailers .

  12. 它通过结合Kerberos,PKI和安全通道技术极大地提升了性能和便利性。

    It greatly enhances the performance and convenience through integrating Kerberos , PKI and secure channel technologies .

  13. 最初,JAXP的目的仅仅是向SAX和DOM提供便利性和供应商中立性。

    JAXP was initially intended merely to provide convenience and vendor-neutrality to SAX and DOM .

  14. 尤其是PCI总线的发展以及图形界面操作系统的出现,大大提高了虚拟仪器的性能以及使用的便利性。

    Especially , development of PCI bus and emerge of graphics interface operation system have greatly increased performance and convenience of virtual instrument .

  15. 瘦AP给网络管理员带来了便利性,但是它必须在AC的配合下才能使用。

    The thin AP will bring portability to network manager , but it can be used only cooperated with AC. Fat AP can make good in this aspect .

  16. 注意,在一些WebSphereStudio工具的版本中,Web服务向导也为便利性创建一个叫做代理的构件,这个构件实现一些查找和端点复杂设置的工作。

    Note that some versions of the WebSphere Studio tools Web service wizard also create a convenience artifact called a proxy that implements some of the lookup and endpoint setting complexity .

  17. Lin和中国及其他地方成千上万的驾车者的购车决定常常更多地基于便利性和价格,而不是出于对环境的考虑。

    Decisions like hers , and those of millions of motorists in China and elsewhere , are often based more on convenience and affordability than environmental considerations .

  18. EZ-USB2100系列单片机所具有的高速USB数据传输功能和固件重配置功能为单片机应用系统开发带来了极大的便利性和灵活性。

    The singlechip like EZ - USB 2100 which can transfer USB data in high speed and configure the firmware is very ad - vantage for the singlechip application .

  19. Wicket的主要特性之一是它提供了开发定制组件的便利性。

    One major feature that Wicket offers is the ease with which custom components can be developed .

  20. 大多数地方都禁用Java、或提供只具有旧的Java运行时引擎(JRE)的浏览器,或者采用别的方式来降低applet的便利性。

    Too many sites disable Java , or offer browsers with old Java runtime engines ( JRE ), or otherwise impair the convenience of the applet .

  21. 数字签名技术将使我们的生活发生根本改变,但目前还存在许多问题,本文从PKI的建设、便利性、认证技术及非常规数字签名等角度探讨推广数字签名所必须面对的技术问题。

    In this paper , we discuss the technique difficulties of digital signature from PKI construction , convenience , authentication techniques and abnormal digital signatures .

  22. 并且借助构建的Internet发布平台将其输入输出接口扩展到网络上,很大程度上拓展热力学计算其应用程序程序的使用范围,增强了其便利性。

    By means of the Internet launch platform constructed , the input / output interface of this simulation was expanded to network . Therefore , the range of thermodynamical computation and its application are broaden , and the facility is also enhanced .

  23. Dropbox是一款优秀的在线文件共享和储存工具,兼具实用性和便利性。

    Dropbox is an excellent online file sharing and storage tool , it works well and offers excellent convenience .

  24. C2C网站作为电子商务的代表,正以其便利性、快捷性和趣味性将人们带入了一个全新的消费时代。

    As the representative of e-business , C2C website has brought people into a new consumption era with its convenience , promptness and entertainment .

  25. 本文针对无线局域网的特点,以用户进行认证的便利性和易于维护性为依据,致力于开发基于WEB和RADIUS(远端拨入用户认证服务)的接入认证系统。

    According to the characteristic of WLAN , the thesis is concerned with the WEB and RADIUS ( Remote Authentication Dial In User Service ) based access authentication system for WLAN , aimed at providing satisfactory convenience and maintenance to users .

  26. 本文从设计心理学角度出发,分析了消费者用药安全心理;从可靠性、保护性、便利性、关怀性四个方面论述了OTC药品包装设计。

    Based on design psychology , the safety psychology of consumers was analyzed and the OTC medicines packaging design from dependability , protection , convenience and care was discussed .

  27. 数据层由XML文件和SqlServer2000数据库组成,XML数据存储的通用性保证了试题数据的反复可重用,对于多用户的并发访问,SqlServer2000数据库具有较好的性能和便利性。

    Data-layer is composed of XML file and SQL Server 2000 database , the general acceptance of XML data storing ensured the reuse of test questions , SQL Server 2000 database has a good performance in collateral accessing of multi-user .

  28. 本系统采用了先进的JTAG调试方式,并以RS232接口为辅助调试通道,从而加强了调试维护的便利性。

    The circuit of the monitoring system adopted advanced JTAG debug mode , and with RS232 interface for auxiliary debugging channel , it make maintenance convenient .

  29. 有可能的话我想最终把Java的并发程序的便利性引入Ruby,希望通过移植的方式来进行(这也是OmnibusConcurrency库的一部分任务)。

    I would also eventually like to properly expose the Java concurrency facilities to Ruby , hopefully in a portable way ( this is partly the mission of the Omnibus Concurrency library ) .

  30. 但是,基于JVM的现代语言提供了一些额外的便利性,比如说开放类,它允许您重新打开已有类并向它们添加新的方法,而不需要子类化过程。

    However , modern languages on the JVM have other facilities , such as open classes , which allow you to reopen existing classes and add new methods to them without requiring subclassing .