
  • 网络amenity;convenience;facilities
  1. 营地紧靠当地所有的便利设施。

    The campsite is close to all local amenities .

  2. 女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。

    Queensway Quay will incorporate shops , restaurants and other amenities

  3. 饭店的便利设施包括健身俱乐部、会议设施和宴会厅。

    The hotel amenities include health clubs , conference facilities , and banqueting rooms .

  4. 第三工作场所也常被称作“联合办公空间”,它既有传统办公室的便利设施和技术,又能拥有家庭办公室的灵活和低开销。

    The third workplace , commonly called co-working space , combines the amenities1 and technology of a traditional office with the flexibility2 and lower expense of a home office .

  5. 房间装饰优美,现代化的便利设施应有尽有。

    The room is beautifully designed with all modern amenities .

  6. 但你可知这一现代化便利设施是谁发明的吗?

    But do you know who invented this modern convenience ?

  7. 他们说自己已经受够了没有现代便利设施的生活。

    They said they 'd had enough of living without modern comforts .

  8. 乘坐飞机旅游是现代主要的便利设施。

    Traveling by air is one of the major conveniences of modern times .

  9. 这是一个拥有城市所有便利设施的精品小镇。

    This is a wonderful town with all the amenities of a city .

  10. 真正的地产市场靠的是令人羡慕的便利设施。

    The real estate market thrives on amenity envy .

  11. 但不同以往的不仅仅是校园里的便利设施。

    But amenities aren 't all that is different .

  12. 这新房子具有种种现代化的便利设施。

    The new house has every modern convenience .

  13. 受访者还呼吁对购物便利设施、医疗服务和教育进行改善。

    The respondents also called for better shopping amenities , medical services and education .

  14. 拥有所有时新便利设施的家庭妇女。

    A housewife with every up-to-date convenience .

  15. 像许多日本人一样,他说自己拥有所需要的全部现代化便利设施。

    Like many Japanese , he says he has all the modern conveniences he requires .

  16. 在场地评估中,合作者也要对所要提供的生活便利设施进行裁决。

    During site appraisal , partners will also have decided the amenities to be provided .

  17. 影、电视、现代医药以及种种生活便利设施的。

    TV , modern medicine and all the other things that make life a lot easier .

  18. 购物中心的正门附近有公厕和婴儿便利设施。

    Public toilets and baby changing facilities are located near to principal entrance to the shopping centre .

  19. 这就要求加大贸易便利设施和物流设施建设力度,以提高港口效率,同时也要实行海关改革。

    This calls for developing better trade facilitation and logistics in port efficiency , and undertaking customs reforms .

  20. 这里位于云南省的山区,泥土路纵横交错,几乎没什么便利设施。

    Crisscrossed by dirt roads , the rustic setting in the mountains of Yunnan province offered few amenities .

  21. 合作社(组织)由使用其便利设施或服务项目的人共同拥有或管理的企业或组织。

    An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services .

  22. 要想说服保罗在使用便利设施上多花些钱如同对牛弹琴。

    Trying to get Paul to agree to spend more money on amenities is like talking to a brick wall .

  23. 莱茵河两岸还有许多迷人的古老村镇,可为游客提供住宿和便利设施。

    There are also many charming old towns and villages along the river that offer accommodation and facilities for tourists .

  24. 在他游览过的很多城市,没有一个地方为残疾人士提供了完善的便利设施。

    Nowhere , among all the places he visited , stands out as offering a great experience to a disabled traveler .

  25. 在许多公司,休息室已经成为一种越来越普遍的便利设施,因为它们希望对外宣扬充满趣味和活力的公司形象。

    Nap rooms have become a more commonplace amenity for companies looking to bill themselves as fun , dynamic places to work .

  26. 承包商应提供配备基本便利设施的餐具室,为业主人员供应饮料和甜点。

    Contractor shall provide a pantry and suitably stocked with basic amenities and supply of beverages and refreshments for the company personnel .

  27. 信息技术的飞速发展,给会议活动提供了各种各样的便利设施,例如音频和视频设备、通信网络等。

    The rapid development of information technologies provides all kinds of equipments for meeting , such as audio / video equipment and communication network .

  28. 如你所见,这对我们来说是一个非常激动人心的时刻,我们将继续为员工改善各种便利设施。

    As you can see , this is a very exciting time for us and we will continue to improve our facilities for staff .

  29. 2008年因为一批便利设施的出现,大学生活跟从前相比有很大的差异,学生生活更加地舒适。

    University life in2008 looks a whole lot different than it used to thanks to a bevy of amenities geared to make students'lives more comfortable .

  30. 从身体上,甚至精神上依赖这些现代的便利设施将会使得我们陷入危险的境地:我们离开了它们就什么都干不了。

    Physical , even mental , attachment to the modern conveniences puts us into a dangerous position : we would not do anything in the absence of them .