
  • sticky note;Post-it note;Post-it
  1. 此次会议的第3部分使用了“BrainBoard”,在这部分中,我们要求参与者回答一些关于教育的问题,通过在题板上放置一个便利贴来回答问题。

    The last part of the meeting was using the " BrainBoard ," where we asked participants to answer questions related to education and answer the question by putting a sticky note on the board .

  2. 一个员工离开时留了张便利贴,上面写着他走人了。

    An employee left a sticky note saying that he was quitting .

  3. 没有那些奇思妙想,我们也就不会发明出可乐或者便利贴了。

    Without wandering minds , we wouldn 't have relatively , Coke or Post-it notes .

  4. 你知道那些便利贴吗?

    Oh , and you know those little sticky notes ?

  5. 你今天有留张绿色便利贴在我桌上吗?

    Did you leave me a note this morning on a green post-it ?

  6. 柏格用便利贴跟我分手

    Berger broke up with me on a Postit .

  7. 玛莉:我的便利贴?我想是粉红的吧,怎么?

    Mary : My post-it notes ? Pink , I think . Why ?

  8. 吉娜:我看到了你的绿色便利贴。

    Zina : I saw your green post-it notes .

  9. 你是得了便利贴创伤后压力症候群

    it 's understandable . You 're suffering from Postit traumatic stress syndrome .

  10. 让他们粘上便利贴,提出自己的问题。

    Let them add post-it notes with questions .

  11. 最好不要使用便利贴,也不要在纸的背面涂鸦。

    Avoid the Post-Its and back-of-the-napkin scribbles .

  12. 你的便利贴是什么颜色?

    What color are your post-it notes ?

  13. 用便利贴贴满整台车。

    Covering a car with post-it notes .

  14. 玛莉,我能问你个问题吗?你的便利贴是什么颜色?

    Mary , can I ask you something ? What color are your post-it notes ?

  15. 我对于整合实体和数字世界有兴趣,我想到便利贴。

    Because I was interested in integrating these two worlds , I thought of sticky notes .

  16. 阿珍∶事实上没错。我需要回纹针、订书针和便利贴。

    Jane : Actually , yes . I need staples , paper clips , and post-it notes .

  17. 匆匆记在便利贴上是一种方式,不过现在有许多电子记事本可供选择。

    Jotting notes on a Post-it is one way , but there are many electronic organizer options .

  18. 事实上,工业产品中,某些纯粹的颜色确实被赋予商标的意味,比如黄色就通常作为便利贴的标志。

    Trademarks have been given to single colours for industrial products , such as yellow for Post-it notes .

  19. 便利贴铺满了卡车的整个天花板,记录着每一位创作室参与者的设计。

    Post-it notes cover the entire ceiling of the truck , documenting every design made by workshop participants .

  20. 你若不喜欢在书上写写画画,可在便利贴或本子上做笔记。

    If you just can 't imagine writing in your book , use sticky notes or make your notes on paper .

  21. 我不想把你扯进这件事来,但是…柏格用便利贴跟我分手

    Look , I don 't wanna drag you into this ... but Berger broke up with me on a Postit .

  22. 把你生活中最先要做的4件事写在便利贴上,贴在你每天都容易看到的地方。

    Write down what your top 4 priorities in life are and post that note where you can see it every day .

  23. 他在一张黄色正方形的便利贴上草草写道:“对不起,我不能和你在一起了。别恨我。”

    The man scribbled on a sticky square of yellow paper : " I 'm sorry , I can 't. Don 't hate me . "

  24. 想象一下现在您加入到了一个新项目中,而您面对贴满整整一面墙上面有数以百计的表示数据实体的便利贴。

    Imagine that you join a new project and the day that you arrive you are faced with a wallpaper of one hundred entities or more .

  25. 热门电视剧《欲望都市》的粉丝们可能记得,凯莉·布兰肖的一个男友就曾通过便利贴说分手。

    Followers of the hit US TV series Sex and the City may remember that one of Carrie Bradshaw 's boyfriends broke up with her via a Post-it note .

  26. 桑德勒用录像带,菲利普斯则是用便利贴和手机(对她而言还真时髦)撑了23年。

    Rather than using Sandler 's tapes , Philpots has survived for over 23 years using Post-it notes and her ( amazingly modern , from her perspective ) mobile phone .

  27. 记在便利贴上提醒那些干扰你的人(是,我知道你的宠物看不懂但别人能看懂!)

    Go out and do it or lock yourself in Leave Post-its to remind these intruders . ( Yes , I know your pet cant read but the others can !)

  28. 消息源告诉《彭博》,有人在玻璃门和玻璃墙体上留下便利贴,这样可以让它们会更为醒目,但是苹果公司最终还是揭下了这些便利贴,因为这会分散人们对于空间设计的注意力。

    Sources told Bloomberg that some individuals started sticking Post-It notes to the glass doors and walls in order to make them more noticeable , but they were ultimately taken down because they distracted from the space 's design .

  29. 在便利贴上写给我妈妈的留言、纸条可以用简讯传递。或是写在纸上的会议通知自动和我的数字行事历同步&待办事项会自动在计算机上同步。

    A message written on a sticky note to my mom on paper can come to an SMS , or maybe a meeting reminder automatically syncs with my digital calendar & a to-do list that automatically syncs with you .

  30. 通过打印的订单表格、贴在门上的便利贴、空白的电脑屏幕、数小时的手工劳动和簿记完成了最重要的订单,直到计算机恢复部分访问以完成关键任务。

    Printed order forms , sticky notes on doors and blank computer screens , hours of manual labor and bookkeeping , helped keep the most essential orders fulfilled until computer access could be restored - partially - for mission-critical work .