
  1. 通过PointsHound预订房间,每晚通常能获得6000点航空公司积分或自选奖励计划(也有些例外:前不久我搜索时发现,在纽约半岛酒店[PeninsulaNewYork]住一晚能获得美国航空公司16100英里的免费飞行里程)。

    When you reserve a room through PointsHound , you can generally earn up to 6000 points a night in the airline or rewards program of your choice ( there are exceptions : A recent search turned up a one-night stay at the Peninsula New York that would earn 16100 miles on American Airlines ) .

  2. 我每年的飞行里程肯定达到10万英里左右了。

    I must clock up about 100000 air miles every year .

  3. 你经常用积累飞行里程旅行。

    You 've been traveling a lot using your frequent flyer miles .

  4. 你能利用酒店预订获得上万英里的常客飞行里程吗?

    Can you parlay a hotel room reservation into thousands of frequent-flier miles ?

  5. 这有信用卡刷卡方案、飞行里程计划、

    There are credit card schemes and airline mile programs

  6. 答:不要仅仅为了获得几千英里免费飞行里程而选择某家酒店;

    Don 't choose a hotel just to bank a few thousand miles ;

  7. 我能够使用积累飞行里程来得到一张票。

    I was able to use my frequent flyer miles to get a ticket .

  8. 我累积了大量常旅客飞行里程。

    I have a lot of frequent-flyer miles .

  9. 最重要的是,这些网站是获得常客飞行里程的好方法。

    Bottom line : These sites are a great way to score frequent-flier miles .

  10. 送你们500英里飞行里程好吗?

    W-Would 500 frequent-flyer miles help ?

  11. 通过PointsHound和Rocketmiles网站预订酒店,可以获得常客飞行里程。

    PointsHound and Rocketmiles give you frequent-flier miles in exchange for staying in hotels booked through their websites .

  12. 最初一切貌似美好——有机会出差挣得飞行里程等等,总之是一份让人神气十足的光鲜工作。

    At first things go OK - there is the promise of air miles and the general swagger of it all .

  13. 无论是过分严格的考勤制度,还是私吞员工的累计飞行里程,甚至只是几条多余的规定,都可能把人逼疯。

    Whether it 's an overzealous attendance policy or taking employees ' frequent flier miles , even a couple of unnecessary rules can drive people crazy .

  14. 日本政府表示,它将全额担保支付给供应商的款项、飞行里程结余以及其它短期商业索偿,它们占日航总债务的四分之一左右。

    The government said it would fully guarantee supplier payments , air mile balances and other short-term commercial claims accounting for about a quarter of the total .

  15. 航空公司以付费乘客的飞行里程衡量其客流量,而不考虑机票的价格。

    Airlines measure traffic in miles flown by paying customers , a figure that doesn 't take into account how much the passengers paid for their tickets .

  16. 飞行里程尚未过半,飞机就明显减速,但居然没有发出任何无线电信号说明情况。

    Not quite midway to its destination , the plane slowed its airspeed significantly , but no radio signals were made from the plane to indicate distress .

  17. 这种粗糙的结构似乎不太可能解决冰岛问题,还将引发其它许多问题,尽管它会让监督者迅速积累飞行里程。

    This ramshackle structure seems unlikely to solve the Iceland problem and will create many others , although it will allow supervisors to accumulate frequent flier miles at a rapid rate .

  18. 我参加了三个不同航空公司的飞行里程积累,但我似乎从未有足够的里程来兑换一票,甚至是升级。

    I 'm enrolled in the frequent flyer programs of three different airlines , but I never seem to have enough miles to redeem them for a ticket or even an upgrade .

  19. 去年,一名从宿务太平洋航空公司迪拜飞往马尼拉的航班上出生的婴儿获赠一百万英里的飞行里程奖励,而不是终生免费航班。

    Last year , a baby born on a Cebu Pacific Air flight from Dubai to Manila was given one million frequent flyer miles instead of an open grant of free flights .

  20. 如果年龄属实,那么这只高龄鸟类可能生于1915年一战时期左右,它的飞行里程已承载着百年的记忆。

    If Fred 's age is in fact correct , the senior bird would have been born around World War 1 in 1915 , flying his way through a hundred years of memories .

  21. 国家航天局发布声明称,截至11月17日凌晨,我国的“天问一号”火星探测器飞行里程突破3亿千米,探测器各系统工作正常。

    China 's Tianwen 1 Mars probe had traveled 300 million kilometers as of Tuesday morning , according to the China National Space Administration . The administration said in a statement that the spacecraft was in good condition .

  22. 一些人进行商务旅行,因为这让他们觉着自己很重要,因为他们自以为如果不去,糟糕的事情会发生,因为他们需要积累飞行里程,这样可以让他们获得更多的免费飞行里程。

    People travel on business because it makes them feel important , because they are paranoid that something bad will happen if they do not and because they want air miles that enable them to fly even more .

  23. RTW机票的价格是基于飞行的里程或是游览国家的数目而定的。

    The cost of the ticket is based on the total distance covered or the number of countries visited .

  24. 安妮:所以,我需要信用卡来增加给飞行积累里程。

    Anne : So I need to get a credit card that gives me frequent flyer miles .

  25. 如同其他任何形式的钱一样,飞行常客里程数滋生了犯罪,腐败以及阴谋诡计。

    As with any form of " money " , frequent-flyer miles have bred crime , corruption and crafty scams .

  26. 飞行常客里程数在贬值是一回事,但是一旦它们变得毫无价值,又有什么风险?

    It is one thing for frequent-flyer miles to be devalued , but what is the risk they might become worthless ?

  27. 于是豪沃思把他2014年以来历次飞行累积的里程数与2015年新规下相同票价的累积里程数逐一对比。

    Flight by flight , Mr. Howarth compared his 2014 miles so far with miles he would expect to get under the 2015 rules at the same fares .

  28. 该公司现在主要根据飞行距离来奖励里程。

    Today , it awards miles based mostly on distance .

  29. 如果你经常飞行累积了许多里程,但是还不足够兑换一张机票,可以考虑升级一个舱位。

    If you 've been saving your frequent flyer miles but don 't have enough for a ticket , consider blowing them on an upgrade to first class .

  30. 然而他补充称:我们都不得不承认,我们是一群严重伪善且矛盾的人。他指的是气候学家参加各种专业会议而飞行的数十万航空里程。

    Referring to the hundreds of thousands of air miles travelled by climate scientists going to and from professional meetings , however , he adds that we all have to ' fess up to the fact that we 're deeply hypocritical and contradictory beings .