
  • 网络douban;Douban.com
  1. 而豆瓣网的一名用户则问道,为什么不允许我们给负分?

    ' Why aren 't we allowed to give scores below zero here ? ' asked a Douban user .

  2. 22岁的陈倩珠(音译)是北京大学中文系大四学生,她通过豆瓣网在北京一家出版公司找到了一份工作。

    Chen Qianzhu , 22 , a senior Chinese literature major at Peking University , found a job in a Beijing publishing company on Douban.com .

  3. 这一切都始于10月24日,网友“大仙”在豆瓣网发起活动来比较这三类青年的区别。

    It all started around Oct. 24 when a netizen named " Daxian " launched a campaign on Douban.com to compare the differences between three kinds of young people .

  4. 豆瓣网是中国在线社交社区,许多粉丝在这里评论电影和电视节目。《飞天大盗》在豆瓣得到了近7万条评论,平均评分高达9(满分为10)。

    On Douban.com , a Chinese online social community where many fans review films and TV dramas , Hustle received nearly 70000 comments , with an average rating point reaching 9 out of 10 .

  5. 报告显示,在年轻人中最受欢迎的两个网站豆瓣和时光网,13.48%的用户密切关注英剧,只有1%讨论韩剧。

    The report finds that on Douban and Mtime , two popular websites among young adults , 13.48 percent of the users pay close attention to British dramas , while only 1 percent discuss South Korean shows .