
  • 网络group;Flight Team
  1. 上帝,现在我的儿子都在你的飞行大队里。

    My god , now you got my kid flying for you .

  2. 进入海军第三飞行大队,22架直升机准备同这场大火战斗。

    Enter the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing and 22 helicopters ready to battle the flames .

  3. 第三飞行大队和它的纽波特式侦察机不断骚扰敌人,扫射土耳其人的阵地。

    No3 Wing and its Nieuport Scouts made a constant nuisance of themselves by strafing Turkish positions .

  4. 在小说中,海勒叙述了发生在二战期间的美军飞行大队里的一系列荒谬事件,将一个无秩序,非理性的荒诞世界展现在读者面前。

    In the novel , Heller describes a series of the absurd events that occurred in the U.S. flight brigade during world War Two . It shows before the reader a world of chaotic , irrational and absurdity .