
  • 网络Convenience Goods;convenience product;convenience
  1. 因此,中国和俄罗斯将继续作为便利品的国际合作夥伴,但合作不在基于深层次意见和战略利益交流。

    Consequently , China and Russia will continue to be pragmatic partners of convenience , but not partners based on deeper shared world views and strategic interests .

  2. 大多数的奢侈品和许多所谓的生活便利品,不仅不是不可或缺的,而且对人类的进步是一种阻碍。

    Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable , but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind .

  3. 一个人是贫是富,就看他能在什么程度上享受人生的必需品、便利品和娱乐品。

    EVERY man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries , conveniences , and amusements of human life .

  4. “尽管很多人认为现代生活的奢侈品和便利品完全无害。但是,实际上他们会妨碍人们培养自强和独立的个性。”你对这个观点有什么看法?

    " Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless , in fact , they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals . " what do you think about this statement ?

  5. 销售便利消费品的公司在很大程度上依赖于广告和促销活动来推销产品。

    Firms offering consumer convenience products promote them heavily with advertising and sales promotion .

  6. 英国可资利用的市场规模远较欧洲其它国家的市场大,这大大便利了英国工业品的生产与销售。英国市场的性质也有助于工业再生产的进行。

    The British utilizable market scale is far bigger than other European countries , and greatly promotes the production and sale of British industrial products , whereas the nature of British market is also a great help to industrial reproduction .