
  • 网络insurance products;participating insurance
  1. 基于Internet网上保险产品超市

    Internet-based Insurance Products Online Supermarket

  2. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)指出,一年77至174美元的个人储蓄,应该会推动健康保险产品发展。

    Individual savings of $ 77 - $ 174 a year should bolster health insurance products , Bernstein points out .

  3. 从经济方面考虑,CDS属于保险产品的简单理由是,它们针对标的证券的违约风险为买家提供保险保护。

    Economically , CDSs are insurance for the simple reason that they insure the buyer against the default of an underlying security .

  4. 他们强调称,债务展期不太可能构成所谓的信用事件,从而引发信用违约互换(cds)这种违约保险产品的赔付。

    They underlined that a rollover was unlikely to constitute a so-called credit event , which would trigger payments on credit default swaps , a form of insurance against default .

  5. 在信息对称条件下,最优的保险产品可以实现保险人与被保险人之间的帕累托(Pareto)最优风险分担,并讨论了该情形下某些保险产品的形式。

    Under symmetric information , the optimal product can obtain Pareto risk sharing between insurer and insured , and some forms of the kind of insurance products are given .

  6. 与英国其它银行一样,巴克莱同意开始向被误导购买PPI的客户进行退款。PPI是一种旨在使贷款人在生病或失业时仍可偿还贷款的保险产品。

    Like other UK banks , Barclays agreed to start refunding customers who were mis-sold PPI as a way to cover loan repayments if they fell ill or lost their jobs .

  7. 在信用衍生品市场,防范美国违约风险的保险产品价格升至新高,一年期美国信用违约互换产品(CDS)在伦敦的交易价格达到90个基点以上。

    In the credit derivatives market , the cost of buying insurance against the risk of a US default rose to a record . Premiums for one-year credit default swaps on the US traded above 90 basis points in London .

  8. 北京奥运会保险产品开发创新探析

    Research on Develop Innovates of the 29th Olympic Games Insurance Products

  9. 上述仅为保险产品的简要介绍。

    This is a brief introduction to the policy cover only .

  10. 保险产品市场化的国际经验及对我国的启示

    International Experiences in Insurance Product Marketization and Their Significance to China

  11. 保障范围上,长期护理保险产品可先提供基本的保障,再向全面保障过渡;

    Basin safeguard is prior to complete guarantee in insurance extent ;

  12. 保险产品创新的制约因素有哪些;

    [ 2 ] what factors limit the product innovation ;

  13. 健康保险产品的定价方法研究

    Study on the Approaches of Pricing of Health Insurance Products

  14. 这种保险产品也可能与普通人相关。

    The insurance could also be relevant for ordinary individuals .

  15. 影响我国人身保险产品创新因素分析

    The Analysis on the Factors Affecting Innovation of Life-insurance Product

  16. 试论开发适合银行销售的保险产品

    How to Develop Insurance Products Suit to be Sold in Commercial Bank

  17. 柑桔农业气象灾害风险评估及农业保险产品设计

    Risk Assessment and Agricultural Insurance Design of Agrometeorological Disasters Risk for Citrus

  18. 以下是我们的商业保险产品列表。

    Following is a commercial product guide for your information .

  19. 论保险产品创新的法律机制

    On the Legal Mechanism of Innovation of the Insurance Products

  20. 具有分离基金的保险产品的责任准备金提取有别于传统的精算方法。

    Reserving for segregated fund insurance contracts are difference from traditional actuarial method .

  21. 道德风险与最优保险产品设计模型

    Design on the Optimal Insurance Products under Moral Hazard

  22. 中等收入群体选择保险产品的分析

    The Analysis of How the Middle-income Select the Insurance

  23. 低频度事件保险产品选择谈判决策模型

    A Decision-Making Model for Selection of Insurance Products Negotiation with Low Frequency Accidents

  24. 内蒙古保险产品开发研究

    The Research for Inner Mongolian Insurance Product 's Development

  25. 中国保险产品创新理论的发展:一篇文献综述

    A literature summary of the development of insurance product innovation theory in china

  26. 中高收入人群对保险产品的认同感较其它职业高。

    The higher and more income people approve insurance production than other people .

  27. 利率一直是保险产品设计和风险管理中的核心因素。

    Interest rate is a key factor in insurance product design and risk management .

  28. 从财产保险产品的专业特性谈营销平台的建立

    A Reflection on Establishing the Distribution Platform from Technical Features of Property Insurance Products

  29. 北京市人身保险产品市场需求的理论及实证分析

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Demand of Life Insurance Products in Beijing Market

  30. 农户借贷者+人身意外伤害保险产品博弈分析

    Peasant Household Lending Money + Person Accident Insurance