
  • 网络Bonded Logistics Center;Bonded Logistic Centre;Bonded Logistics Centre
  1. 保税物流中心利润新起点

    Bonded Logistics Center , A New Starting Point for Profit

  2. 建设长春保税物流中心的必要性及可行性分析

    The Necessity and Feasibility Analysis of Building Bonded Logistics Center in Changchun

  3. 我国西部建设B型保税物流中心的探索

    The Exploration of the Constructing Type B Bonded Logistics Center of Western China

  4. 浅议构建保税物流中心体系

    On Establishment of Bonded Logistics Center System

  5. 南宁保税物流中心:广西现代物流发展的又一契机

    Nanning bonded logistics center : another opportunity for the development of modern logistics in guangxi

  6. 长春保税物流中心是我省重点工程空港经济区保税物流配套区的核心项目。

    Changchun Bonded Logistics Center is a key project in our province of Bonded Logistics Zone in Airport Economic Zone .

  7. 境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。累进税、比例税和累退税

    Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC . Progressive , proportional , and regressive taxes

  8. 2005年,湖北省、武汉市决定在东西湖区京珠高速公路与107国道立交的西南侧建设武汉保税物流中心(B型)。

    Hubei Province and Wuhan City decided to build Wuhan Bonded Logistics Center ( B - ) in the East and West Lakes region in 2005 .

  9. 园区海关保税物流中心(B型)由苏州工业园区与美国最大的工业和物流设施开发商-普洛斯公司-合作开发,规划面积3km2,将分三期开发。

    Co-operating with Prologis , the largest industrial & logistics property developer in US , SIP-BLC plans to develop a total area of3km2 in three phases .

  10. 依托保税物流中心的环境优势,致力于保税仓储,进出口货代、配送和相关增值服务。

    Depending on good environment of bonded logistics center , JYBLC dedicates to bonded warehousing , import and export forwarding , distribution , and related value-added services .

  11. 2004年5月11日,海关总署批准在苏州工业园区进行全国首家也是目前唯一的“海关保税物流中心(B型)”试点;

    Customs General Administration authorized SIP-BLC as the first & only experimental unit of " customs bonded logistics center ( B Type )" on May11th , 2004 .

  12. 通过计算最优提前期,使得A型保税物流中心在基于提前期的库存管理过程中,可以对具有相同提前期的产品进行多物品的联合订货。

    By solving the optimal lead time , A-type bonded logistic center can control and manage the inventory in the way of multi-item jointed ordering parts which have the same lead time .

  13. 近年来,国家新批准设立了多个保税物流中心,除了沿海沿江港口城市之外,还增加了武汉、西安、成都、长沙等内陆城市。

    Recently several new bonded logistics centers were approved . In addition to the coastal port cities , the locations include many inland cities such as Wuhan , Xi ' an , Chengdu and Changsha .

  14. 港口物流案例:天津港保税区物流中心

    Case of Port Logistics : Logistics Center of Free Trade Zone of Tianjin Port

  15. 简单介绍梅山保税港区物流中心的建设情况,并对此项目进行了必要性分析和可行性分析。

    Briefly introducing construction of the logistics centre of the Meishan protected tariff port area , the issue makes a deeper analysis .

  16. 保税区发展商贸物流中心的瓶颈分析

    Analysis on the Bottleneck of Developing Business Logistics Center in Bonded Area

  17. 本文主要针对海关的保税物流体系,分析了现在热门的保税物流中心、保税物流园区之间的异同点以及它们相互之间的联系。设立保税物流园区对重庆区域经济可持续发展的研究

    Finally we make some suggestion and future developing way about the customs bonded logistics system . The Research on the Foundation of Bounded Logistics Park for the Continual Development of Chongqing Regional Economy

  18. 在经历了保税仓库、保税区、出口加工区、保税物流中心、保税物流园区的发展时期,现如今已进入综合保税区(保税港区)的主导发展时期。

    After the bonded warehouses , bonded zones , export processing zones , bonded logistics center , bonded logistics park development period , now it has developed into the leading development period of Comprehensive Free Trade Zone .

  19. 我国保税区经过十几年的发展,为适应现代物流发展的需要,保税物流中心应运而生。

    With the development of Chinese bonded area in past ten years , bonded logistic center emerged for the demand of modern logistic development .