
zhuān lì chán pǐn
  • patented product
  1. 专利产品,侵权必究Arriving!

    Patented product , no infringement allowed .

  2. 属国家空白、公司的专利产品。

    Blank state , the company 's patented product .

  3. 本产品为我公司专利产品,已获CE认证,并已出口欧洲。

    These products are patents in China and have CE certificate .

  4. 他编写了有关面向服务的体系结构空间的IBM红皮书,并为IBM专利产品组合做出了积极的贡献。

    He has authored IBM Redbooks in the service oriented architecture space and has actively contributed to IBM Patent Portfolio .

  5. 针对BNS(BoulderNonlinearSystems)公司的专利产品-256256像素纯相位空间光调制器的相位与电压(灰度)的响应曲线。

    The response curves of phase and voltage of the SLM with 256256 pixels patented by Boulder Nonlinear Systems ( BNS ) were measured .

  6. KT系列内燃机空气粉尘滤清器是国家最新专利产品,是阻隔式纸制滤清器的更新换代产品,是纸制滤清器的一次革命。

    The air dust filter of KT series engine is the national newest patent product , is renewal product instead of cut type and paper filter .

  7. 介绍了ADAMS专利产品斜置锥形阀座密封系统的优点,以及三偏心蝶阀在FCC中的应用

    The special design of the triple offset valve shaft / disc for the butterfly valve and ADAMS invented the triple eccentric inclined conical metal sealing system and the triple offset butterfly valve 's application in FCC technical process . Product Recommendation

  8. PowerBuilder是美国著名的数据库应用开发工具生产商Sybase公司的产品,而数据窗口是PowerBuilder的核心技术和专利产品,学好PowerBuilder关键是要掌握数据窗口技术。

    PowerBuilder is the product of the famous database application development producer Sybase , and datawindow is the core technology and patent product of PowerBuilder , the crux to learn PowerBuilder is to master datawindow technology .

  9. 本文介绍了G50钢的研制。该钢是我国自行设计的专利产品。

    This article introduces development situation of G50.This kind of steel is patent product designed by ourselves in our country .

  10. 改进型DW15-630万能式断路器是外观和实用新型专利产品。

    Improved type DW15-630 air circuit breaker is an appearance and practical and new type patent product .

  11. 由于专利产品平行进口涉及多方面的经济利益,各国意见难以一致,因而,TRIPs协议对此未作统一规定,而由各成员国自行决定禁止与否。

    TRIPs agreements do not make any regulation on parallel import of patented production but allowing the member-state to make its decision on whether allow it or not , itself simply because so many economic interests are involved and the states concerned are difficult to agree on it .

  12. 介绍专利产品XJH型高剪切粉碎混合机的工作原理、结构及其特点。

    As a patent product , the working mechanics , structure and features of XJH type highly shearing and crushing mixer are presented .

  13. 该文首先介绍了专利产品TEC-5实验系统的特点、配套教材与体系结构,然后总结了实践教学的经验。

    Firstly , this paper introduces the features , related teaching materials and the architecture of patent product TEC-5 experimental system . Secondly , it summarises the experience of practical teaching .

  14. 他们没有妨碍到使用专利产品的个人。

    They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products .

  15. 两项产品获得国家自主知识产权专利产品。

    Two products obtain the country proprietary intellectual property rights proprietary product .

  16. 因为它们来源于专利产品,动物或尸体。

    because they 're sourced from proprietary products , animals or cadavers .

  17. 对专利产品的再制造是否会侵犯专利权?

    Will remanufacture of patented products infringe on the patents ?

  18. 论专利产品平行进口问题的法律实质

    On the legal essential of Parallel Import of Patented Products

  19. 论专利产品平行进口的合法性

    On the legal nature of the parallel imports of the patent products

  20. 比如,有专利产品的工厂就做得比较好。

    Factories that have patented products are doing better , for example .

  21. 假冒产品可涉及品牌产品和非专利产品。

    Both branded and generic products are subject to counterfeiting .

  22. 该机是国家专利产品。

    This mixer is the product of country patent .

  23. 中卸式柱磨机是运用层压破碎理论研制的专利产品。

    Central discharge column mill is a patent product adopting laminating crushing theory .

  24. 这是一项专利产品在我公司。

    It is a patent product in my company .

  25. 本专利产品有很强的实用性和普遍的使用性市场空间显而易见!

    This patented product contain very strong function the widespread usage market spaces obviously !

  26. 专利产品的平行进口问题探析

    Study on the parallel import of patented products

  27. 所以,区分专利产品修理与再造,具有非常重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    It is theoretically and practically significant to distinguish repair and remaking of patented products .

  28. 便拆式管道泵系石油化工流程泵,为国家专利产品。

    The convenient unweave type inline chemical pumps are the patent products for petrochemical process .

  29. 曼先生:因为我们的产品是专利产品,技术领先。

    Mr. Mann : Because we have a patented new product with the latest technology .

  30. 鹰牌同步带及专为皮带配备的皮带轮是固特异独家专利产品。

    Yingpai belt for the belt and pulley is equipped with Goodyear 's patented products .