
  • 网络Professional Fund
  1. 的确,即便是想在中国投资的专业基金经理,也必须通过创造性的方法,才能绕开配额制度。

    Indeed , even professional fund managers who want to invest in China have to be creative to get around the quota system .

  2. 举例来说,计算所谓结构性投资工具(siv)一种专业基金的损失相对容易一些,因为它们必须定期公布“资产净值”数据。

    It is relatively easy , for example , to calculate the losses at so-called structured investment vehicles ( SIVs ) a breed of specialist fund because they are required to publish regular " net asset value " numbers .

  3. 一些专业基金管理公司正以惊人的速度聚集着资产、赚取服务费。

    Specialist managers are gathering assets and fees at spectacular rates .

  4. 按照国际惯例,社保资金可以由政府控制的中央基金机构管理,也可以交给专业基金管理公司管理。

    According to international practice , the social security fund may take care by a central fund managerial body of the government or may deliver to a specialized company to manage the fund .

  5. 其它地方政府也在寻求国务院(StateCouncil)批准成立专业投资基金。

    Other regional governments are also seeking approval from the State Council to establish specialised investment funds .

  6. 这样的投资策略,对专业的基金经理来说,也不容易执行。

    Such strategies are difficult to implement even for the professional fund managers .

  7. 在基金的评价分析中,无论是普通基金投资者还是专业的基金评级机构,都是通过对基金过去的业绩进行分析比较,并以此为依据来预期基金的未来收益。

    Both the investors and the professional fund rating agencies analyze funds performance on the basis of the former performance .

  8. 专业投资基金有资金优势,有利于形成技术实力。

    There is superiority of pooling money in professional investment fund which is beneficial to the formation of technology strength .

  9. 也有人只关注金融市场的某一领域,比如,购买专注于小型股或是新兴市场债券的专业化基金。

    Others slice and dice the financial markets , buying specialized funds focused on , say , small-company value shares and emerging-market debt .

  10. 在不改变现行规定的前提下,建议发展专业养老基金管理公司,推行集合企业年金计划,让企业年金惠及更多的职工。

    The author proposes to develop specialized fund company , promote collective occupational pension scheme , and make more employees to benefit from the occupational pension .

  11. 建议具体情况,可以去银行询问,基本上那都有专业的基金咨询人员,会向你推荐和建议的。

    The proposal is specific circumstance , can go to a bank enquiring , the fund that basically has major then seeks advice from personnel , can be recommended to you and suggest .

  12. 事实证明,新生的货运与房地产衍生品类别和碳信用交易经受住了8月份证券市场的大幅波动,这方面的专业小型基金成功脱险。

    The nascent freight and property derivative sectors and carbon credit trading proved resilient to the wild swings in equity markets in August with the small funds specialising in the areas coming through well .

  13. 专业的基金管理经理运用先进的投资方法和组合,使基金成为证券市场上的重要机构投资者,获得较好的收益,也为广大中小投资者提供了一个重要投资渠道。

    Specialized fund managers use the advanced investment method and portfolio , make the funds become important institutional investors in the security market , yield higher returns and offer an important investment channel to small and medium investors too .

  14. 不过,一位专业从事基金借贷、但未受马多夫之害的银行人士表示:每家银行都应该审视自己的程序,并提出问题。此事突显了扎实尽职功能的重要性。

    However , one banker specialising in fund lending , who was not exposed to Madoff , said : Every bank has to look at their own procedures and ask the questions – it underscores the importance of a solid due diligence function .

  15. 斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。

    Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund .

  16. 初级专业人员信托基金

    Trust Fund for Junior Professional Officers

  17. 这是个坏主意。但是你可以投资拥有几支股票的,管理专业的共同基金来分散风险。

    Bad idea.But you can invest your money in a mutual fund that owns a number of stocks and spreads the risk and is professionally managed .

  18. 以指数为名有一点误导:这其实是一只跟踪撒哈拉以南地区(除南非之外)大型股票专业指数的基金。

    The name is a little misleading : This is a fund that tracks a proprietary index of the largest stocks across sub - Saharan Africa outside of South Africa .

  19. 麦凯认为,即使是经验丰富的欧洲投资者,也觉得有必要通过一只由专业人士管理的基金进入这些市场。

    Even sophisticated European investors feel the need to enter these markets via a professionally managed fund .

  20. 每个基金公司都会雇佣投资专业人士来管理基金的投资组合,通常称他们为投资组合管理者。

    Every fund company hires professional investor to manage portfolio investment of the fund , it is called portfolio manager .

  21. 在所有领先金融中心拥有基础设施和投资专业人士的全球基金公司,不会把这视为一种挫折,但可能也未必从中受益。

    Global fund houses that have infrastructure and investment professionals in all leading financial locations would not find this a setback but may not necessarily benefit either .

  22. 可以说,公司型基金制度的实质即在于投资者通过出资结成独立法律实体制衡基金管理人,并通过独立的专业群体实施对基金管理人的监督。

    However , the difference is the legal entity under statutory type is able to carry on supervision more often and to a deeper extent for structural reasons .

  23. 日元套利交易的参与者包括专业投资者、对冲基金、外资银行,以及大批的日本短线客,其做法就是借入近乎免费的日元贷款,然后投资于收益较高的海外资产。

    A practice driven by professional investors , hedge funds and foreign banks , as well as legions of Japanese day traders , the carry trade involved borrowing nearly scot-free in yen and investing the loan in higher-yielding assets abroad .

  24. 但由于养老金安全性的要求以及养老基金理事会专业的限制,应当通过立法明确规定养老基金理事会不得对养老金进行投资,必须由它委托专业的基金管理公司进行投资管理。

    However , pension security requirements and restriction on pension funds , professional Board , should be clearly defined by the Legislative Council shall not be on the pensions pension funds to invest , it must be entrusted to professional fund management and investment management company .