
chú xī
  • ex dividend
  1. 今年DAX指数已累计上涨24%,除息后的表现超过欧元区其他股市。

    The Dax has climbed 24 per cent this year , and excluding dividends has outperformed other eurozone markets .

  2. 派息日/除息日/登记日

    Pay Day / Ex-Dividend Day / Record Day

  3. A股税收客户群效应及除息日税负效应实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of A-Shares Taxation 's Customer Base Effect and Ex-dividend Date Effect

  4. 日记是私人的记事本。派息日/除息日/登记日

    A diary is an intimate book . Pay Day / Ex-Dividend Day / Record Day

  5. 对1995-2000年数据的研究结果表明,股价变动与股利比的均值小于1,得出除息日股价相对于股权登记日收盘价下跌幅度小于每股现金股利。

    Studying the relationship between dividends and stock price movements during 1995 to 2000 , we find the average of the ex-dividend day price ratio is less than one .

  6. 红利税率的多元化是引致投资者对股票估价差异性的原因之一,并且催生了现金股利除息前后的套利机会和增量交易。

    The variety of dividend tax rate is one of the reasons that cause the variety of stock pricing ; it also induces the arbitrage opportunities and additional trading around ex-date .