
chú xī
  • New Year's Eve;Chinese New Year's Eve
除夕 [chú xī]
  • [Chinese New Year's Eve] 指农历一年最后一天的晚上

除夕[chú xī]
  1. 我们家有个传统,全家要聚在一起过新年除夕。

    There 's a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Year 's Eve .

  2. 我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。

    On New Year 's Eve I usually give a party , which is always chaotic .

  3. 有轨电车除夕通宵行驶。

    Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year 's Eve .

  4. 除夕大伙儿闹了一夜。

    We caroused all through the night on new year 's eve .

  5. 据《Variety》报道,电影已于3月18日开机,预计将于新年除夕与观众见面。

    According to Variety , the movie started production on March 18 and is scheduled to premiere on New Year 's Eve .

  6. 晚会将在除夕那天举行。

    The evening party will take place on New Year 's Eve .

  7. 除夕的晚上,a一家及B来到一家饭店吃年夜饭。

    At New Year 's Eve evening , a 's family and B come to a restaurant to eat New Year 's food .

  8. 安徒生童话:卖火柴的小女孩TheLittleMatch-Girl1天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。

    It was dreadfully cold , it was snowing fast , and almost dark ; the evening ---- the last evening of the old year was drawing in .

  9. 自从2012年政府宣布数据以来,今年是第一年在除夕午夜,PM2.5污染密度小于100的。

    This year was the first since 2012 , when the city government began publicizing figures , that the PM2.5 density was under 100 at midnight on New Years Eve .

  10. 果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filleddoughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。

    Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .

  11. 阿利斯泰尔:哦,那是个古老的除夕习俗。

    Alistair : Oh , it 's an old Hogmanay custom .

  12. 他在除夕晚会上喝得烂醉如泥。

    He was dead drunk in the New Year Eve party .

  13. 在除夕夜里,你会守岁吗?

    Do you stay up until midnight on New Years Eve ?

  14. 在除夕晚上,我们在一起玩得挺高兴。

    We had a pleasant evening together on new yeas eve .

  15. 在除夕这一天,所有的家庭成员会一起吃团圆饭。

    At that time , all family members eat dinner together .

  16. 在除夕夜的宴会上,每一个人都醉了。

    Everyone got stewed at the New Year 's Eve party .

  17. 是除夕的钟声熏陶的么?

    The influence of the bell is New Year 's eve ?

  18. 他们按习俗过除夕夜。

    They observed the New Year Eve in conformity with custom .

  19. 他在除夕被判酒醉驾驶。

    He got a DUI conviction on new year 's eve .

  20. 在东京,除夕夜,人们吃面条,说是能使人长寿。

    In Tokyo people eat noodles on New Year 's Eve .

  21. 除夕之夜你有让人兴奋的活动吗?

    Are you doing anything exciting on new year 's eve ?

  22. 我们通常都在除夕吃大餐。

    We usually have a big dinner in new year 's eve .

  23. 我除夕之夜才回到家.(大年夜,春节)

    I came back home on the eve of the Spring Festival .

  24. 但几乎人人都会参加除夕夜的庆祝活动。

    But almost everyone makes an occasion of new year 's eve .

  25. 我有没有过过更刺激的新年除夕呢?

    Have I had more exciting new year 's eves ?

  26. 全市人都在除夕夜观赏了烟花表演。

    The whole city watched the fireworks on new year 's eve .

  27. 除夕之夜经常燃放烟花爆竹。

    Fireworks are often displayed on new year 's eve .

  28. 你们如何度过除夕之夜?

    How do you spend your New Year 's Eve ?

  29. 除夕就农历年的最后一天。

    Yes , it 's the last day of the lunar year .

  30. 我们都去参加了除夕晚会。

    We all went to a party on New Year 's Eve .