
chú shù
  • divisor;divider;constant division
除数 [chú shù]
  • [divisor;divider] 用来除被除数的数

除数[chú shù]
  1. τ(n)为n的除数函数。

    τ( n ) be a divisor function of n.

  2. 本文研究了多维除数函数dk(n)在特殊序列[n~c]上的分布。

    In this paper we study the distributions of the multi-dimensional divisor function dk ( n ) on the special sequence [ nc ] .

  3. 去掉了控制输入up(k)表达式中存在的可调参数0(k)的除数项。

    Removed the denominator of adjustable parameter b_0 ( K ) in the expression of control input Up ( K ) .

  4. RPC服务器上的浮点操作导至以零做除数。

    A floating-point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero .

  5. 下表归纳了标准普尔500指数维持调整(maintenanceadjustments)的类型,并标明了是否需要进行除数调整。

    The following table summarizes the types of S & P500 Index maintenance adjustments and indicates whether a divisor adjustment is required .

  6. 还可以指定除数,这会增加在可用TCP连接之间共享的资源的多样性。

    Optionally , you can specify a divisor to allow a greater diversity of resource sharing on the pool of available TCP connections .

  7. 这种消息类型非常简单&已提供了被除数和除数,Calculator随后将执行计算并设定相应的答案。

    This message type is quite simple & a dividend and divisor are provided , consequently the Calculator will perform the calculation and then set the corresponding answer .

  8. divide()方法试图执行除数为零的除法,因而引发了一个异常:ZeroDivisionError。

    The divide () method tries to perform a division by zero and raises an exception : ZeroDivisionError .

  9. E.Dinc的双除数因子-比光谱导数法的错误性

    The Mistakes of E.Dinc ′ s Double Divisor - Ratio Spectra Derivative Method

  10. 把SRT除法技术应用到乘除算法中,在选择商时,避免了部分被除数和除数的全精度比较。

    The technique of SRT division is applied to MD algorithm , thus avoiding a set of full precision comparisons of the divisor with the partial dividend in the process of selecting quotient digits .

  11. 关于平方补数问题与除数问题

    On Problem On the Additive Square Complements and Its Divisor Problem

  12. 对个人养老金账户中除数取值的分析

    An Analysis on the Divisor of Personal Retirement Pension Accounts System

  13. 关于特殊序列上的多维除数函数的和

    On the Sum of Multidimensional Divisor Function on a Special Sequence

  14. 关于平方补数除数函数的均值

    On the mean value of divisor function for square complements

  15. 我很荣幸被除数邀请来这儿。

    I have the great honor of being invited here .

  16. 除法运算中给出了除数为零的解决方案;

    At division , it presented the resolvent when divisor being zero .

  17. 表示某数量的准确除数或者因数。

    Signifying an exact divisor or factor of a quantity .

  18. 双除数因子-比光谱导数分光光度(计算)法及其应用

    Double Divisor - ratio Spectra Derivative Spectrophotometry and Application

  19. 关于立方幂补数除数和函数的性质

    The properties of divisor sum function with cubic complement

  20. 如果你的代码试图把0当作除数,一个异常便会被丢出。

    If your code attempts to divide by0 , an exception will be thrown .

  21. 那么这到底跟我的除数的例子有什么关系呢?

    What in the world does that have to do with my divisor example ?

  22. 因而,在货币供给创造过程中,最重要的是货币除数。

    Funny Money ON DIVISOR PROBLEMS Hence , what 's important is money divisor .

  23. 一类除数的有效欧几里德带余除法

    Efficient Euclidean Division for Some Classes of Divisors

  24. 从被除数中减去除数。

    The divisor is subtracted from the dividend .

  25. 全平方数集中的除数问题

    On certain divisor sum over square-full integers

  26. 如果除数和被除数都是浮点型,则返回值也是浮点型。

    If divisor and dividend are floating-point types , the returned value is also floating-point .

  27. 如果检察官的不轨行为导致审判无效,再行起诉可能会被除数禁止。

    If prosecutorial misconduct results in a mistrial , a later prosecution may be barred .

  28. 结论采用乘数法、除数法估计男同性恋人群规模具有推广应用价值。

    Conclusions Division and multiplier methods are suitable tools to estimate the size of MSM population .

  29. 研究了平方补数集合中的除数问题,改进并推广了原有的结果。

    The divisor problem in additive square complements is studied , which improves results ever deduced .

  30. 关于除数函数的一个结果

    A Result Concerning the Divisor Function