
  • 网络unless otherwise specified;except as otherwise herein provided;except otherwise herein provided;except for otherwise stipulated (by this law);except for otherwise stipulated
  1. 除另有规定外,一般不宜用于微量杂质的检查。

    Unless otherwise specified , this method is not used for inspection of trace impurities .

  2. 除另有规定外,其他条款或子条款在本文件中的引用应视作其位于合同的相同部分。

    Unless otherwise specified , a reference to another clause or Sub-Clause shall be deemed to be within the same part of the contract .

  3. 费用,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。

    Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party , unless otherwise awarded .

  4. 本合同条款,除另有规定外,依照《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》解释。

    Unless otherwise stipulated hereof , the terms and conditions of this contract shall be interpreted in accordance with Incoterms 2000 .

  5. 注射剂量&除另有规定外,每只兔子每千克注射190毫升的样品。

    Quantity of injection – Unless otherwise specified , 190 ml of the sample per kg of body mass of the animals is used .

  6. 除另有规定外,票价只适用于从出发地机场至目的地机场的航空运输。

    Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination , unless otherwise expressly stated .

  7. 除国家另有规定外,不需配额和许可证。

    Quota licenses are not needed except for cases otherwise regulated by the nation .

  8. 除以上另有规定外,法律的有关规定应予适用。

    Except as otherwise provided in the foregoing , the pertinent provisions of law shall apply .

  9. 除另有规定者外,企业不得自行调整财产的帐面价值。

    Unless otherwise authorized , enterprises may not adjust the carrying value of their assets at their own discretion .

  10. 对复核结果仍有异议的,除另有规定者外,可自行委托其它估价机构重新评估。

    If objection remained , parties concerned can entrust other agencies to carry out the re-assessment if not otherwise specified .

  11. 国家拨给企业的专项拨款,除另有规定者外,理卖作为国家投资进帐。

    Special appropriation allocated by the government to an enterprise shall be accounted for as government investment unless otherwise stipulated .

  12. 例1:除另有规定者外,本规定适用各型船舶的管系和舱室通风系统。

    The provisions of this Chapter apply to piping and ventilating system on all types of ships except where otherwise stated .

  13. 除另有明文规定外,凡引用本公约即同时构成引用其附件。

    Unless expressly provided otherwise , a reference to the Convention constitutes at the same time a reference to its Annex .

  14. 除合同另有规定外,即使有一般的或当地的习惯,工程也应当被计算。

    The Works shall be measured , notwithstanding any general or local custom , except where otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the Contract .

  15. 在此情况下,除合同另有规定外,构成合同的文件的优先次序为

    " In such event unless otherwise provided in the contract , the priority of the documents forming , the contract shall be as follows "

  16. 夫妻共同债务清偿后还存在债务的求偿问题,夫妻内部之间,除法律另有规定外,应平均分摊。

    Husband and wife joint debt settlement after debt claim , between husband and wife internal , unless otherwise provided by law . should be shared equally .

  17. 除另有规定者外,超出本表所列最高限值的物品不视为旅客行李物品。

    Except as provided otherwise , articles in excess of the maximum value the ceiling values listed herein shall not be regarded as passenger luggages and articles .

  18. 第一百一十四条香港特别行政区保持自由港地位,除法律另有规定外,不征收关税。

    Article 114 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the status of a free port and shall not impose any tariff unless otherwise prescribed by law .

  19. 除法律另有规定外,邮政企业和邮政工作人员不得向任何组织或者个人提供用户使用邮政业务的情况。

    Postal enterprises and postal staff shall not provide information to any organization or individual about users ' dealings with postal services except as otherwise provided for by law .

  20. 本细则所称申请日,除另有规定的外,是指专利法第二十八条规定的申请日。

    The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations , except as otherwise prescribed , means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law .

  21. 第五条用户交寄的邮件、交汇的汇款和储蓄的存款受法律保护。除法律另有规定外,任何组织或者个人不得检查、扣留。

    Article 5 . Postal materials handed in or posted , remittances made and savings deposited by users shall be protected by law , and shall not be inspected and withheld by any organization or individual except as otherwise provided by law .

  22. 形式审查主义认为公司登记机关对要求登记事项及相关文件的完整性、形式合法性负审查责任,除法律另有规定外,材料的真实性由申请人负责。

    In terms of Formal examination , it is the corporate registration authority that should be responsible for the integrity and form legality of related documents , and unless otherwise provided by law , the applicant should be responsible for the authenticity of the material .

  23. 前项事业及其人员于办理境外基金募集及销售业务时,对于境外基金投资人之个人数据、往来交易数据及其它相关数据,除法令另有规定外,应保守秘密。

    Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation , when handling the offering and sale of offshore funds , the enterprises and personnel thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential all personal information , transaction information , and other relevant information of investors in offshore funds .

  24. 除另有明确的规定外,下列术语具有所指明的含义

    " The following expressions have the meanings set forth below , unless the context otherwise requires "

  25. 除合伙协议另有规定外,缺少普通合伙人会导致合伙企业解散。

    Unless otherwise agreed to in the partnership agreement , a loss of general partners dissolves the partnership .

  26. 除本部另有规定外,注册政府船舶如有以下情形,即不再是可注册的船舶

    " Subject to this Part , a registered Government ship ceases to be registrable , as follows , if - "

  27. 本条根据其规定适用于除本节另有规定外的一切事项。

    ( a ) This section applies , according to the provisions thereof , except as otherwise provided by this subchapter .

  28. 除法律另有规定者外,有关证据或程序的要求或权利应平等地适用于机关和个人。

    Except as otherwise required by law , requirements or privileges relating to evidence or procedure apply equally to agencies and persons .

  29. 除法律另有规定者外,规章或裁决令的提议方负有举证责任。

    ( d ) Except as otherwise provided by statute , the proponent of a rule or order has the burden of proof .

  30. 17.1除本协定另有规定外,《争端解决谅解》适用于本协定项下的磋商和争端解决。

    17.1 Except as otherwise provided herein , the Dispute Settlement Understanding is applicable to consultations and the settlement of disputes under this Agreement .