
chú jí
  • depolarization
除极[chú jí]
  1. 心电图U波成因的新思路:U波是心室流出道的除极波

    The New Thought for the Genesis of U wave in ECG : U wave is the Depolarization wave for ventricular outflow

  2. HMI组心肌细胞的APD显著延长,并有早期后除极(EAD)出现;

    Action potential duration was lengthened significantly in HMI group and early after depolarization ( EAD ) appeared in HMI group .

  3. P波反映的是心房肌除极过程的电位变化。

    P wave reflects the potential distribution of ventricular depolarization .

  4. 奎尼丁所致异常U波与早期后除极的相关性研究

    The Relative Investigation Between Abnormal U Wave and Early Afterdepolarization Induced by Quinidine

  5. 当所有三层心肌的MAP上均出现早期后除极时,U波最为明显。

    When EADs occurred on MAPs of all three myocardial layers , U wave was the most predominant .

  6. 除极少数涉及CPU寄存器的部分采用汇编语言外,绝大多数程序采用标准C完成。

    Most programme was accomplished with ANSI C Language , except very little relating to CPU registers with assemble language .

  7. 灌流模拟缺血液造缺血模型以及在低钾台氏液中加入氯化铯灌流诱发延迟后除极(DAD)模型。

    Delayed after depolarization ( DAD ) was induced by low potassium Tyro 's solution with cesium chloride .

  8. 结论SI可使心肌细胞动作电位除极参数降低,动作电位时程缩短,对钙电流的抑制作用可减轻心肌细胞钙超载,进而保护心肌。

    Conclusions SI could reduce parameters of polarization of action potential and APD , alleviate calcium overload in myocardium by inhibiting calcium current to protect myocardium .

  9. 8只雄兔中有7只产生早期后除极,仅1只发生TdP。

    Seven male rabbit had EAD , but only one developed TdP .

  10. 当三层心肌中的任何一层心肌的MAP上出现早期后除极时,U波较无早期后除极时增大;

    When early after depolarization ( EAD ) appeared on MAP of any of the three myocardial layers , U wave was more obvious than that without EAD .

  11. 结论:长期高血浆NE易诱发室性心律失常的原因可能与心室肌后除极的发生率升高及2相折返的形成有关。

    Conclsions : Chronic high plasma NE level probably induces ventricular arrhythmia via promoting EAD / DAD and phase 2 reentry .

  12. DTI评价完全性左束支传导阻滞患者心室除极顺序

    Evaluation of Ventricular Depolarization in Patients with Complete Left Bundle Branch Block by Doppler Tissue Imaging

  13. DTI无创性评估完全性右束支传导阻滞的电除极状态

    Doppler Tissue Imaging in Evaluation of Electrical Depolarization in Patients with Complete Right Bundle Branch Block

  14. 跨国企业的CEO,除极个别(主要是小型公司)外,根本就没到过中国,因为那时中国还被视作尚未崛起的边缘市场。

    International company CEOs , with very few exceptions ( mainly smaller companies ) , didn 't visit China yet because it was considered a marginal , pre-emerging market .

  15. 本实验旨在研究Dip对迟后除极(DADs)和触发活动(TA)所致的心律失常的作用。

    Our present study was to investigate the effects of Dip on arrhythmias triggered by delayed afterdepolarizations ( DADs ) and triggered activity ( TA ) .

  16. 结论:DTI可以直接准确无创地评价健康人心室除极起源及顺序。

    Conclusion : DTI provides a direct , non-invasive and reliable approach for the assessment of origin and sequences of ventricular depolarization .

  17. 用标准微电极技术研究胍丁胺对异丙肾上腺素(Iso)诱发人心房纤维迟后除极的影响。

    The effects of agmatine on delayed afterdepolarizations ( DAD ) induced by isoprenaline ( Iso ) were studied in human atrial fibers obtained at cardiac surgery using standard microelectrode techniques .

  18. 除极少量碳溶于粘结相Co中外,碳主要以游离态形式存在,可抑止粉末热喷涂时WC的分解;

    Besides the very limited dissolution in the binder phase of Co , the added carbon mainly exists in the form of free carbon that can inhibit the decomposition of WC during subsequent thermal spraying .

  19. 用细胞内微电极技术观察了马钱子碱(brucine)对离体豚鼠乳头肌高K+除极异丙肾上腺素(Iso)和组织胺(His)诱发的慢反应动作电位(SAP)的影响。

    The effects of Brucine were studied on the slow action potentials induced by isoprenaline and histamine in high K + depolarized guinea pig papillary muscles by means of conventional glass microelectrodes .

  20. 结果表明,胍丁胺对Iso诱发人心房纤维迟后除极的抑制作用可能是由于咪唑啉受体和α2肾上腺素受体介导钙内流减少所致。

    The results indicate that the inhibitory effects of agmatine on DAD induced by Iso in human atrial fibers may be due to a decrease in calcium influx which mediated by IR and α 2 AR.

  21. 结果:①加速度图上CRBBB组的心室除极起源与正常组无差异(P>0.05),均位于室间隔,并由室间隔向四周扩布激动;

    Results : ① The onset of ventricular depolarization in CRBBB was located in IVS area , there was no significant difference between CRBBB and normals ( P > 0 05 ) .

  22. 结果提示,JTc间期较QFc间期能更好地反映心室肌复极状态,对心室除极顺序正常和异常均适用。

    It suggests that JTc interval could reflect myocardial repolarization state better than QTc and could be used in both normal or abnormal ventricular depolarization .

  23. 静脉注射中毒剂量奎尼丁建立QTU间期延长综合征动物模型,应用接触电极导管记录犬左室心内膜单相动作电位(MM),以研究早期后除极(EAD)与U波的关系。

    To investigate the relationship between early afterdepolarization ( EAD ) and abnormal U wave , the monophasic action potential ( MAP ) was recorded by endocardial contact electrode in 11 anesthetized dogs with quinidine-induced long QT syndrome .

  24. 而SDS束缚胶束与PEG形成团簇时,除极性部位及其相邻区域的相互作用外,部分PEG链节可能渗入到SDS束缚胶束的C3部位或更深的内部。

    Also in SDS-PEG cluster , besides the interaction of polar sections between SDS and PVP , some of PEG chains penetrate into the area nearby the C_ ( 3 ) or deeper inside the bound micelle of SDS .

  25. 目的与方法:采用常规玻璃微电极技术研究丹皮酚对离体心肌细胞自律性(AM)、延迟后除极(DAD)及触发活动(TA)的影响。

    Aim and Methods : Standard microelectrode technique was used to study the effects of paeonal on the automaticity induced by epinephrine , ouabain induced delayed afterdepolarization ( DAD ) and triggered activity ( TA ) of isolated guinea pig right ventricular papillary muscle .

  26. 目的探讨LQT2模型早期后除极(EAD)、跨壁折返以及尖端扭转型室性心动过速(Tdp)的发生机制。

    Objective To investigate the generation and transmural propagation of early afterdepolarization ( EAD ) , triggered activity and the initiating and maintaining mechanisms of torsade de pointes ( Tdp ) .

  27. 梗死后30~60min,30只兔中有23只在Endo记录到后除极(AD),记录到自发性室性早搏或短阵室性心动过速45次。

    By 30 ~ 60 min after infarction , AD was recorded in 23 of 30 rabbits , 45 episodes of spontaneous premature ventricular contractions or burst of ventricular tachycardia were recorded in 30 rabbits .

  28. 心肌肥厚时IKr、IKs的减少导致动作电位时间(APD)延长,为早后除极(EAD)和TdP的产生创造了前提条件。

    The I Kr and I Ks are reduced in hypertrophied cardiac muscle , which lead to prolongation of action potential duration and provide conditions for early after depolarization and TdP .

  29. 结论GIK对犬重度MI/R引起的室性心律失常无显著改善作用,但可缩短缺血/再灌注心脏的QRS波群时间,提示胰岛素可能影响MI/R心室除极。

    CONCLUSION : The above results suggest that GIK can shorten QRS duration of ventricular arrhythmias induced by MI / R and that insulin , rather than GK , may affect the ventricular depolarization during MI / R.

  30. 目的评价显性预激综合征时心室复极离散度指标(QTd和JTd)的临床价值,以阐明偏心性心室除极是否导致心室复极离散度异常。

    Abstract Objective To evaluate the clinical value of indices ( QTd & JTd ) of ventricular repolarization dispersion , and find out if eccentric ventricular depolarization leads to abnormal ventricular repolarization dispersion .