
fù jí
  • repolarization;multipole
复极[fù jí]
  1. 早期复极综合征与ST段抬高性疾病的鉴别诊断5例报告

    Differential diagnosis of early repolarization syndrome in patients with ST-segment elevation : report of 5 cases

  2. 在早期复极综合征中仅26%记录到PR段下移。

    Only 2 6 % of patients with early repolarization syndrome had generalized PR segment depression .

  3. 复极填充床电解槽对活性艳红X-3B溶液电解脱色的研究

    Study on the decoloration of reactive bright - red X-3B using bipolar packed bed cell

  4. QT离散度不能反映心肌复极的区域性差异

    QT dispersion does not reflect regional heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization

  5. 时空图尚可展示相邻部位的复极离散和U波分布。

    Space-time maps indeed clearly showed the dispersion of repolarization among neighboring leads , and the distribution of U wave .

  6. 结果a、b、c组早期复极综合征患者分别为9、8、2例(a、b与c组比较P<0.05);

    RESULTS We found 9,8 and 2 cases with early repolarization syndrome in group a , b and c respectively ( compared with group c , P < ( 0.05 )) .

  7. 电子碰撞原子(e,2e)反应的复极化势

    The complex polarization potential of the ( e , 2e ) reaction for electron - atom impact

  8. ST段抬高的最常见原因为左室肥厚、左束支阻滞、早期复极以及室壁瘤。

    The most common reasons of ST-segment elevation are left ventricular hypertrophy , left bundle-branch block , early repolarization syndrome and ventricular aneurysm .

  9. Ito电流是复极化早期重要的外向电流。

    Transient outward current ( Ito ) is an important ion current responsible for early repolarization of atria .

  10. DD型复极离子膜单元槽检修技术

    Service technique of DD bipolar membrane element

  11. 出现J波且伴随心室跨壁复极离散度显著增加者为急性心肌梗死后恶性室性心律失常的高危人群。

    Patients with J wave which also have increased TDR are the high risk population to occur malignant ventricular arrhythmia after AMI .

  12. CGRP对动作电位复极过程的作用因温度条件而异。

    And ( 4 ) the effects of CGRP on the configuration of action potential were temperature dependent .

  13. 通过QT离散度可反映心室复极的不均一性和电不稳定性。

    Can reflect a sex of inequality and electric unstability that the ventricle replies very much through QT dispersion .

  14. 用多个放大器OA和较为复杂的RC网络可构成全通函数,但若受功耗的限制,则只能用单个运放构成,这里提出用复极点和零点构成的一种新的二阶全通函数。

    The allpass section is configured of complex RC networks and some OA amplifiers , but of single OA with its confines to power .

  15. 因此,根据复极点的值可以确定Rayleigh泄漏波的整个特性,包括激发和再辐射效率。

    Therefore , the complex pole may determine the whole behavior of the leaky Rayleigh wave , including the excitation and reradiation efficiencies .

  16. 早期复极综合征与急性心肌梗死的Q-T间期和Q-T离散度

    Q-T interval and Q-T dispersion of early repolarization syndrome and myocardial infarction

  17. CRT治疗患者心室复极异质性指标的变化及不同起搏部位的影响

    The changes of indexes of heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization of patients treated with CRT and the effect of different pacing spot

  18. 结论运动诱导的心肌肥厚使QT离散度减小,反映了长期运动个体心肌复极化的稳定性。

    Conclusion QTd was decreased in exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy subjects , which may reflect homogeneous myocardial repolarization in long term trained subjects .

  19. QRS波群增宽时心室复极时间的判断及JT间期的正确校正

    Determination of the cardiac repolarization time and the correction of the JT interval in patients with wide QRS

  20. 结果表明槲寄生能加速动作电位复极进程,使ERP/APD比值增加,不应期相对延长,该作用与抑制细胞膜I(si)及增加Ix有关。

    It is suggested that Viscum coloratum accelerates the repolarization of fast action potential , increases ERP / APD ratio and prolongs relatively ERP by inhibiting I_ ( si ) and increasing I_x .

  21. CGRP的抗缺血性心律失常的作用机制可能与其逆转缺血后的复极相异常变化有关。

    The mechanism of CGRP 's anti ischemic arrhythmia was related to its reversal of abnormal changes of repolarization phase after myocardial ischemia .

  22. 复极离散指数与缺血性ST-T改变诊断冠心病价值的比较

    Comparison study of the diagnostic value of coronary heart disease between repolarization dispersion index and ischemic ST-T change

  23. 因此Campbell提出了用标准12导联同步心电图机中获得的QT间期的差异来表征心室复极化的不均匀性。

    Campbell suggested , that the inter-lead difference in QT intervals assessed from standard surface 12-lead ECG might describe the ventricular repolarization inhomogeneity .

  24. 急性心肌梗死患者QT变异度指数增高,可能是由于急性心肌梗死造成的心肌缺血和坏死使心室复极变异增大。

    But QTVI of AMI was higher than the control group , which suggested greater repolarization liability in AMI caused by myocardial ischemia and infarction .

  25. 目的探讨人右心室复极1相瞬间外向钾电流(Ito)的跨壁电不均一性。

    Objective To investigate the transmural electrophysiological heterogeneity of transient outward potassium current ( I_ to ) in repolarization phase 1 of the human right ventricle .

  26. 目的:研究阿魏酸钠对家兔心室肌复极及有效不应期(ERP)的影响,探讨其抗心律失常的可能机制。

    Objective : The acute effects of sodium ferulate on the prolongation of ventricular repolarization and refractoriness were investigated in rabbit 's right ventricular myocardium in order to study its antiarrhythmic mechanism in vivo .

  27. 结论AMI最高危险因素是心肌梗死有心室复极异常、左室功能减低、室性心律失常,并伴有严重情绪应激。

    Conclusion The abnormal ventricular repolarization , left ventricle failure , Ventricular arrhythmias and serious stress of emotion are the riskest factor of sudden death in patients , with AMI .

  28. 目的:探讨氯沙坦对犬在体心肌急性缺血时跨室壁复极离散度(TDR)及心律失常发生率的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effects of losartan on the electrical heterogeneity of ventricular wall during acute ischemia in canine in vivo .

  29. 目的:观察冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)对老年冠脉狭窄患者心肌复极的影响。

    AIM : To evaluate the effects of percutaneous coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) on the myocardial repolarization in elderly patients with coronary artery disease .

  30. 结论:AMI早期应用β1受体阻滞剂美托洛尔治疗,可显著延长正常心肌的复极过程,从而防治早期恶性心律失常,降低猝死率。

    Conclusions Early application of Metoprolol on AMI can significantly prolong myocardial repolarization process in order to prevent the occurrence of malignant arrhythmia and reduce the mortality of heart sudden death .