
chú cǎo
  • weed;weed control;extirpate weed;weed out
除草 [chú cǎo]
  • [weed] 除去杂草

除草[chú cǎo]
  1. 这个老人在园子里除草。

    The old man is weeding in the garden .

  2. 我花了一整天的时间在花园里除草。

    I spend a whole day weeding the garden .

  3. 他们把他的除草机全都推到外面丢掉了。

    They trundled his mowers outside and dumped them .

  4. 除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。

    Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places .

  5. 种庄稼不除草不是见鬼么?

    Isn 't it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields ?

  6. 庄稼生长时,农民细心地给土地除草。

    The peasants weeded and dressed the field with great care while the crop was growing .

  7. 他的父母总是让他在花园里除草、倒垃圾、送报纸。

    His parents always had him weeding the garden , carrying out the garbage and delivering newspapers .

  8. 采用D饱和最优回归设计,依据试验结果建立以除草效果为目标函数的数学模型,综合分析得出A、B药剂混配,对杂草防效及增产作用最高;

    The mathematical model of objective function based on the experience results by using the method of D Saturation regression optimization was established .

  9. AA级绿色食品花生田除草技术研究

    A study on weeding technology of AA level green food peanut field

  10. 新疆CN综合灌溉配套技术免耕棉田的化学除草

    Chemical Weed Control in No-tillage Cotton Using CN Integrated Irrigation Technology

  11. 2,4-D丁酯麦田除草效果及其对小麦安全性的研究

    Study on weed control efficacy and wheat injuries of 2,4-D butylate

  12. 基于ARM7的精确对靶喷施除草嵌入式控制系统

    Embedded Weed Control System for Target Precision Spraying Based on ARM7

  13. 并用除草剂生测标准化操作法(SOP)初步评价了该化合物除草活性。

    The herbicidal activity of the compound was assayed by SOP method .

  14. 板栗幼林间作西瓜、马玲薯试验表明,间作林的土壤有机质、有效P、水解N含量均比人工抚育林、化学除草林的高;

    The experiment shows that the contents of soil organic matter , available P and hydrolyzable N of intercropping forests are respectively higher than those of artificial tending forests and chemical weeding forests .

  15. 一系列2-氰基-3-取代吡啶甲胺基丙烯酸酯被合成作为光合作用光系统II电子传递抑制剂.杀虫、杀菌和除草活性测定结果表明,部分化合物具有良好的杀菌活性。

    A series of 2-cyano-3 - ( substituted ) pyridinemethylaminoacrylates were synthesized as herbicidal inhibitors of photosystem II ( PSII ) electron transport and their herbicidal activities were evaluated .

  16. 新除草化合物WD对洋葱根尖细胞形态的影响

    Effects of a new herbicide WD on cellular morphology of onion root tip

  17. 他花了整个下午在花园里除草。vt.屈服;

    He spent the whole afternoon weeding in the garden .

  18. 在管理上进行全面除草,可以促进结实,比对照提前4a,生长期每年延长17.9d。

    Completely weeding during growing season to promote fruit , and fruit 4 years earlier than the control , growth period prolonged 17.9 days each year .

  19. 因此,嘧啶苄胺类化合物的除草作用方式不同于磺酰脲类和嘧啶水杨酸类等典型的ALS抑制剂,它是通过植物体内的代谢活化来发挥除草作用。

    It is Concluded that the mode of action of pyrimidine benzylamine differs from the other typically commercial ALS inhibitors , such as sulfonylurea and pyrimidine salicylic acid herbicides .

  20. 提出了一种用于除草机器人的基于HSI(色调、明度和饱和度)颜色模型的彩色图像目标提取方法。

    An object extraction method was proposed based on the HIS ( hue , intensity and saturation ) color model , which could be used for weed robots .

  21. 新化合物HIA-1除草生物活性及作用特性研究

    Study on Herbicidal Bioactivity and Characteristics of the Novel Compound HIA-1

  22. 葱叶枯病菌Stemphyliumbotryosum毒素的分离与除草活性研究

    The Study on the Isolation and Weed-controlling Activity of Pathotoxin Produced by Stemphylium botryosum

  23. 新化合物HIA-1的除草活性评价

    Evaluation on Biological Activity of New Compound HIA-1

  24. 化学除草计算机专家系统WCES的研制

    Development of a Computer-aided Weed Chemical Control Expert System WCES

  25. 新除草剂RZH-01-004的合成及除草活性

    Synthesis and Herbicidal Activity of a New Herbicide RZH-01-004

  26. ALS抑制剂不仅具有超高除草活性,而且这类除草剂对人和动物十分安全,近年来,ALS抑制剂的研究一直是除草剂开发中的热点。

    ALS inhibitor not only shows high herbicidal activity , but also is very safe to human and animal . In recent years , study on ALS inhibitor is always the hot topic in herbicide develop .

  27. 环状亚胺类化合物的合成及除草活性研究环氧化合物和碳化二亚胺交联pADM的性能比较

    Synthesis and Herbicidal Activities of Cyclic Imides Derivatives ; The difference properties of porcine acellular dermal matrix crosslinked by epoxy compound and carbodiimide

  28. 发酵6d后除草菌的活力、致病力和乙二酸的产量均达到最大,分别为53.0mm,48.5mm,8.694mg。

    Herbicide produced by 6 day solid fermentation had the highest viability , virulence and oxalic acid concentration , which were 53.0 mm , 48.5 mm and 8.694 mg · g-1 , respectively .

  29. 除草试验结果表明:草苷膦、春多多1000倍液对各种杂草有明显的防除效果,30d总防效达92%以上,持效期长;

    The weeding test shows that Roundup and glyphosate 1000 times liquid have obvious effect on precaution and weeding . The precaution effect can reach 92 % during 30 days , with long effective period .

  30. 莠去津即使浓度在1g/l时,仍会对杨树幼苗产生极强的抑制作用,所以在速生杨圃地除草时,应避免作为苗后茎叶处理剂使用。

    Atrazine can strongly inhibit poplar seedling even if concentration is lg / 1 , so we should avoid using it as treatment solvent to stem and leaf after seedling in instant poplar nursery .