
  • 网络Divisible;Chlorfenapyr
  1. 8可被2和4除尽,但不能被3除尽。

    8 is divisible by 2 and 4 , but not by 3 .

  2. 28可以被7除尽。

    Twenty-eight is divisible by seven .

  3. 6能被2除尽。

    6 divides by 2 . ; 2 goes into 6 .

  4. 根据Evans提出的:试找出每一个整数边的三角形,其底边除尽它的高,给出Evans问题的解答。

    According to the Evans asked the problem , find every integer-sided triangle whose base divides its height , we give the solution of Evans problem .

  5. 田间防治试验表明,印楝素乳油对斜纹夜蛾种群有良好的控制作用,施药7d后其防治效果要优于化学农药10%除尽悬浮剂。

    Field experiments confirmed that after 7 days application , azadirachtin could effectively control Spodoptera litura , being more efficient than the chemistry pesticide , 10 % Chu-Jin SC.

  6. 试验了在6%(V/V)HCl中用铜铁试剂氯仿除去大部分钍,在10%HCl(V/V)中用二苯胍偶氮胂Ⅲ正丁醇除尽钍铀;

    Most of thorium was removed from the title ore in the 6V / V % HCl solution using cupferron choroform , and uranium and remainder thorium eliminated from 10 V / V % HCl solution by diphenyl guanidine ( DPG ) Arsenazo ⅲ n-butanol .

  7. 可被2和4除尽,但不能被

    Is divisible by 2 and 4 , but not by 3.8

  8. 除尽草木这一做法对当地的生态影响。

    The local ecological impact of removing all the vegetation .

  9. (数学)能够被除尽,通常是没有余数的。

    ( mathematics ) can be divided usually without leaving a remainder .

  10. 耶和华说,我必使灾祸临到你,将你除尽。

    I am going to bring disaster on you .

  11. “可除尽的:可除尽的,尤指无余数的.”

    " divisible : Capable of being divided , especially with no remainder "

  12. 这些草实在难以除尽。

    These weeds are really very obstinate .

  13. 12可以用3除尽。

    Twelve can be divided by three .

  14. 7去除9能除尽吗?

    Does seven divide into nine ?

  15. 实际上就意味着,年利率必须能被9除尽(因为任何数都可以被40除尽。)

    In practice this meant they had to be " divisible by nine "( because anything is easily divided by40 ) .

  16. 偶数能被2除尽;美国人民浴血奋战来证明他们的国家是不可分割的。

    Even numbers are divisible by two ; the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible .

  17. 金字塔能量活水生饮机:可以将水中108种有害人体的污染物完全吸附除尽。

    Pyramid Health and flowing water energy drink machine : the water can be108 kinds of harmful pollutants in the human body completely divisible adsorption .

  18. 结果农明,碳没有被除尽,弱的碳界面层依然存在,没有增强界面结合强度。

    The results indicate : a bit carbon was removed , and weak interphase joint exist still and did not build up the boundary strength .

  19. 世界各个地方的人对体毛有复杂的态度。人们赞美头上浓密的毛发,却要真的马上除尽腿上的毛。

    Globally , we have a complicated relationship with hair , glorifying the locks atop our heads while literally burning it off at the legs .

  20. 因此,我必使灾祸临到耶罗波安的家,将属耶罗波安的男丁,无论困住的,自由的都从以色列中剪除,必除尽耶罗波安的家,如人除尽粪土一般。

    Because of this , I am going to bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam . I will cut off from Jeroboam every last male in Israel-slave or free .

  21. 耶和华说,我必使灾祸临到你,将你除尽。凡属你的男丁,无论困住的,自由的,都从以色列中剪除。

    See , I will send evil on you and put an end to you completely , cutting off from Ahab every male child , him who is shut up and him who goes free in israel ;

  22. 结果表明,用碱洗和酸液洗能完全除尽底材表面的污物,增强底材的附着力;用酸洗和砂纸打磨能增加金属表面的粗糙度,提高附着力。

    The results showed that alkaline cleaning and acid cleaning could remove all contamination of metal surface , acid cleaning and sanding could increase the roughness of the metal surface , both of which could enhance the adhesion of the substrate .

  23. 日本民间相传,除夕之夜敲钟108下,能除尽人间烦恼,迎来锦绣前程。

    It is a popular belief among the Japanese that if the temple bell is tolled 108 times at midnight on New Year 's Eve , then all earthly worries can be done away with and a good future be ensured .

  24. 7除不尽15。

    7 won 't go into 15 .

  25. 3除不尽7。

    3 will not divide into 7 .

  26. 7除15除不尽。

    7 into 15 doesn 't go .

  27. 7除15除不尽。

    7 into 15 won 't go .

  28. 二次纤维新闻纸的表面除有少量未除尽的油墨粒子、填料之外,还有细小纤维等。

    Second textile fibers newsprinting paper surface except has outside the printing ink granule , the padding which few has not cleaned out , but also has the tiny textile fiber and so on .