- 名proper fraction

[proper fraction] 分子数值小于或次数低于分母的分数
Its theoretical foundation is the proper fraction theory in psychometrics , also involving the following questions : ( 1 ) Question of responsibility .
Methods Traditional measurement considerations based on Classical Test Theory ( CTT ) and the relationship with other measures were examined .
On the representation of true fractions with unit fractions sum
True score theory and item response theory are the two great theoretical patterns of psychological test .
On the Constraints of the Quadrinomial Analysis Approach : A View From the Defects of the True Score Hypothesis
Fraction slot is adopted , combining with the structure characteristics of external rotor PMSM , to depress the influence of cogging torque .
Classic exams are based on the test mode of Classical True Score Theory , while adaptive test systems are based on the test mode of Item Response Theory .
The screen was lit up , and it said : " Today 's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions . Please insert yesterday 's homework in the proper slot . " 10 .
Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts , but manage to fool themselves about the risks they 're taking by using excuses : Everyone else does it , I 'm not hurting anyone , or I really need this grade .