
  • 网络Delist;de-listing;delisted
  1. 新城市在停牌后拖拖拉拉地走上了一个分三阶段的除牌程序。

    New City has dragged its feet through a three-stage delisting process ever since .

  2. 而更糟糕的或许是,除了新城市以外,还有一些股票也在除牌的最后阶段上花了比规定的6个月长得多的时间。

    Perhaps worse , there are several other stocks , in addition to New City , that have spent much longer than the prescribed six months in the final stage of delisting .

  3. 在肾上腺切除的小鼠,除牌LZM显示降低外,其它免疫指标如脾PFC、IL-2、LTT、血清IgG及胸腺LZM含量均显著增高。

    In the adrenalectomized mice , except spleen LZM was declined , all the other immune parameters such as spleen PFC , IL-2 , LTT , serum IgG and thymus LZM contents were increased .

  4. 然而,目前停牌3个月以上且未进入除牌程序的公司有22家。其中,7家公司原则上已经获准复牌。

    Yet right now there are 22 companies that have been suspended for more than three months without entering delisting procedures ; of those , seven have been approved to resume trading in principle .

  5. 除监管持牌屠房的运作,确保其环境及?生标准符合规定外,本署还打击非法屠宰活动。

    Apart from monitoring the operation of the licensed slaughterhouses to ensure the required hygiene and environmental standards are met , the Department combats illegal slaughtering activities .