
The size of the non-ultra-low cost of ownership ensures that their holdings will be handsome gains .
In 2008 , Berkshire in its annual report said the position was worth $ 674 million and had a cost basis of $ 11 million .
The ultra low cost of the stocks hold by the original non-tradable shares , besides , the overestimate of the value of the capital market , have led to a crazy reduction .
Improved market conditions , low holding costs and reduction process may take some of the association strategy , which is considered to promote the beneficial shareholders of the Ministry of reduction conditions .
The Impact of Independent Directors and Managers ' Shareholding on Agency Costs by Empirical Analysis
The study found that institutional shareholding and the cost of supervision are important factors in supervision .
In the special system environment of China , the listed company focused on help inhibit the agency shares the cost of production , stock checks and balances has failed to play its proper checks and balances , institutional holders on the agency costs are significantly inhibited .