
chí yǒu rén
  • holder;bearer;possessor;tenant in possession
  1. 本租约持有人有权使用此建筑物以及所附属的土地。

    The lease entitles the holder to use the buildings and any land attached thereto .

  2. 许可证持有人须依据本许可证B部的工程项目说明来建造及营办有关工程项目。

    The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project descriptions in Part B of this Permit .

  3. 公司将在500,000名保险单持有人中分摊13亿美元。

    The company will share out $ 1.3 billion among 500,000 policyholders .

  4. 谷歌对于通过GooglePlay销售的内容抽取一部分佣金,其余收入则归应用程序开发者或内容版权持有人享有。

    Google takes a commission on all sales through Play and gives the rest to app developers or copyright holders .

  5. 例如,PCI遵从性要求对卡持有人信息的处理进行监视。

    For example , PCI compliance requires that handle card holder information to be monitored .

  6. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。

    HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household , even though its debts are non-recourse to the group .

  7. 另外在购买了许可证后,Android大市场的许可证持有人必须使他们的产品严格的遵守Google的关于兼容性的规定规范。

    In addition to paying licensing fees , Android Market licensees must also demonstrate that their products meet the strict requirements of Google 's compatibility specification .

  8. 英国政府宣布,将保证陷入困境的北岩(NorthernRock)账户持有人全部存款的安全,目前英国大臣们正寻求平息储户对于全球信贷市场动荡影响的担忧。

    The UK government announced it would guarantee all deposits of account holders of the troubled bank Northern Rock , as ministers sought to calm savers ' fears about the impact of global credit market turmoil .

  9. 虽然仿真器可以免费提供,但是提供游戏的ROM始终属于许可证持有人。

    Although the emulators may be freely available , the ROMs that provide the games are still owned by the license holders .

  10. 如果学生签证持有人提名的职业不是在CSL上?

    What if the student visa holder is nominated for an occupation which is not on the CSL ?

  11. 随着米高梅逐渐恢复元气,以《霍比特人》三部曲、《龙虎少年队》(21JumpStreet)和《机械战警》(RoboCop)等影片提高产量,这些债券持有人得到了回报。

    Those bondholders have done nicely as the studio has recovered , upping its production with films such as the Hobbit trilogy , 21 Jump Street and RoboCop .

  12. 巴西总统LuizInácioLuladaSilva称他将否决部分条款,使该措施不适用于公司和不在当地的土地持有人。

    President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva said he would veto clauses applying the measure to companies and absentee landlords .

  13. 这一技术对专利的持有人ARCO公司有何价值?

    What would this technology be worth to ARCO , the owner of the patents ?

  14. 但是持有人不太可能像贷款者增加消费一样来减少自己的消费,尤其是Fannie,FreddieandtheFederalReserve都是最大的持有者。

    But the owners are unlikely to reduce their spending by as much as the borrowers increase theirs , especially since Fannie , Freddie and the Federal Reserve are among the largest owners .

  15. 以前也有人质疑,FDIC是否能强制要求破产银行的债券持有人承担损失。

    Others in the past have questioned if the FDIC would be able to force bond holders of a failed bank to take losses .

  16. 即使债券持有人5年后能把钱拿回来,他们也没有得到一个合适的回报率。破产重组公司Alvarez&Marsal亚洲联席主管汤姆琼斯(TomJones)表示。

    Even if the bondholders get their money back in five years , they are not being paid an appropriate rate of return , says Tom Jones , co-head of Asia for Alvarez & Marsal , the restructuring firm .

  17. 一些给持有人有权购买或出售的基本工具,如股票或ETF基金发行的需要对某一特定价格。

    Some give holders the right to buy or to sell the underlying instrument such as a share or ETF to the warrant issuer for a particular price .

  18. 上述方案还包括欧盟和国际货币基金组织(IMF)再次提供710亿欧元纾困贷款,同时鼓励未来8年内到期的希腊债务的私营部门持有人把所持债务换成新的30年期债券。

    The proposal includes € 71bn in new bail-out loans from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund , while private owners of Greek debt maturing over the next eight years would be encouraged to swap their holdings for new 30-year bonds .

  19. GT请求法院为了GT债权人、股权持有人及其他利益相关者的利益,以及为了确保程序的公开、透明和公平,批准它无保留地在文件中披露其详细情况。

    It asked the court for permission to file unredacted details of its situation in the interest of their creditors , equity holders and other stakeholders , as well as to ensure an open , transparent and fair process .

  20. 一个正在考虑的做法债权人纾困(bail-in)将让私人部门银行债务持有人首先承担损失,然后再由政府进行救助。

    One such process under consideration , known as a bail-in , would see private sector bank debt holders take losses before further government rescues took place .

  21. 据摩根士丹利东京分析师YukimiOda分析,日本迅销公司(FastRetailing)——优衣库品牌持有人——其销售额是两个最大竞争对手(印第纺织和瑞典H&M集团)的百分之六十,但营业利润仅是其规模的三分之一。

    According to Yukimi Oda of Morgan Stanley MUFG in Tokyo , sales of Fast Retailing , Uniqlo 's parent , are about 60 % of those of its two biggest rivals , Inditex and H & M of Sweden , but operating profits are only a third the size .

  22. 摩根士丹利在其去年提交的一份文件中表示,它与上述债券持有人之间没有任何交易,因为它把这些债券直接卖给了bloxham。

    The US bank said in a filing last year that it had no dealings with any of the Noteholders , since it sold the notes directly to Bloxham .

  23. Demarest让这些玛雅人成为了他的文物挖掘项目的权益持有人,从而达成了两重目的:为这些玛雅人提供长期就业机会,并激励他们保护文物遗址不被洗劫。

    By making them stakeholders in his excavations , Demarest fulfils a twofold vision : providing them with both long-term employment and an incentive to protect the excavation sites from looting .

  24. 第一节主要介绍了可转换公司债券持有人享有的主要权利内容。

    The first section mainly introduces the primary rights of bondholders .

  25. 该行表示,不久将安排召开一次债券持有人会议。

    A debenture-holder meeting would soon be arranged , it said .

  26. 债券持有人和股东们将首当其冲。

    Debt and equity holders will bear the brunt of it .

  27. 许可证持有人必须完全遵守本许可证的全部条件。

    The Permit Holder shall comply with all conditions of this Permit .

  28. 这些债务的持有人很多都是德国的金融机构。

    And much of those debts are owed to German financial institutions .

  29. 论契约型证券投资基金持有人利益的法律保护

    On the Legal Protection of Contract-type Securities Investment Fund Holders ' Interest

  30. 最理想的情况是,债券持有人也将被清理出场。

    Optimally , bondholders would be wiped out , too .