
  1. 就目前而言,中印两国都从供应持续性和成本的角度来定义能源安全。

    For now , both countries define energy security in terms of continuity of supply and cost .

  2. 本文的创新之处是:提出加强我国证券公司监管的基本原则:防范性原则、持续性原则、成本收益原则、透明度原则。

    First , present the basic principle of the securities company supervision , such as protection principle , enduring principle , cost-profit principle , limpid principle .

  3. 相比其他贷款机构,邮政储蓄银行依托邮政储蓄20多年的迅速发展,在开展小额贷款业务上具有规模优势,使其能持续性地开展相对成本较高的小额贷款业务。

    Compared with other credit institutions , Postal Savings Bank of China has operated post savings for more than twenty years , and has advantage of big scale which can makes sustainability in operating relatively cost-high microcredit .