
chí xù qī
  • durative phase
  1. 火花点火发动机着火延迟期、燃烧持续期及NOx排放的数值模拟预测

    Numerical Simulation Predication for Ignition Delay , Combustion Duration and NO_x Emissions of SI Engines

  2. 增施氮肥可提高CAP,并延长其高值持续期;

    Application of N-fertilizer could increase CAP and elongate its high value duration .

  3. 比较美迪安鸡新城疫传染性支气管炎二联活疫苗免疫产生的HI抗体滴度高,持续期长。

    Compare Indonesia Newcastle disease Infectious bronchitis bivalent live vaccine produced HI antibody titers , and long duration .

  4. 利率风险度量方法主要包括:利率敏感性缺口法、持续期法、VaR三种方法。

    Interest rate risk measurement method mainly includes : Interest rate sensitivity gap method , duration method and VaR.

  5. 对育成鸡的加强免疫持续期达14个月,滴鼻或肌注攻毒全保护,证实新城疫W/O/W活性复乳已达到实用要求。

    The protected rate of immuned chickens using W / O / W active multiple emulsion are all 100 % for challenge of NDV .

  6. 然后以持续期概念为基础,建立了在银行资产负债表中计算VaR的参数和非参数方法。

    The paper builds up the parameter and nonparameter methods to calculate VaR based on Duration model in bank balance sheet .

  7. 行情公告牌信息对交易者行为的影响&基于自回归交易持续期模型(ACD)的分析

    The Effect of Announced Information about Market Quotations on the Behavior of Dealers

  8. 由于喷油持续期延长,低喷油压力使PAHs在生成后期生成速度加快。

    Under the lower fuel injection pressure , the fuel injection duration was so longer that PAHs formation became faster at later period .

  9. 目前国际最为流行的风险测量工具之一是VaR(ValueAtRisk),其对利率风险度量的有效性优于传统的缺口分析和持续期分析法,是巴塞尔协议推崇的风险计量方法。

    At present , one of the most popular tool to measure risk in the world is VaR ( Value at Risk ), whose efficiency in interest rate risk measurement is better than the traditional Gap and Duration method .

  10. DME比例加大,着火始点提前,放热率峰值上升,燃烧持续期缩短。

    While the proportion of DME increased , the ignition time advanced , the peak heat release rate increased , and the combustion duration decreased .

  11. 烟度和氮氧化物排放同时降低,外特性线上的一氧化碳降低,碳氢排放仍然很低。对燃烧特性的分析发现:DMC柴油混合燃料的着火延迟延长,燃烧速率加快,燃烧持续期缩短。

    Combustion analysis , showed that ignition delay and , maximum heat release rate increased , while combustion duration decreased when engine fueled with DMC-diesel blended fuel .

  12. 开花前后是棉花生育期间群体光合速率高值持续期(PAD)开始的标志,吐絮前后是棉花PAD结束的标志。棉花PAD是棉花栽培管理的重点时期。

    Blossom is the beginning of cotton PAD , and the beginning of open boll stage is the end of cotton PAD , so the PAD is the key stage in cotton cultivation .

  13. 主要包括缺口管理、持续期管理、VAR管理和金融衍生工具管理等管理方法和原理及其实际运用操作。

    The third part is about the management of commercial bank upon interest rate risk , including the theory of gap management , duration management , VAR management and financial derivative tools management , etc.

  14. 结果表明,EGR率加大,着火时刻滞后,放热速率降低,燃烧持续期延长。

    The results indicate that with the increased EGR rate , the ignition time delayed , the heat release rate decreased , and the combustion duration extended .

  15. 用Richards方程模拟籽粒直链淀粉和支链淀粉的积累过程发现,直链淀粉和支链淀粉终积累量的高低取决于其积累启动时间的早晚和前期积累速率的高低,而不是积累持续期的长短。

    Simulating with Richards Equation showed that it was initiating time and accumulation rate , but not accumulation duration that determined the content of starch composition .

  16. 对激光点火系统与传统的火花塞点火系统在天然气发动机燃烧和排放性能方面进行了燃烧持续期、失火极限、敲缸极限、NOx排放等参数的比较;

    A comparison of some parameters of combustion and exhaust emission such as burn duration , misfire knock limit , NO_xemission etc between Laser-induced Spark and conventional spark plug ignition had been carried .

  17. 本文介绍了火花点火发动机着火延迟期、燃烧持续期及NOx排放的数值计算方法,并结全准维湍流卷吸模型进行了数值计算。

    A numerical simulation method for ignition delay , combustion duration and NOx emissions of spark-ignition engines is developed , and the numerical calculation is carried out with the quasi-dimensional turbulent entrainment model .

  18. 翻正反射法还可同时测定肌松药的LD50、潜伏期以及持续期等。

    At the same time , the LD50 and the latency and duration of muscle relaxation could also be revealed in the righting reflex test .

  19. 扩散燃烧速率降低,燃烧持续期延长;2.对柴油机性能和排放的影响有:油耗有较大上升,排温下降,排放除NOx的变化不大外,碳烟、CO和HC大幅度降低。

    Its effect to engine 's performance and emissions : the fuel consumption increases , the exhaust temperature decreases , the emissions of PT , CO and HC decrease greatly with nearly no increase of NO_x .

  20. 以6×6双列杂交的F1~F3及亲本为试材,对籽粒灌浆持续期和籽粒灌浆速率进行配合力分析。

    The combining ability of grain filling duration ( GFD ) and grain filling rate ( GFR ) in wheat were investigated by using 6 × 6 diallel crosses .

  21. 第二章,主要是详细介绍国外常用的几种利率风险度量模型,这主要分为三节,分别介绍利率敏感性缺口模型、持续期模型和VaR模型。

    The second chapter mainly introduces the most common used interest rate risk measure models in the world , which is divided into three sections , interest rate sensitivity gap model , duration model and VaR model .

  22. 直立穗型品种不同叶位单叶净光合速率(PN)最大值差异不明显,增施氮肥可延缓PN高值持续期,但对提高PN影响不大。

    The highest net photosynthetic rate ( PN ) of different single leaves differs no significantly with erect-panicle type variety . Adding N-fertilizer could elongate higher value phase , but no significant effect on increasing PN .

  23. 实验结果表明:随EGR率提高,各种燃料的两阶段着火时刻推迟,燃烧持续期延长;

    The experimental results indicate that the combustion phase at the first stage and second stage will be postponed , and the combustion duration will increase with the introduction of Cooled EGR .

  24. 基于VAR系统的脉冲响应分析结果表明吸收能力对技术外溢的动态冲击效应具有较为长久的持续期,而技术差距对技术外溢的动态冲击作用相对较短。

    A further empirical test based on impulse response function points out the fact that the duration of response of technology spillover towards a unit deviation standard shock of absorptive capability is much persistent than towards that of technology gap .

  25. 结果表明,采用内部EGR控制,可以实现泵气损失降低10%~25%,但燃烧过程恶化,燃烧持续期增加,在小EGR率情况下,油耗略有改善。

    Results show that pumping loss can be reduced by 10 ~ 25 % by using the internal EGR load control , but meanwhile the combustion process deteriorates and the combustion duration becomes longer .

  26. 直立穗型水稻群体光照及温度、湿度、CO2浓度等生态条件较为优越,故生育后期叶面积指数(LAI)衰减较慢,群体光合速率(CAP)高值持续期长。

    The illumination , temperature , humidity and concentration of CO 2 in the erect panicle type population are superior to the curved one , and the LAI has relatively slower attenuation in the anaphase and has a longer high CAP period .

  27. 结果表明,与使用含氧混合燃料时相比,在供油时刻不变情况下,富氧进气时燃烧持续期长,指示热效率低,排气烟度低而NOx排放高。

    The fuel supply timing was fixed at 28 ℃ A. The research results show that compared to oxygenated blend fuel , OEA makes longer combustion duration and lower indicated thermal efficiency and soot emissions as well as higher NOx emissions .

  28. 慢性持续期肺脾气虚型、气阴两虚型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型四组,组间比较肌酐、GFR水平,无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    There was no statistical significance among Qi deficiency of lung and spleen , Qi and Yin deficiency , Yin deficiency of liver and kidney , Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney in serum creatinine and eGFR ( P0.05 ) .

  29. 对该批疫苗的持续期进行了试验,结果表明疫苗在SPF鸡上可维持4个月,但在肉鸡上则维持不了4个月。

    For the duration of the vaccine was tested , results showed that the vaccine effectiveness in SPF chickens can be maintained on 4m and however the vaccine effectiveness could not sustain in the broiler on 4m * 6 .

  30. DME的着火位置靠近喷嘴一侧,柴油与DME的体积相同时,DME的燃烧持续期比柴油短;

    When the fuel delivery amounts of DME and diesel in volume are the same , the combustion duration of DME is shorter than that of diesel fuel , and the flame temperature of DME is lower than that of diesel .