
chí cānɡ
  • Position;hold shares, bonds, etc.
  1. GlobalXFunds推出的一只交易所交易基金在发行仅仅三周后,就将持仓增至7000万美元。

    An exchange-traded fund launched by Global X Funds has increased its holdings to $ 70m in just three weeks since launching .

  2. MT银行也一直是我们一个非常好的持仓。

    Munger : MT Bank ( MTB ) has been a wonderful holding for us .

  3. 设计并实现了基于语义的Web信息抽取系统,通过应用于期货持仓的良好效果验证了本文抽取方法的可行性和有效性。

    Based on proposed information extraction , designed and implemented semantic-based Web information extraction system , used it in the analysis of the future goods , verified the feasibility and availability .

  4. 澳大利亚纽克雷斯特矿业公司(NewcrestMining)是我们目前持仓最大的股票。

    Newcrest mining is our largest holding .

  5. 截至2008年6月,SAC已将对Elan和惠氏的持仓规模分别扩大至3.28亿美元和3.63亿美元。

    By June 2008 , SAC had increased its positions in Elan and Wyeth shares to $ 328m and $ 363m respectively .

  6. NEWTONORIENTALFUND经理贾森•皮德科克(JasonPidcock)认为,亚洲的内部消费需求很快将超过全球平均水平,他希望调整其基金的持仓,以便从中获益。

    Jason Pidcock , manager of Newton 's Oriental fund , thinks that domestic consumer demand in Asia will soon outstrip the global average and wants to position his fund to take advantage .

  7. 由于去年3月至10月间铂价格大幅下挫,去年投资者的铂ETF持仓总量减少了近一半,但被来自日本投资者的罕见需求抵消。

    Investor holdings in platinum ETFs dropped by almost half in 2008 as prices fell sharply between March and October . This was offset by exceptional demand from Japanese investors .

  8. 来自芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的持仓数据显示,在此次就业报告公布前夕,押注美元下跌的空头头寸数量,处于2008年6月以来的最高水平。

    Bets on further dollar weakness short dollar positions were at their highest level since June 2008 , according to positioning data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , going into the jobs report .

  9. 在美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)的5位委员中,已有两人表示担心,认为对石油及其它大宗商品期货设立持仓上限的议案,有可能使交易从美国交易所流失。

    Two of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission 's five commissioners have voiced worries that proposals to cap investors ' holdings in oil and commodities futures could drive trading from US exchanges .

  10. 对冲基金历来非常神秘,许多基金甚至拒绝向投资者透露它们的持仓不过,gam仅仅要求获得最低限度的资料,即资金在大宗商品或股票等各个资产类别中分配情况的数据。

    Notoriously secretive , many funds refuse to disclose positions they have even to their investors - although gam demands only data on allocations to classes of assets , such as commodities or equities , as a minimum .

  11. 2012年,美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)对葛卫东及其控制的一家公司罚款50万美元,并责令其返还因在豆油和棉花期货合约上违反投机性持仓限制而获得的100万美元利润。

    In 2012 , the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission fined Mr Ge and a company he controlled $ 500,000 and made him return $ 1m for exceeding speculative position limits in soyabean oil and cotton futures contracts .

  12. 新系统能让gam发现投资组合持仓过度集中的现象,还可以防止基金经理转换投资类型比如,全球宏观型基金经理本应投资于利率和外汇产品,但事实上他们却购买了股票。

    The system allows gam to spot too much concentration in the portfolio , but also to avoid managers switching styles - for example , global macro managers supposed to be betting on interest rates and currencies but in fact buying equities .

  13. 二是基于持仓的风格分析。

    Second , the style of analysis is based on position .

  14. 基金增幅来源于持仓股票的增长。

    The increase stems from the growth of the stock positions .

  15. 提款前帐户内所有的持仓部位必须已平仓。

    All open positions must be closed prior to any withdrawals .

  16. 这一页用来显示户口持仓的具体资讯。

    This page is used for displaying the detail of account position .

  17. 持仓量最大的期货合约或品种。

    That future having the largest number of open contracts .

  18. 共同基金会在每月报告各自的持仓情况以及投资业绩。

    Mutual funds report their holdings and performance every month .

  19. 许多资产管理公司目前对美国国债的持仓量偏低,而偏重于企业债券。

    Many money managers are underweight US Treasuries in favour of corporate bonds .

  20. 事实上,持仓报告已指向大规模做空。

    Indeed , positioning reports point to large shorts .

  21. 燃料油期货市场成交量、持仓量与波动性关系

    Relations among volume , open interest and volatility in fuel oil futures market

  22. 他们之后作出了继续持仓的决定,这最终挽回了所有损失。

    They ended up holding on to the position and making the money back .

  23. 交易所按照买入和卖出的持仓量分别收取交易保证金。

    The exchange shall , according to trading positions , collect the trading deposits .

  24. 所有在美东时间5月15日下午4时前建立的持仓将不受影响。

    A.All positions that are opened before4pm ET on May15th will not be affected .

  25. 洛维特拒绝透露他的持仓情况。

    Mr. Lovett declined to discuss his holdings .

  26. 回溯测试表明模型在实证中能很好控制投资者持仓期间的价格变动风险,有效规避爆仓事件发生。

    The back testing results show that the model can control price risk very well .

  27. 这种持仓也存在相应的风险。

    Such holdings come with danger attached .

  28. 在设计其持仓限额时,要考虑他们的风险承受能力和市场操纵能力。

    For institutional investors , considering their risk-bearing capacity and market operation ability is necessary .

  29. 反复地重新衡量你的持仓头寸。

    Repeatedly reevaluate your open positio .

  30. 合约限量及须申报的持仓量

    Contract limits and reportable open position