
zhuān mén mào yì
  • special trade
  1. 卡恩昨日在英国驻迪拜大使馆为一个专门贸易中心揭牌,以帮助英国公司在海湾地区(西至摩洛哥,东到伊朗)开展业务。

    Andrew Cahn was in Dubai to launch a specialist trade hub at the British Embassy to help UK companies do business in the region , from Morocco to Iran .

  2. 它将长期在关贸总协定体制内采用的一些基本法律引入到投资领域,是世界上第一个专门规范贸易与投资关系的国际性协议。

    It has introduced some basic laws , which have been adopting in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) system for a long-time , to investment field . And it is the first international agreement specialising in regulating trade and investment relationship .

  3. 这个律师专门从事涉外贸易的业务。

    This lawyer exclusively practices in international trade matters .

  4. 此种进口权将不适用于专门保留国营贸易企业进口的货物的数量。

    Such right to import would not extend to the quantity of goods specifically reserved for importation by state trading enterprises .

  5. 中琉贸易的形式是多样的,有册封贸易,有朝贡贸易,还有私人贸易,并且出现了专门从事琉球贸易的福州商人,史称球商。

    There also appeared some Fuzhou merchants who specially engaged in the trade with Ryukyu . They were known in history as Ryukyu tradesmen .

  6. 他专门从事进出口贸易。

    He specializes in import and export trade .

  7. 他们专门和中国进行贸易。

    They specialized in trading with china .

  8. 山东泰山金属有限公司创立于1994年,是一家专门从事国内钢材贸易的民营独资企业。

    Shandong Taishan Iron Limited Company was set up in 1994 , it was a privately owned enterprise which focused on domestic steel commerce .

  9. 世界各发达国家均以垄断法为基础,制定了单独的法规指南,用于专门规制国际技术贸易中的限制性商业做法。

    Lots of developed countries established specialized regulation for restricting the business practice in international technology trade . All of this are based on the Monopoly Law .

  10. 一旦独立的专门小组&国际贸易委员会判定国内的市场受到影响,是否施行该条款的决定权就转到了总统的手里。

    Once the International Trade Commission , an independent panel , says that such disruption has occurred , it is up to the president to decide whether to impose remedies .

  11. 所以,各国纷纷采取措施对其进行防范,有些西方国家制定了专门的防止国际贸易及金融欺诈的法律,有的国家专门成立了防止国际贸易和金融欺诈的机构。

    Consequently , strong measures have been taken in all countries in order to prevent from this fraud , including some laws , regulations , and special institutions for prevention of letter of credit fraud .