
  • 网络resource products
  1. 国内短缺原材料和资源性产品

    Raw and semi-finished materials and resource products which are in short supply in China

  2. 大力支持国有企业、金融体制和资源性产品价格等其他改革。

    Reforms related to state-owned enterprises , the financial system and prices of resource products will be strongly supported .

  3. 资源性产品进口关税状况及政策建议

    Current situation and suggestion on import tariff of resources products

  4. 加快资源性产品价格的市场化改革进程;

    Moreover , speed up process of resource price marketization ;

  5. 国际资源性产品价格运行规律的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Rules of Volatility of International Resource Products Price

  6. 我国优势资源性产品的开放战略&出口原材料限制案启示

    Opening-up Strategy of China Advantageous Resources Products

  7. 中国铝资源性产品供需状况与政策选择探讨

    Discussion on the Supply and Demand Situation of Aluminium Resources and the Relevant Policy in China

  8. 理顺资源性产品价格,增强中西部地区自我发展的能力;

    Readjusting the prices for products of a resource nature and enhancing the self-development capability of the central and western regions ;

  9. 我国经济正在平稳快速增长,市场对资源性产品的需求巨大。

    The economy of China has been growing rapidly and steadily , so the market demand for resource products has keep rising .

  10. 推进资源性产品价格改革,建立健全居民用水、用气阶梯价格制度。

    We will reform pricing of resource products and establish a sound system of tiered pricing for household water and gas consumption .

  11. 158.中国代表表示,中国对部分农产品、资源性产品和化学品实行出口许可证制度。

    158 . The representative of China said that China applied its export licence system to certain agricultural products , resource products and chemicals .

  12. 工业硅行业和钢铁、电解铝等行业一样,都是高耗能的资源性产品行业。

    Same as the industry of iron and steel or electrolytic aluminum , metallurgical silicon industry , is a high energy-consuming industry of resource products .

  13. “价格下跌为政府提供了很好的机会进行资源性产品的价格机制调整,并放松价格管制”,陈说。

    " The declining prices offer the government a great opportunity to adjust the price mechanism for resource products and relax price control ," said Chen .

  14. 资源性产品价格改革稳步推进,酝酿多年的成品油价格和税费改革方案顺利实施。

    The plans to reform the prices of refined petroleum products and related taxes and fees , which took years to formulate , were implemented smoothly .

  15. 在金属出口限制的问题上,代表团表示,中国采取的措施符合国内关于高污染、高能耗资源性产品的法规。

    On the restriction of metals exports , the mission says China took measures to meet domestic regulations on high polluting , high energy-consuming resource products .

  16. 并就此在介绍我国资源性产品关税及相关调整政策原则的基础上提出了对资源性产品进口关税及相关政策调整的建议。

    At the point adjusting suggestion on import tax rates of resources products was put forward by introducing relevant adjusting principles on import tax rates for resources products .

  17. 人民币升值将有利于机械产品及资源性产品进口,但与升值带给整个经济的危害相比,利益是有限的。

    Yuan appreciation would benefit China 's imports of products from machinery to resources , but the benefit would be limited compared with the damage to the overall economy .

  18. 完善资源性产品价格,全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。

    We will improve the pricing of resource products and fully implement a system of tiered pricing for electricity , water , and natural gas used for household purposes .

  19. 黄金是稀贵金属,具有货币和商品双重属性的特殊资源性产品,黄金具有很大的需求市场。

    The gold is a sparse precious metal , having the special resources product of the currency and merchandise dual attribute , the gold has a very big need market .

  20. 分别对我国石油和煤炭的贸易政策进行了阶段性划分,并指出这两种资源性产品贸易政策的演变具有紧-松-紧的特点。

    The periodical segmentation of Chinese petroleum oil and coal trade policies , and points out the evolution of the trade policy has a character of " tight-loose-tight " . 4 .

  21. 企业成本上升脚步未停,石油、煤炭等资源性产品价格上涨趋势未改,环保成本以及劳动力成本都有所提高。

    The pace of business does not stop the rising costs , petroleum , coal products and other resources need to maintain the trend of prices , environmental costs and labor costs have improved .

  22. 降低或取消了钢坯、钢材、未锻轧铝等高能耗、高污染和资源性产品的出口退税。

    Conversely , tax rebates were cut down or removed on products featured with heavy energy consumption , heavy pollution and resource-related , such as billet , rolled steel and aluminum not forged or rolled .

  23. 深化资源性产品价格和环保收费改革,作为节约能源资源、保护环境、实现可持续发展的重要举措。

    We will deepen the reform of prices for resource products and environmental protection charges . This is an important measure for conserving energy and resources , protecting the environment , and achieving sustainable development .

  24. 在昨日发表的采访中,陈德铭表示,将在限制“两高一资”(高污染、高能耗、资源性产品)产品出口,同时遵守国际贸易规则的基础上,逐步降低出口税率至零。

    In the interview published yesterday , Mr Chen said the government would gradually reduce export taxes to zero while following international trade rules and restricting industries that were highly polluting , energy intensive or wasteful of natural resources .

  25. 为进一步控制高能耗、高污染和资源性产品出口,我国自2006年11月1日起,调整部分进出口商品暂定税率,对未锻造锰出口加征15%关税。

    To control the products which are of high energy loss , greater pollution and resource nature , our government adjusted temporary tax rate of import & export commodities from Nov.1,2006 , including 15 % of customs rate of unforged man genes .

  26. 摘要通过分析我国资源性产品进口关税现状,得知整体资源性产品进口关税水平已经偏低,部分产品税率下调空间有限。

    Based on analysis of import tax situation on resources products in our country , it is known that level of import tax rates of resources products has been lower , and lowing space of the tax rates of some products is limited .

  27. 我国的出口退税制度改革对限制资源性产品出口、鼓励农产品出口以及解决历史拖欠退税款、缓解人民币升值压力有重大意义。

    The reform of the refund system of export tax in China is significant in limiting the exportation of resource products , encouraging the exportation of agricultural products , collecting the historical default tax , and relieving pressure of the of the appreciation of RMB .

  28. 随着资源性产品价格全面上涨和“民工荒”的出现,随着国内环保力度的加大和国际贸易中“绿色壁垒”的增多,常熟中小企业的成本竞争优势遇到了资源和环境的双重约束。

    With the resource price rising , labor in shortage , the domestic environmental protection strict and the green trade barriers increasing , the advantages of the cost competition of medium and small enterprises in Changshu have encountered the binding force of environment and resource .

  29. 我国的石油产业存在国家垄断性强、政企不分、监管混乱等弊端,这种政府对微观经济的过度干预会严重削弱市场竞争机制,使作为资源性产品价格改革重要环节的成品油价格改革难以为继。

    Our petroleum industry features high monopoly by the government and the chaos of supervision , which will weaken the free market mechanism severely and make the refined oil price reformation which is a core part of the resource products price reformation difficult to continue .

  30. 在全球能源、资源性产品价格不断上涨的情况下,我们不仅要面对价格波动带来的生产成本的增加和商业风险,而且要面对其中蕴藏着的潜在的政治风险和资源安全风险。

    Under the situation of price constantly increasing of global resources , resource type products , we not only will face manufacturing cost increase and commercial risk caused by price fluctuation , but also face potential political risk and resources safety risk hided inside . 2 .