
  • 网络Sources of Funds;funding source;funding;Source of Funding
  1. 在对资金来源和偿还风险分析之后,指出目前的MBO融资主体不合法,并且在MBO完成后又缺乏对诸如道德风险、逆向选择等有效监管。

    On analyzing the Sources of funds and Repaying risk , the article considers the main body of finance is illegal , and after finishing the MBO , the adverse selection and the moral hazard can 't be supervised efficiently .

  2. 为铁路发展多方提供资金来源&我国铁路的融资战略

    Providing Multiple Sources of Funds for Railway Development-China 's Railway Financing Strategy

  3. 然而,所有这些经济活动必须有资金来源,而且世界金融体系的稳定对保持世界贸易持续增长至关重要。

    Yet all this economic activity must be financed , and the stability of the world financial system is critical to the continued growth in world trade .

  4. 如果对这笔收入征收更多的税,那将是改善基础设施的一个不错的资金来源。

    If that income were better taxed , it might provide the revenue for better infrastructure .

  5. 可能会有人对该项目的资金来源提出质疑:资金来自宠物食品公司希宝,其产品中使用了大量的鱼类。

    Questions may be raised about the funding for the project – it 's from the pet food company , Sheba , which uses a lot of fish in its products .

  6. 其中12例不得不要求航空旅行信托基金(airtraveltrustfund)这个备用资金来源提供资金,帮助处于困境中的度假者返回家乡。

    In 12 cases , there had to be calls on the air travel trust fund which is a back-up source of funding which helps bring home stranded holidaymakers .

  7. 提供合法的资金来源,培育机构投资者,以及构建多元化的监督体系是我国MBO融资的现实选择。

    Also , the paper puts forward suggestion of MBO financing , supporting legal capital , fostering institutional investor , and constructing supervising system .

  8. 文章结合WTO框架内有关农业的国内支持政策要求,对我国财政支农政策的现状及其转变进行了简要分析,并从政策观念、资金来源和农业生产条件等方面提出了相应的对策建议。

    In the light of claims of WTO in the domestic fiscal agricultural policy , the article analyses and discusses the present condition of agricultural fiscal policy of China , and also puts forward relevant suggestions .

  9. 税收激励政策从三个方面影响企业RD投资:一是降低了企业RD投资资本的使用成本,增加了企业RD资金来源;

    Tax incentive affect enterprise 's RD investment from third aspect : first , tax incentive policy reduces the capital cost of enterprise 's RD and increases the fund of enterprise 's RD.

  10. 但是应该看到,当前我国已进行的MBO在收购价格、资金来源、法律、制度等诸多方面还存在亟待规范之处。

    But we must note that the domestic MBO should be regulated in the price of purchase , the resource of capital , the laws , the systems and some other respects .

  11. ifc表示,这个贴现票据项目将帮助其分散资金来源,同时测试本币市场的市场基础设施。

    The IFC said the discount note programme would help it to diversify its funding sources , while also testing market infrastructure in the local currency market .

  12. 本案例对宇通客车MBO过程进行了比较详尽的描述,作者对宇通客车MBO的政策环境、资金来源、信息披露、收购定价、司法拍卖的公正性进行了剖析。

    This case describes the process of MBO of Yutong Bus in detail . The author analyzes policy environment , buyout pricing , capital origin , information disclosure and judicial auction in this case .

  13. 通过分析我国上市公司实施MBO的特点提出以下假设前提条件:(1)管理层偿还融资利息的资金来源于股利与卖出部分股权的收益;

    By analyzing the characteristics of MBO of listed company in our country , it proposes postulated conditions : ( 1 ) The funds repaid for the interest of financing stem from dividend and earnings of transferring of the stock ;

  14. 英国寿险公司保诚集团(Prudential)表示,看到该公司今年在亚洲发行的一笔7.5亿美元混合融资项目被热捧后,将把亚洲视为一个资金来源地,并可能在当地筹资。

    Prudential will look to Asia as a source of capital and could raise equity there after the UK-based life assurance company saw big demand for a $ 750m hybrid capital raising in the region this year .

  15. 或许最重要的是,这种情况还出现在向对冲基金提供贷款的承保标准、结构性投资工具(siv),以及作为独立投行主要资金来源的回购市场。

    It is also perhaps most importantly true for underwriting standards in lending to hedge funds , structured investment vehicles and , crucially , in the repo markets that are the main funding source for standalone investment banks .

  16. 近年来中国私有企业发展迅速,其资金来源主要是场外交易市场(curb-market),其次是企业自身的利润。

    Chinese private companies have grown rapidly in recent years mainly on finance provided initially by the curb-market and then through their own profits .

  17. 我国高新技术企业风险资金来源及融通问题研究

    Research on Risk Financing Problems of New High-Tech Corporation in China

  18. 运用市场机制扩大城市建设资金来源的几点思考

    The thought of broadening urban construction financing resources by exercising marketing-mechanism

  19. 你们偷我的钱因为你们的资金来源断了。

    You stole my money because your funding was cut off .

  20. 关于可持续林业的财政机制和资金来源的讲习班

    Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry

  21. 发展中国家工业项目资金来源录;

    Directory of financial resources for industrial projects in developing countries ;

  22. 图书馆联盟;资源共享;利益平衡;资金来源;

    Library Consortia ; Resources sharing ; Interests balancing ; Fund sources ;

  23. 确定用于研究这些问题的资金来源。

    Identify sources of support for the agreed research questions .

  24. 三是确保廉租住房保障资金来源。

    Third , the capital for low-rent housing security should be ensured .

  25. 我们需要加强“国际货币基金组织”的资金来源。

    We need to fortify the resources of the International Monetary Fund .

  26. 主权基金为美国的银行提供了新的资金来源。

    Sovereign-wealth funds have provided new capital for American banks .

  27. 政府采购是以政府为主导的采购行为,采购资金来源于政府的财政资金。

    Government procurement is government-led procurement , which is financed by public fund .

  28. 企业融资的资金来源主要包括债务、股权和混合性证券。

    The funding sources of firms include debt , equity and hybrid securities .

  29. 因此基础设施的建设和运营就要求有长期且稳定的资金来源。

    This requires that infrastructure construction should have stable and long-term capital source .

  30. 应有效解决管理者收购的资金来源和清偿;

    A effective way to get capital and clear-up ;