
  1. 银行作为社会储蓄者和资金需求者之中介,以提供资金收取利息作为其主要收入来源。

    As the financial medium between public savers and fund applicants , banks are mainly paid off by the interest of loan .

  2. 投资银行的基本功能是在资金需求者与资金供应者之间充当中介人,它在中国是个新生事物。

    The basic function of investment bank is the media between the demanders and suppliers of money , It is a new thing in China .

  3. 其次,金融扩张政策导致股价上升,刺激资金需求者通过发行新股和可转债进行融资。

    Secondly , it made a fake boom in stock prices , stimulate the demanders to issue new shares and convertible bonds to collect money .

  4. 在整个上市上柜的流程中,承销商主要扮演发行公司和投资人的中介角色,其业务在资本市场中资金需求者与资金供给者间。

    In the whole process , the Underwriters mainly act as intermediaries ( i.e.the issuing firms and investors ) between those who have money to invest , and those who need capital .

  5. 投资银行业就是证券和股份公司制度发展到特定阶段的产物,在现代社会经济发展中作为资金需求者和资金供应者相结合的一个特殊的金融中介机构,它参与了几乎所有种类的金融市场。

    The investment banking is the product of the development of joint-stock company system at particular stage . As an intermediary of fund users and fund suppliers , investment bank participate in almost every aspect of the financial market .

  6. 非公有经济是民间借贷市场主要的资金需求者之一,实证分析结果显示非公有经济发展,其资金需求量增加,推动了民间借贷的发展。

    Finally , both non-state-owned economy and collective economy are one of the major capital demanders in the informal credit market , with the development of them , the result indicates that there is a increasing demand for capital , which can boost the development of informal credit .

  7. 投资银行是美国的称谓,它的基本功能是在资金的需求者和资金的供给者之间充当中介。

    Investment Bank is the description of the United States , which acts as intermediary between the demands and providers of capital funds , this is its basic function .

  8. 金融中介资产转化的功能主要是通过各种金融工具、提供各种服务,将吸储的货币资金贷放给需求者,使其向投资转化,最大限度地使金融资源产生增值的功能。

    The asset conversion function of financial intermediaries is to lend the savings from the suppliers to the demanders , through various financial tools and service , in order to maximize the value-added functions of financial resources .

  9. 而从产权的角度来看,金融中介机制的运行过程实质上就是金融中介、资金供给者、资金需求者等行为主体之间进行的一系列金融交易行为的集合。

    In fact , the mechanism is a combination of financial transactions among financial intermediations , suppliers of funds and demanders of funds .

  10. 从非正规金融的直接效应和规制介入对于非正规金融的间接效应两个层面出发进行分析,将资金提供者、政府规制与资金需求主体融资三者结合起来。

    From the direct effects of non-formal financial and regulatory intervention for the indirect effect of non-formal financial analysis of two levels of departure , the funders , government regulation and financing of the three main funding needs together .

  11. 从本质上讲,金融是一种跨期交换行为,即资金的供给者通过暂时出让资金的使用权来换取一段时间内价值的增值,而资金的需求者则承诺实现这种增值。

    Essentially , finance is a cross-period exchange behavior which fund providers can obtain the value increment over a period of time by temporarily assigning the use right of fund while fund demanders promise to achieve this .